The Secretly Rich Man Chapter 31-40

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 31

”I…I will not stay here!”

When Xavia looked at Yuri, she knew exactly what he meant.

This was too embarrassing!

Xavia continued shaking her head.

“My dear, please remember how kind I’ve always been to you. Just wait for me here. I’ll head home and look for some money, then drive back here to pick you up. After that, we can just stay outside for the night, okay?”

Yuri glanced at Gerald as he said that sentence. This was also a reminder to Xavia that the reason why they came for the dinner tonight was because they wanted to embarrass Yuri and she should not forget that!


Xavia calmed down when she thought of Gerald.

Of course, Xavia had to prove that her new boyfriend was definitely a hundred times better than Gerald! A hundred times better!

She must not lose face in front of Gerald.

“Okay, fine, I’ll stay here and wait for you. Anyway, I know that you’re rich and you’ll definitely come back for me.”

Xavia intentionally spoke very loudly at this time.

When Yuri saw that Xavia had already agreed to stay, he hurriedly withdrew from the restaurant.

Xavia had originally wanted some of her friends to stay behind to accompany her. However, Cassandra said that it would not be good for so many people to be out of the dormitory so late at night. Therefore, she took the rest of the girls back to the campus with her.

Gerald was the last one to leave the restaurant. In fact, Gerald felt a little distressed when he saw Xavia in this state.


How could Yuri actually leave Xavia alone at the restaurant all by herself in the middle of the night? Gerald could not help but feel his heart aching.

After all, he had already been in a relationship with Xavia for more than three years and he would be lying if he said that he did not have any feelings for her at all.

Even though Gerald was very disappointed with Xavia, he could not bring himself to hate her at all. He kept persuading himself that Xavia was not really a bad person.

Gerald did not feel happy at all to see Xavia in this kind of situation. If Xavia would just beg him and ask for his help, Gerald would definitely agree without any hesitation at all.

However, at this time, Xavia simply glared at Gerald with a cold expression on her face. She was confident that Yuri would definitely come back for her in a short while.


Gerald could not help but sigh to himself. If that was the case, then he did not need to worry anymore.

Perhaps the Xavia that he felt distressed for was the sensible and well-behaved Xavia in the past, and not the vain and materialistic Xavia that she had become today.

Hence, Gerald left the restaurant without turning back.

Gerald got back to the boy’s dormitory a short while later. Gerald had humiliated Yuri in front of all of his classmates and it was supposed to be a very happy day for him.

However, Gerald was not happy at all.

At this time, Harper came over before he patted Gerald gently on his shoulder. “Gerald, are you okay with spending so much money for dinner today? We tried to stop you a few times but in the end, you ended up spending so much money anyway. You should have kept the thirty thousand dollars instead of spending it all at one go so you can enjoy and spend the rest of your days in university more comfortably.”

Gerald smiled before he said, “Huh? Who told you that I only won thirty thousand dollars from the lottery?”


Gerald’s roommates quickly gathered around him because they were all in shock at this time.

“Well, I have a lot more money than this and even though the meal tonight cost quite a huge sum of money. In actual fact, I did not spend that much at all.”

Gerald quickly explained the situation to his roommates.

“How much did you win from the lottery then, Gerald?”

“Yes, how much did you win from the lottery, Gerald? Don’t keep us in suspense any longer!”

At this time, Harper and the rest of his roommates were all lying on Gerald’s bed as though they would not let him go to sleep if he did not tell them the truth.

Gerald was helpless and he could only show them his fingers.

“Eight? Eighty thousand dollars?” Harper asked with a shocked expression on his face.

“Let’s go to sleep already! It’s Saturday tomorrow and I have to go to the library early in the morning to study. I have to go to bed early in order to wake up early tomorrow!” Gerald replied as he covered his face with his quilt as he got ready to sleep.

“Tell me! Is it eighty thousand dollars or eight hundred thousand dollars?”

Harper was very anxious. However, after harassing Gerald for a short while, Harper decided to give up.

In fact, it did not matter to him whether Gerald won eighty thousand dollars or eight hundred thousand dollars. All that mattered to him was that Gerald finally had some money.

Harper felt very content as he thought about it.

As Gerald was hiding beneath his quilt, he could not sleep even though he really wanted to sleep.

This was because he was still worried for Xavia.

He did not know if she had already returned from the restaurant.

In fact, Gerald had actually conducted an investigation on Yuri before and he found out that his family was not exactly very rich. Yuri’s father owned a factory and he gave Yuri about one thousand dollars for his allowance every month. Moreover, Gerald knew that Yuri did not have a lot of savings.

He would definitely not have enough money to pay the bill tonight.

Moreover, based on his personality, Gerald knew that Yuri would not go back and pick Xavia up from the restaurant.

Gerald thought that Xavia would definitely call him to ask for his help. However, Gerald waited until midnight and Xavia did not call him at all.

Why was he worried about her in the first place? The person that she loved was Yuri, and not him…

Gerald felt very helpless at this time.

The next day was a Saturday. While Gerald’s roommates were still lazing in bed, he received a phone call early in the morning but it was not a phone call from Xavia. Instead, it was a phone call from Zack!

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 21

Gerald got out of bed before he rushed into the bathroom to answer the call.

