The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds Chapter 3

The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds Chapter 3-There was no reason for him to stay any longer.

Once they left, Cecelia said, “He thinks he’s so important after having been in the army for only seven years? He thinks he can tear down our family? What a joke.” Everyone burst out laughing.

“Wilfred, can you find out when the legate will be arriving?” Harold put the matter aside and asked his son.

“Yes, Father.” Wilfred nodded, then quickly called the person who had contacted him earlier.

The Xanders started getting ready. The women put on makeup so they could present their best selves to the legate.

After some time, Wildred turned to his father awkwardly. “Father, they said that he was here and just left.” “What?” Harold was worried.

He came and left? Why?

He turned to look at them and anxiously asked, “Did you see anyone come in?” Harold took a deep breath. Did he miss his chance for a big break?

because he was upset,” Leonard said, still holding his face.

he left,” Cecelia and the others chimed in.


The house was not very big—just a two-bedroom house. Even though it was old, it was spotless.

Rue nodded. “Son, after you were shipped off, your grandfather took away Paraiso from us and tied it to the Xander Group. You know that I’m not good with business and don’t know much about culture, so your uncle, Leonard, took the house. He’s staying there now.” tough life.

“Where have you been?” Rue asked.

son was the War Legate. He decided to bring up his real identity when he got a better chance in the future.

Rue smiled happily. He was her son. There was finally a man in the house to support them.


me, so there’s no point arguing with her over it. I’ll explain to her over time.” Rue sighed. Her son had not been back in seven years. Only she as his mother ***

Samantha Cowell was his wife. She married him when she was nineteen, but Samantha was from the Cowell family of Swallowston. Her grandpa, John Cowell, was close friends with Henry Xander.


“The child had it tough too,” Rue said, “Soon after your wedding, her grandfather passed away. I told her to remarry, but she said that she will stay loyal to her husband. She said that she’s your wife and that she will stay that way.

“Her grandmother insisted that she remarry, but she rejected it. That made her family kick her out.” this time.

Rue continued, “After that, she started a company with her friend and it was doing quite well. Our lives got better, but something happened to her company recently, so she’s still at the office.

He nodded. She was someone he owed a lot to for being a single married woman for the past seven years. After their wedding, they spent only two short These seven years must have been hard for her.

That night, at the Bailar Group.

Bailar was a small fashion company that was co-founded by Samantha and her best friend, Joanna DuPont.

was not sure how to face Samantha.

It was late at night and all the employees had left. The entire building was dark.

Only the lights in one of the offices were still on.

He guessed that it was Samantha’s office and that she was working overtime.

“I’m here, Sam.” He was excited.

When he stepped into the office, two men in suits suddenly walked out from the shadows.

“The office is closed. Which department do you work in? Why are you here at this hour?” The men stopped him.

They seemed like good fighters and were not the building’s security. Rue had told him that the company was not capable of hiring security guards.

The men looked at each other. One of them said, “At this hour? Here to see Samantha Cowell I presume? She’s the only one here, after all.” attention to Samantha.

The bodyguards said, “She’s having a chat with Mr. Devin. The company is closed right now. No one is allowed to enter.” waiting for his return. Was it all just a show?

She was meeting a man so late at night?

So much for Rue appreciating her.

He took a deep breath and walked forward.

“Are you deaf or do you want to get a beating?” The two men grew angry.

They were Devin Williams’ bodyguards and had been instructed to guard the But in the blink of an eye, the two bodyguards were howling in pain as they fell to the ground.

continued walking.

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