The Medical Genius’s Unspeakable Marriage Novel Chapter 1546

The Medical Genius’s Unspeakable Marriage Novel Chapter 1546

This man was Santiago Lorenzo.

Hairy was overjoyed when he saw Santiago appear. He hurriedly ran over and reiterated what had happened before, making it sound as if Matthew was specifically targeting Santiago.

Over the years, Santiago had dominated this area and no one had ever dared to confront him. He was even more arrogant especially after he made connections with the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale.

If someone dared to provoke him, how could he let them go?

After listening to Hairy’s words, Santiago fumed with anger and shouted angrily, “Damn it! I’ve been around for so many years, and no one has dared to talk to me like this! Even if it’s someone from the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale, all of them talked to me politely! What a foolish foreigner! How dare he insult me?! If I let him walk out of Cummeal alive today, I’d look like a fool to the others! Gather all my people and seal the entire Cummeal. I shall find him no matter what it takes!”

Hairy was overjoyed to hear that. With Santiago’s help, he would definitely be able to take revenge this time. He immediately went downstairs and brought a few men to look for Matthew and the rest.

While Santiago wore his clothes, his men quickly rushed upstairs and started cleaning up the room.

At this moment, the girl on the ground twitched.

One of his men immediately turned his head and asked, “Master Lorenzo, this girl is still alive. What should I do with her?”

Santiago gave him a side-eye and questioned, “Damn, is this your first day here?! If she’s still alive. kill her! Drag her out and bury her body! Do I still have to teach you step-by-step?!”

The man was startled and he quickly replied, “Calm down, Master Lorenzo. I shall deal with her right now!”

After speaking, he ignored the poor girl’s plea and grabbed the glass next to him to smash it on her head. Immediately after, a few men carried the girl out from upstairs, cleaned the floor, and handled everything skillfully. At this time, Santiago was already having tea on the second floor.

Next to him stood a man with a rat-headed face, Jonas Wilson, who was Santiago’s evil advisor. For the bad things Santiago had done over the years, Jonas had an indelible contribution to it.

Jonas was scrolling his phone when all of a sudden, his expression changed, and he immediately leaned in to inform Santiago, “Master Lorenzo, Sandra sent us a message…”

Sandra Lorenzo was Santiago’s sister, Tommy’s wife, and Santiago’s biggest supporter.

Santiago immediately set up straight and asked, “What did she say?”

“She said that they are now near Cummeal,” replied Jonas.

“They have a big shot coming with them, but they’re not sure if they’ll stop by Cummeal. Anyway, they want you to prepare for their arrival. If they don’t come, then we’ll just let them be, if they do, at least you can welcome them.”

Hearing that, Santiago frowned immediately. “Can’t they just confirm if they’re coming? It’s not like I’m free all day. If I prepared everything but they didn’t come, wouldn‘t that be a waste of my time?”

Jonas looked embarrassed as he said in a low voice, “Judging by the situation, I’m assuming this big shot who is coming with Sandra is a person with extraordinary status. Even she can’t decide whether they will be coming. Why don’t we just be prepared?”

Santiago sneered, “I don‘t believe that there’ll be any big shot coming from this poor place of Eastshire! When I went to Stonedale, the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale didn’t even prepare such a huge welcome ceremony! They are much stronger than the Ten Greatest Families of Eastshire, but they aren‘t even arrogant!”

Jonas knew that Santiago’s arrogance had worsened ever since he was involved with the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale. Recently. he even started to ignore Tommy.

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