“Good morning, Mr. Crawford!” Zack greeted Gerald respectfully.

“My. Lyle, thank you for calling today. I’d like to ask you something…” Gerald asked as he smiled.

“Mr. Crawford, please let me know what you’d like me to do. You can just give me your instructions and I’ll get it done immediately!”

Gerald told Zack all about the money that he had spent at Homeland Kitchen last night.

“Oh! Is that so? Mr. Crawford, I don’t think you spent ten thousand dollars anyway. After all, the high-end red wine that you ordered last night, which cost you nine thousand dollars, is actually produced by the Crawford family abroad. Therefore, the cost of the red wine was only a few hundred dollars. Hahaha…”

Zack smiled. To be honest, it was really a shame that Gerald had only spent so little money just like that. However, Gerald was already showing progress in the task that Jessica had already entrusted him to do.

“Mr. Crawford, what can I do for you? Do you want me to refund you the twenty thousand dollars? I’ll get to work as soon as you give me the order to do so…”

Zack listened as he said again, “Ahem. Forget it. After all, the money is also going back into my own business.”

Initially, Gerald was planning to get his money back.

However, after listening to Zack’s tone, he felt that it would be really embarrassing if he asked him to transfer that money back to him.

Moreover, he would also feel a little embarrassed if he asked Zack to do that.

Anyway, the money that his sister had given to him came from all these industries and businesses that they owned.

“By the way, is there a reason for you calling me today, Mr. Lyle?” Gerald asked immediately.

“Yes, there’s something I’d like to tell you. After finding out that your poverty-stricken days are over, the bosses of most of the major businesses on Mayberry Commercial Street would like to hold a special banquet as a celebration for you. I was just wondering if you’d have the time to attend the banquet since it is a Saturday,” Zack said in a soft tone.

Initially, Gerald had planned to go out to relax.

However, since everyone had specially put together a special reception for him, he did not want to let them down. Moreover, Gerald really wanted to get acquainted with more people. Otherwise, he would always look like a pauper and a fool.

Therefore, Gerald immediately agreed to attend the banquet.

In order to express the grandeur of the banquet, they had chosen for the banquet to be held at an exceptional and five star luxurious hotel instead of holding the banquet at one of the establishments on Mayberry Commercial Street.

It was a really luxurious restaurant!

After talking to Harper and his other roommates, Gerald went downstairs as he prepared to head out of the campus. As he was passing by the girls’ dormitory, he looked up and he saw a person walking out of the girls’ dormitory.

It was none other than Xavia.

“Huh? Why is she back at the dormitory?”

Gerald originally thought that Xavia would be spending the night out with Yuri after he rescued her from the restaurant.

In fact, Gerald was feeling a little distressed because of that.

As soon as Xavia saw Gerald, she said, “Hahaha. Gerald, are you heading out for your part-time job since it’s already the weekend? Did you run out of money after spending so extravagantly last night?”

“Let me tell you something. You can never compare to Brother Yuri. Did you know that Brother Yuri came back for me in less than an hour last night? We were initially planning to spend the night outside together. However, we decided not to do so since I’m on my period anyway…”

Xavia stared at Gerald with a triumphant look on her face. In fact, she had deliberately said all of this because she wanted to provoke Gerald.

She was Xavia, the goddess he would never be able to get in this lifetime!

“Okay!” Gerald replied with a bittersweet smile.

At this time, a white BMW 3-series roared in front of the campus. As soon as he rolled down the car window, Yuri looked at Xavia with a smile on his face before he glanced coldly at Gerald.

“Hahaha. Gerald, I know that you were trying to make a fool out of me last night. Unfortunately, you didn’t succeed in doing so. Did you really think that I wouldn’t have money to pay for the meal?” Yuri asked as he glared at Gerald.

After that, he took out a diamond ring from his pocket before he said, “Xavia, I bought this for you. Do you like it?”

“Wow! It’s a diamond ring. It must cost at least one thousand five hundred dollars! I knew that you’re rich, Brother Yuri, unlike some people who have simply won a little money from the lottery!”

“Of course I’m rich. I have plenty of money. Xavia, I’ll bring you to a nice place today and we will be spending a lot of money! However, some people will have to be poor in the future! Come, get in the car!”

Xavia was very excited and she quickly got into the car. Then, Yuri glanced at Gerald contemptuously before he drove out of the campus.

Xavia was very excited after getting into the car and she asked Yuri, “Brother Yuri, why don’t you tell me how you managed to raise so much money last night? Moreover, why does it seem as though you became richer overnight? Did your father give you all this money?”

Yuri chuckled as he continued using his cell phone as he drove.

After that, he deleted a piece of software on his cell phone without leaving any traces behind. “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, just remember that Gerald can never compare to me! He’s just a piece of trash!”

“Wow! I’m really very happy!”

After getting ridiculed by Yuri and Xavia early in the morning, Gerald no longer had the mood to go out. Moreover, he could not help but wonder how Yuri managed to get so much money overnight.


Gerald laughed to himself because he did not know why he was taking it to heart.

He headed straight to the library before reading some books and spending some of his time studying.

When it was almost noon, Gerald called for a cab before he headed to the Brilliant Star Restaurant. It was a six-star restaurant in Mayberry City. Of course, it could not be compared to any of the restaurants on Mayberry Commercial Street. However, it was still a very luxurious and expensive restaurant.

Because he had been busy reading and did not estimate the traffic on the road, Gerald arrived a few minutes later than the time that they had agreed on.

He walked very swiftly as he was in a hurry.


“Ahh! Are you crazy?”

When he was passing through the turnstile, Gerald had pushed the turnstile a little too hard and he unintentionally hit the girl who was behind him.

The girl clutched her chest tightly as she cursed at Gerald and this attracted the attention of many people as they gathered around to find out what was happening…

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 33


Gerald hurriedly apologized.

After that, he raised his eyes before he stole a glance at the girl behind him. He was immediately shocked by the girl’s beautiful appearance.

She was wearing a tight-fitted dress and she had very long, flowy hair that fell over her shoulders. She looked about the same age as he was but her body had already developed perfectly at this time.

She was definitely one of the most beautiful girls that Gerald had ever seen.

“Sorry? Do you think it’s over just because you say you’re sorry?”

The girl continued cursing violently at him as she rubbed herself gently.

When Gerald indirectly hit her with the turnstile, she had injured herself and he could feel a fiery pain on her body at this time.

In fact, it was obvious that she was the one who had bumped into Gerald but since she saw that Gerald was dressed in such a casual manner, she decided to put the blame on him instead.

“If I wasn’t in a hurry, I’d definitely teach you a lesson today!” The girl continued shouting at Gerald.

After that, she pushed Gerald out of the way as she yelled, “Get out of my way, dumbass!”

After she was done cursing at him, the girl walked towards the elevator. Gerald really did not expect such a beautiful girl to actually be so violent. However, he could not help but smile as he thought about it.

At this time, Gerald stepped into the elevator when it arrived at the ground floor.

“What are you doing here?”

As soon as he entered the elevator, Gerald was unexpectedly greeted with a hostile attitude from the girl who had bumped into him a short while earlier.

What she meant was how could a dumbass like him actually think of riding the same elevator as her? This was very humiliating for her!

“Oh, I have to go upstairs because there’s something I need to do!” Gerald replied immediately.

After that, the girl turned around to face the other side because she did not want to look at Gerald.

Ding ding…

At this time, Gerald suddenly swallowed his saliva.

The girl’s fair and snow-white thighs were really very alluring.

Gerald turned away, pretending to look aside as though nothing had happened. After that, he secretly glanced at her thighs again when she was not paying any attention.

It was really exciting!

Who asked that crazy girl to bump into him, and then yell at him for no reason at all? Well, it was only reasonable for him to take advantage of her a little as a form of payment, right?

Gerald tilted his head a little because he wanted to glance at the girl’s thighs again. However, he realized that the girl had already turned around to face him at this time.

Right now, she was staring at Gerald with hatred in her eyes.

“You…you…you’re really a scumbag! How dare you peek at me even when you’re at such a high-end location? You’re despicable!” the girl yelled at him angrily.

Forget about his trashy dressing! This person was just so wretched and disgusting!

She felt that she was going insane!

“Who said I’m peeking at you? Does it mean I’m peeking at you just because I lowered my head and looked at the ground?” Gerald retorted even though he had a guilty conscience.


The girl raised her hand before she gave Gerald a tight slap across his face. “You’re a scumbag! Don’t go! Wait for me to deal with you!”

After that, the girl pressed the elevator before she stepped out of the elevator with a furious expression on her face.

“Damn it. It is such a waste that she is beautiful because she has such a bad temper!”


However, Gerald did not feel that he had been mistreated when she slapped him across the face. In fact, he did not lose out at all because he was checking her thighs out after all.

It seemed that it was necessary for him to look for a girlfriend now that he had decided to give up on Xavia!

As he thought about this, Gerald took the elevator to the VIP room on the seventh floor that Zack had already told him about earlier.

It was a large and luxurious private room suitable for hosting all sorts of parties and large gatherings.

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 34

When Gerald stepped into the room, he realized that there were many people inside.

The atmosphere was pretty lively. There were about a hundred women and men of all ages in the room, and the waiter and waitresses shuttled back and forth while the drinks were all self-service.

If Gerald did not guess wrongly, then these people should be the bosses and owners of the shops and establishments on Mayberry Commercial Street.

Gerald glanced around but he could not find Zack.

He took out his cell phone as he tried to call Zack, only to realize that his cell phone had already died a long time ago.


Gerald had been using his cell phone last night and had forgotten to charge it!

Forget it! Gerald decided to just wait for Zack to come over and greet him when he arrived at the room later.

After walking around the large room for a short while, Gerald could only smile helplessly to himself before he found a quiet corner to sit down by himself.

After that, he decided to have some fruits and drinks first.

The waiter and waitresses were so busy and they did not notice even Gerald. As Gerald was drinking and eating the refreshments that were served, he was noticed by a group of rich second generation young ladies from Mayberry Commercial Street.

“Look at that guy. It has already been a while since he’d been eating and drinking while sitting in that corner. Do any of you know him? Is he really from Mayberry Commercial Street?”

“I definitely have not seen him before!”

The girls frowned as they shook their heads.

“I don’t think he is someone from Mayberry Commercial Street. How can that be possible? Just look at the way he’s dressed! I think he’s just someone who snuck in to enjoy the food and drinks here for free!”

“You think that he came in here to steal food? No way! Could there possibly be such a shameless person?”

“Why not? I do think he’s really that shameless! Look at him. He’s dressed so shabbily and there must be a reason why he chose to sit in that quiet corner all by himself.”

“That makes sense!”

The sons and daughters of several owners of the businesses on Mayberry Commercial Street started discussing and talking about Gerald.

“The boss of Mayberry Commercial Street, Gerald Crawford, will be coming here today. I don’t want someone like that shabbily-dressed man to ruin the atmosphere!”

“What would Mr. Crawford think of our parents’ ability to do things? How can someone like him be allowed to enter this venue?”

A young and charismatic man dressed in white sneered as he looked at Gerald.

“Oh, look! Elena is here!”

At this time, one of the girls exclaimed as she pointed at the entrance.

“Elena, come here!”

The girl waved at Elena Larson.

As soon as Elena entered the room, the eyes of the young boys brightened up immediately.

Elena was wearing a short dress and her long hair was draping over her shoulders. Her beautiful face was perfect and she really looked like a goddess compared to all the other girls present in the room.

When Elena walked towards her friends, some of the older guests could not help but glance at her long, fair legs with perverted expressions on their faces.

At this time, the young boys were also staring at Elena.

“Elena! Why are you only here now? Didn’t we agree to come here together?”

“Elena, why do you look so unhappy? Did something happen?” the young man dressed in white suddenly asked, with a face full of concern.

“Ugh. Don’t mention it anymore. When I was downstairs, I ran into a wretched scumbag! First, he touched me in an inappropriate place. After that, he was peeking at me as we took the elevator up together! That’s why I had to stop by the washroom to fix my clothes!” Elena complained as she exhaled with a pale expression on her face.

She was quite fluent and good at talking.

The first reason why she had hurried out of the elevator earlier was because she did not want to stay in the same elevator with that perverted scumbag.

Secondly, she felt as though her underwear had moved when she slammed into the turnstile earlier. Therefore, she went to the bathroom to fix her underwear and her clothing.

She was very annoyed!

“Damn it! How can something like this happen?”

The boy dressed in white and the other brothers and sisters were all very furious at this time. How could anyone touch Elena inappropriately? She was their goddess and the boys here did not even dare to touch her hand!

“Alright, Elena. Wait for us to get rid of this sneaky little thief first. After that, we will head to the surveillance control room and look for that man that you were talking about!”

The young man dressed in white glanced at Gerald, who was enjoying his fruits and vegetable salad at this time.

“Yes, we should get rid of that thief first!” echoed all the girls at this time…

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 35

”A food thief?”

Elena was startled and she looked in the direction that the young man dressed in white was pointing at. As soon as she saw the man that he was pointing at, Elena’s eyes widened immediately.

“It’s him!”

“Who is that? Elena, do you know that food thief?”

“Hmph! He is that wretched scumbag I was talking about!” Elena said in a furious manner as she walked towards Gerald.

The rich and young wealthy girls and boys followed behind Elena at this time.

At this time, Gerald was enjoying all his food and he was thinking about how he was going to greet the bosses and owners of the businesses on Mayberry Commercial Street later.

After all, this was the first time that Gerald had ever attended an event like this.

At this moment, it suddenly became very dark in front of him.

Gerald lifted his head and he saw a group of people standing in front of him. Gerald realized then that the leader of the group of people was none other than the beautiful but violent and aggressive girl that he encountered in the lobby earlier.

“It’s really you!”

“Why are you here?” Gerald exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face.

“You, you…you aren’t only nasty but you actually dare to sneak in here and steal our food? I think that you must be really tired of living!” Elena yelled angrily before she continued, “Sisters, this is the man who was peeping at me in the elevator just now!”

“Hmph! Let’s teach him a lesson!”

After that, the group of five or six girls started attacking Gerald under Elena’s orders. They pounced on Gerald and they started scratching him, choking him, pinching him, and tearing at his clothes!

The rich young boys were much calmer and they simply watched as they stood at the side. After all, there were so many seniors there today.

If Gerald fought back, it would not be too late for him to fight him then!

“What are you doing? Don’t think that I won’t hesitate to fight back…”

Gerald’s hair was already all messed up. His clothes were completely torn and he had purple bruises all over his face because the girls had been pinching and beating him.

He was starting to lose his temper.

At this time, Elena slapped him across his face again.

“Who asked you to peek at me? I’ll kill you for peeping at me!”

Crazy woman! They were a bunch of crazy women!

Gerald protected his head as the bunch of girls continued attacking him aggressively as they pushed him on the ground.


At this time, a middle-aged man stood up before he stopped the girls. In fact, many people had already surrounded them because of the huge commotion.

The middle-aged man was wearing glasses and he sounded very gentle but he had some sort of magnificent aura around him.

As soon as he spoke, Elena and the other girls stopped hitting Gerald immediately.

“Dad! Don’t worry! Just let me kill this wretched scumbag! Did you know that he was actually peeping at me when we were in the elevator earlier? He even has the audacity to sneak in here to steal our food now!” Elena said as she stomped her feet angrily.

Warren Larson was at a loss for words as he stared at his daughter.

Warren knew that his daughter had a bad temper and a strong sense of justice. However, he did not want to make the situation so uncomfortable for the rest of the guests present here today.

He could vaguely remember the incident last year when Elena had witnessed one of her female classmates getting bullied by another rich young man. In an attempt to get justice for her female classmate, Elena attacked the rich young man and took away his manhood.

Therefore, when Warren saw that his daughter was beating someone up again, he hurried over immediately so that he could stop her before anything happened.

“What is happening here? Young man, could you tell me who you are?”

Warren frowned slightly when he saw Gerald with his tousled hair and messed up appearance. He did not recognize Gerald as someone from Mayberry Commercial Street and Warren knew everyone from the Mayberry Commercial Street, regardless of their age.

“I am…”

Gerald was about to reveal his identity at this time. However, Elena had already raised her leg to kick Gerald’s crotch. Gerald stopped her before she could do so.

Damn it! If he did not react fast enough, he would have already lost his manhood!

This woman was insane!

He was going to teach her a lesson in future!

Gerald secretly swore in his heart while Elena was still trying to attack him. However, a team of men entered the room under Zack’s leadership at that moment.

“Mr. Lyle!”

“Mr. Lyle!”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 36

Everyone in the room greeted Zack in a respectful manner, including the group of young men, who also stood up as they greeted him.

Elena also gave up attacking Gerald at this time.

“What’s happening? What’s everyone up to now?”

Zack had an extremely strong and majestic aura around him and at this time, he glanced at Elena and the rest of the people who were crowded at the corner.

“Fortunately, Mr. Crawford isn’t here yet! Otherwise, what would he think of all of you?” Zack yelled at the group of young men before he glared at the young man dressed in white.

The boy dressed in white felt very wronged at this time because he did not do anything at all. However, he was also a part of the group.

Warren quickly changed the topic at this time. “Mr. Lyle, didn’t you say that Mr. Crawford was about to arrive?”

Zack replied in a cold manner, “Well, I can’t seem to get in touch with Mr. Crawford now. I think that he has already turned off his cell phone.”

“Would Mr. Crawford decide not to come after all?”

At this time, the crowd of people had a sad expression on their faces. This was their best opportunity to meet and present themselves to Gerald Crawford.

Sure enough, it was not as simple as they thought it would be. Gerald was simply not someone that would show up just because they invited him to the banquet.

At this time, Zack seemed to be able to read their minds and he knew exactly what they were thinking.

After that, he said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Crawford isn’t the person you think he is. He’s a very peace-loving and amicable person and if he’s told me he’ll be here, then he’ll definitely be here today!”

After he was done speaking, Zack turned around to look for a young man before he said, “Flynn, find a way to contact Mr. Crawford as soon as possible! We have to look for him as fast as we can!”

Flynn quickly stepped forward before he nodded respectfully at Zack.

“Uncle Zack, we’re supposed to host a banquet for Mr. Crawford today but it seems as though someone had tried to crash our banquet. How should we deal with him?”

Elena looked at Zack in a coquettish manner at this time.

“Oh? Is that so? What does my niece want to do with that man?”

Zack smiled before he looked at Elena.

Elena was really very beautiful, lively, and pleasant. In fact, Zack had always doted on her because he really admired her strong sense of justice.

“Hmph! I suggest that we hand him over to Brother Flynn and bring him over to Brother Flynn’s martial arts studio to beat him up and teach him a lesson!”

Flynn could not help but smile when he heard Elena’s words.

Zack glanced at the figure of the young man who was lying on the ground because he had been beaten beyond recognition by the group of girls.

After that, he gave a wry smile before he said, “Alright then. Flynn, just do as Elena suggested then…but first, you have to go and look for Mr. Crawford!”

“Um…Mr. Lyle, you don’t have to look for me. I’m here!”

Gerald only intervened at this time.


As soon as Zack heard Gerald’s voice, his body started trembling uncontrollably. Then, he looked at the young man who was lying on the ground with tousled hair and a messed up appearance.

Zack’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at Gerald. At this time, the crowd of people could only exchange glances with one another, unable to comprehend what was happening.

“Hmph! You nasty guy! You still dare to talk now? Who did you say you are?” Elena asked in a contemptuous tone as she glared at Gerald.

“Hahaha! You’re really good at acting! You’re even pretending to be Mr. Crawford now, aren’t you?”

The group of girls were also very annoyed at this time.

After Zack regained his senses, he turned a deaf ear to what the young girls had said, as he was really confused at this time. They were supposed to give Gerald a welcome party today but he was beaten up instead?

Zack walked up to Gerald before he shouted in a respectful manner, “Mr. Crawford! I am so sorry for what happened!”

Zack was bowing before Gerald at a ninety degree angle!


The crowd of people were all shocked at this time. Elena and the other young ladies were also very confused.

Was this person…really the boss and owner of Mayberry Commercial Street? Was he really the one who was backing Zack up all along? This man here…was Gerald Crawford?

Warren had already turned pale and he quickly said, “Mr. Crawford, I’m really happy to meet you today.”

After that, he bowed in front of Gerald in a humble manner.

He felt that his life was over. His daughter had just beaten Gerald up so badly!

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Crawford!”

The rest of the crowd also bowed as they greeted Gerald.

However, Elena and her friends were still standing straight and they did not bow in front of Gerald at all.

At this time, Gerald looked at Elena with a playful look on his face as he said, “So, young lady, how should we deal with this matter now?”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 37

“I…I don’t know…”

Elena felt very ashamed and angry at this time. It felt as though she had already knocked over a bottle of wine. She would never have thought that this wretched and disgusting man would actually turn out to be the famous Gerald Crawford.

He was truly part of the rich second generation in every sense!

“Mr. Crawford, I apologize for everything that my daughter had done earlier. You can punish my daughter however you wish to.”

Warren was bent over and he did not dare raise his body at all.

To be honest, when he saw Elena and Warren acting this way, Gerald’s anger had already subsided.

In fact, Gerald knew that he was also at fault because he had indeed behaved a little wretchedly earlier. However, it was all because Elena was showing off her long and beautiful fair legs!

This was the first time that he had ever been surrounded by so many women in his life!

Based on Gerald’s personality, he would not regard this as a big matter and he would simply let this matter go just like that. He would just endure this humiliation on his own.

However, Zack could read his mind and he said in a low voice, “Mr. Crawford, you have to punish them because they were trampling all over your family tradition. After all, if you don’t punish them after they have already publicly offended you, the damage would definitely be irreparable when your sister finds out about this matter in the future. The consequences aren’t as simple as you think they are!”

At this time, Gerald looked at Warren, who was still bowing in front of him.

Gerald knew that he would have to punish Elena and her friends.

Otherwise, all the big bosses on Mayberry Commercial Street would not fear him.

Alright then, he would have to punish them.

Gerald looked at Elena and all the other beautiful girls with a cold expression on his face before he said, “Brother Zack, please arrange for a big room for me and bring all the girls into the room on my behalf!”

Zack got to work immediately without saying anything else and Elena bit her lips gently. It seemed as though she already knew her own fate and she was filled with shame and anger at this time.

However, Warren and the other fathers took a deep breath after listening to his instructions. Everyone understood Gerald’s intentions immediately.

But this kind of punishment? Was it even a punishment?

It was simply a reward!

Once his daughter was done with her service and if she was favored by Gerald, then the Larson family would also gain an advantage.

Warren thought that he could take advantage and make use of this opportunity to replace Zack’s position so he could gain control over Mayberry Commercial Street instead.

Obviously, the fathers of the other girls also had the same thing in mind. They were constantly winking at their daughter, as though they were trying to convince them to perform and serve Gerald well.

At this time, Zack had already prepared the room that Gerald had asked for. After that, Gerald brought Elena and the four other girls into the room with him.

Zack naturally waited outside the door.

“Mr. Crawford…what…what do you want?” a young and beautiful girl suddenly asked with an embarrassed look on her face.

“Hahaha. What do you think I want? The five of you have beat me up like this and you’re actually asking me what I want?”

Since he was angry anyway, he should just release his anger now. He should let it all out.

“I want all five of you to lie on the bed now!”


Elena clenched her fists slightly at this time.

She really did not expect Gerald to be such a nasty person. If it wasn’t because of her fear that her family would collapse and pay the consequences of her actions, she would never do anything that Gerald wanted her to do.

Hahaha. Elena did not know what to imagine now.

After all, she had always despised such nasty people and all these nasty things, but she was actually being forced to do these nasty things with so many other girls now!

However, Elena still gritted her teeth as she obeyed Gerald’s instructions and lay on the bed with the four girls.


Gerald slapped one of the girls.

After that, he continued slapping them, one after the other.

The girls felt very embarrassed and they were also hurting but they had no choice but to endure it. At this time, Elena was on the verge of breaking into tears after getting slapped by Gerald.

“You want to hit me? Let’s see if you still dare to hit me in the future!”

Gerald gave each of them another tight slap across their faces. After that, he finally heaved a huge sigh of relief as he felt so much better at this time.

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 38

If he really wanted to do anything, he would have chosen Elena, but Gerald did not have that type of overlord personality and character.

However, Gerald had to punish them. So, he thought of giving them this kind of nasty punishment so they would always remember this day.

“Sob. Sob.”

After half an hour, the girls walked out of the room. All of them had a painful and miserable expression on their faces. At this time, all the second-generation rich young lords were stunned.

Damn it! Mr. Crawford was simply too amazing. He could actually punish all five of the beautiful girls within half an hour and those girls could barely walk in a straight line now!

The young boy dressed in white also secretly admired Gerald. Since Gerald was still interested in Elena and the other girls, however, he did not dare harbor any other ideas.

Today’s meal was very interesting.

When all the wealthy businessmen, including Warren, learned that their daughter did not have sexual intercourse with Gerald, they were all extremely disappointed.

“Mr. Crawford, why don’t I send you back home?”

The reception banquet ended perfectly and Zack and his entourage quickly followed after Gerald as he offered to send him home.

Gerald was about to nod when at this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly suddenly squeezed in before he said, “Mr. Crawford, why don’t you allow my son to send you home instead? This is my son, Aiden Baker. He’s studying at Sunnydale University, which isn’t too far from Mayberry University!”

The middle-aged man did not seem to care about the type of car that someone like Gerald should be sitting in. In fact, he did not really care about Gerald’s existence at all. All that he wanted was for Gerald to ride in his son’s car and his purpose in doing so was just so Gerald would remember his son’s name! That was sufficient for him!

Of course, Aiden was none other than the former second-generation rich kid dressed in white. At this time, Aiden was a little shy as he stood in front of Gerald with his hands behind his back. After all, the Crawford family was a very wealthy and powerful family! How could he possibly not be nervous in front of Gerald?

However, Gerald did not say much and he simply nodded and said, “Alright then. I am sorry to trouble you, brother.”

“What? It’s no trouble at all. No trouble at all!”

Aiden’s father was pleasantly surprised that Gerald was actually so easygoing.

Aiden was also very excited at this time. He left in a hurry before driving his car to the main entrance.

Aiden was driving a Ferrari that was worth about seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

“Hey, Fatty Baker, how could you possibly ask Mr. Crawford to ride in this kind of car?”

The other people tried to stop him as soon as they saw Aiden’s car. “Mr. Crawford, why don’t you ride with me instead? I have a Rolls-Royce!”

“Yes, Mr. Crawford, you cannot possibly ride in this car! How is it befitting of your status?”

The other bosses and businessmen competed for Gerald’s attention at this time.

“No, this car is fine. I will go back to my campus now. Let’s get together again sometime in the future!”

In fact, Gerald was so mesmerized that he could barely move his eyes as soon as he saw the Ferrari.

He had always dreamed of buying a car but he did not even dare to dream of owning a Ferrari.

Therefore, even though he had a vast collection of Ferrari posters, he never had the opportunity to sit in a Ferrari before.

Gerald could not take his eyes off the Ferrari.

As soon as he got into the car, Aiden quickly said goodbye to everyone before he drove off immediately.

Elena could not help but blush when she looked at Gerald’s back as he was leaving the venue. She felt very confused at this time.

The other bosses and businessmen were looking at Gerald and they were all filled with admiration for Gerald.

“Mr. Crawford is unexpectedly such a gracious and humble person. He is so low-key and down to earth! His future is really limitless! Limitless!”

Even though Aiden was also very excited, he was very low-key in front of Gerald.

Gerald did not allow him to drive him directly into the campus. After all, it would be too high-profile for such an expensive Ferrari to drive into their campus. This was not in line with Gerald’s low-key and introverted character.

Therefore, he asked Aiden to drop him off in front of the university gate.

At the same time, Gerald really enjoyed his ride in the Ferrari.

Since his sister wanted him to spend the three million dollars on his Universal Global Supreme Shopper’s Card, perhaps he should just use the money to buy a car then?

As he was thinking about this, Gerald started walking towards the university.

However, he did not notice the pair of eyes that was already fixed on him at this time.

“Gerald, you…you…stop right there!”

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 39

Gerald could hear a girl calling out to him.

When he turned around, he realized that it was none other than Whitney, the president of the student union.

Obviously, Whitney had already witnessed the scene where Gerald had gotten out of the Ferrari. At this time, she was staring at Gerald in disbelief with an extremely shocked expression on her face.

“How can I help you?”

Gerald did not expect that he would still be seen by an acquaintance even though he had already asked Aiden to drop him off such a long way from the campus.

Gerald knew that the reason why Whitney called out to him was because she wanted to find out why he had gotten out from the Ferrari.

However, Gerald pretended to be a little confused.


“You, you, you…why did you just get out of a Ferrari?” Whitney asked him directly.

During her last few encounters with Gerald, she had really experienced many shocking revelations.

First of all, she found out that Gerald won the lottery and he could actually buy everyone a meal at Homeland Kitchen last night. Moreover, he did not hesitate to splurge at all.

Therefore, Whitney decided to ask Gerald’s classmates about this matter because she wanted to find out what exactly was going on. The answer that she got from them was that Gerald had won the lottery and he won thirty thousand dollars.

However, at this time, many of the students were already speculating that Gerald won much more than thirty thousand dollars from the lottery.

This made Whitney feel very uncomfortable. How could Gerald, who was nothing but a pauper have such good luck? Was God blind?

It was only normal for her to feel this way.

After all, no one would feel comfortable or happy if someone that they had been bullying all their lives was suddenly living a better life than they were!

Whitney had been meaning to find Gerald and get to the bottom of this matter.

How much did he win from the lottery?

Unexpectedly, she ran into him as she was about to leave the university and she saw him getting out of the expensive Ferrari.

“Oh, that is my friend’s car. He’s just dropping me off at school,” Gerald replied lightly.

“Hahaha. Your friend’s car? Who is your friend? Would you, Gerald, actually have friends who are so wealthy? I won’t believe you even if you kill me!”

Whitney was not convinced at all.

“Well, it doesn’t matter to me whether you believe me or not. Besides that, whether I have any rich or wealthy friends has nothing to do with you at all, has it?” Gerald replied as he was starting to get annoyed.

This woman was just too unreasonable.

Gerald was also starting to discover that after he had gotten some wealth, he was also undergoing a subtle personality change. Before this, he would never have had the courage to speak to Whitney in this manner.

Whitney was really dissatisfied with Gerald’s tone at this time.

“You! Wow! Gerald, don’t you know how to appreciate others’ concern for you? I’m just worried that you’ve been cheated by some MLM organization. Don’t you know how some MLM organizations work to deceive people? First, they try to draw the person’s attention by using various means to please you. After that, they make you vain and materialistic. Once you get used to living like a rich person, you’d have to continue working for them to maintain the lifestyle that you’ve already gotten used to! Otherwise, you’ll only be a useless person!”

“Furthermore, as the president of the student union, don’t you think I have the right to meddle in your private affairs? If you really did join an MLM organization, you’ll only discredit the student union department! I’m only trying to advise you because you’ve been poor all your life and you know nothing about anything that’s going on in this world!” Whitney continued speaking in a sarcastic manner.

Gerald smiled bitterly before he shook his head and said, “I’ve already told you the truth. There’s nothing else I can say. The car really belongs to my friend!”

“Fine! Let’s forget about the car then. Let me ask you about the lottery that you won yesterday! I heard people saying that you spent more than twenty-two thousand dollars for dinner last night! Is it true? I thought you won thirty thousand dollars in the lottery? Did you actually spend twenty-two thousand dollars just like that?” Whitney asked as she looked at Gerald.

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 40

”Thirty thousand dollars? Who said I won thirty thousand dollars? That is all their own guesses and assumptions. I only withdrew thirty thousand dollars from the bank but who said that I won thirty thousand dollars from the lottery?” Gerald replied with a confident expression on his face.

When Whitney saw the expression on his face, she could feel her heart sinking immediately.

Sure enough, her guess was right. Since Gerald was more than willing to spend twenty-two thousand dollars at one go, Gerald must definitely have won more than thirty thousand dollars in the lottery.

“How much did you win, then?”

“It isn’t convenient for me to tell you that much. Anyway, it isn’t too much! Not too much at all! Okay, Miss President Jenkins, if there isn’t anything else, I’d like to leave now!” Gerald replied with an indifferent expression on his face.

Whitney felt as though she was about to explode at this time!

“Hmph! Do you really think you’re so great? You’re just fortunate to win some money from the lottery! However, you can never be compared to a second-generation rich kid like Victor!”

Whitney stomped angrily because she could not stand Gerald’s current attitude towards herself.

Victor was also a second-generation rich kid. Though he was not very capable nor impressive, no matter what it was, in Whitney’s eyes, a second-generation rich kid was definitely better compared to Gerald who had merely won the lottery.

Beep. Beep

At this time, an Audi A6 stopped right beside Whitney.

After rolling down the car window, Victor stuck his head out as he looked at Whitney.

“Whitney, why is your complexion so pale? Are you feeling unwell? Or do you not want to accompany me for my Audi A6 maintenance appointment?” Victor asked casually.

“No, Victor, it isn’t that. I’m just feeling a little depressed. Actually, I’m feeling a little confused right now and I’m also feeling inexplicably depressed! Ahh! Why am I feeling so depressed?”

Whitney could not explain her feelings at this time.

When Victor saw that Whitney was feeling so upset, he knew that his opportunity had come and he hurriedly comforted her. “Whitney, why don’t you get into my car first? You can slowly tell me what happened. Perhaps I will be able to help you then…”

Whitney nodded.
Since more and more of the students were coming out to play at this time, Whitney felt very good and proud to be sitting in an Audi A6.

After getting into the car, Victor parked his car at the entrance of the university and he did not intend to drive away at all. At this time, Whitney quickly told Victor about her encounter with Gerald.


Victor sneered before he said, “Whitney, why are you so worried about Gerald? So, what if he won the lottery? I heard that Gerald has already become a pauper again! Hahaha. I had actually wanted to tell you all about it today!”

Last night, Victor had also been embarrassed because Gerald had actually paid for a more expensive package at Homeland Restaurant compared to him. He had also been very curious and concerned about Gerald winning the lottery.

Therefore, he sent someone to look into the situation.

“What? So, has Gerald really turned into a pauper again? Who did you hear the news from? According to one of Gerald’s classmates, Gerald won more than thirty thousand dollars from the lottery and that’s the reason why he was more than willing to spend twenty-two thousand dollars on dinner last night!” Whitney said immediately.

“Hahaha. Yes, it’s true that Gerald won thirty thousand dollars from the lottery. The reason why he spent twenty-two thousand dollars on dinner was because he wanted to fight against his love rival, Yuri. Both of them had wanted to show off in terms of who had more money and they decided to split the bill for one of the most expensive private rooms with signature dishes. Gerald went all in and that was the reason why he paid so much money for the dinner last night. Even though Yuri had also lost face last night because he could not pay eleven thousand dollars on the spot, I would say that they were both the losers last night!”

“Ahh! So, it turns out to be like that. I knew that Gerald would never be so lucky but…”

Whitney continued speaking. “Victor, did you know that Gerald actually got off a Ferrari in front of the school entrance just now? Moreover, that Ferrari is an international limited edition worth at least seven to eight hundred thousand dollars! I asked him about it and he told me that the Ferrari belongs to his friend!”

“Oh? Did something like that happen? Did you see clearly? Was it really an international limited edition Ferrari?”

“Yes, I saw it clearly!”

“Damn it! How could Gerald possibly know someone who drives a limited edition Ferrari?” Victor mumbled to himself.

Both of them felt very depressed at this time.

How could Gerald actually have better connections than they had?

How could that be possible? How could they allow it?

No! Absolutely not!

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