[The Man Decree] A Man Like None Other Chapter 4043

[The Man Decree] A Man Like None Other Chapter 4043-After taking a few deep breaths, Chen Ping slowly walked towards the light gate!

Because he didn’t know what was behind the light gate, Chen Ping was extremely cautious!

The whole person is in a state of combat readiness, and if he encounters danger, he can react immediately!

But when Chen Ping slowly passed through the light gate, there was no so-called way out, but instead a bottomless cave!

“Depend on…………”

Chen Ping cursed. He thought he could get out, but he was still in the cave!

This is a fucking cave, why do we need a light gate?

It’s disguised as a rock wall. Isn’t this crazy?

But when Chen Ping was about to retreat, he found that the light gate had disappeared, and behind him was the real rock wall!

This means that even if Chen Ping wants to go back, he can’t!

This made Chen Ping a little confused. His hair stood on end and he looked extremely nervous!

It is obvious that this light gate or the rock wall is definitely man-made and not formed naturally!

Are you luring yourself in and then closing the door and beating the dog?

Chen Ping was a little scared. After all, what was inside the cave was still unknown!

I don’t know if I can get out!

However, the retreat route has been blocked, and Chen Ping can only bite the bullet and move forward!

“Hahaha, this is a dead end, definitely a dead end. There might be ferocious beasts waiting for you here.”

“You tortured me so cruelly, and you will never survive!”

Elder Tu burst into laughter!

The more nervous Chen Ping’s expression was, the happier he was!

Chen Ping glanced at Elder Tu coldly and said with a disdainful smile: “If I encounter a ferocious beast, I will throw you out as food first.”

After saying that, Chen Ping gave Elder Tu two more whips, and then continued to walk forward along the cave!

This time, there was no fork in the road, so Chen Ping just had to walk deeper into the cave!

I don’t know how long I walked, but a light curtain appeared in front of me. However, this light curtain was obviously a formation set up by someone to block the people in the cave!

Seeing the light curtain suddenly appear in front of him, Chen Ping knew that there might be someone here!

If this cave is really the inside of the sacred volcano, then who would be in this cave?

Chen Ping walked forward and observed carefully, and found that the patterns on the formation were very old. It was obvious that the formation had been set up here for many years, probably hundreds of years!

Who has stayed here for hundreds of years?

You have to know that the only thing that can be used in this cave is the extremely tiny flame filaments that seep in, there is no spiritual energy at all!

There is no spiritual energy in this place, how can we practice?

I would never choose this place for seclusion!

Chen Ping tried to release his spiritual sense, wanting to see who was behind the light curtain, but his spiritual sense could not penetrate the light curtain at all!

Now Chen Ping didn’t know whether there was someone behind the light, or whether it was the same as the light gate just now, and after passing through it, he would still be in this cave.

“Senior, I had no intention of entering this place, and I don’t know how I got out. Please forgive me if I disturbed you.”

Chen Ping shouted loudly towards the light curtain!

If there was someone behind the light curtain, he would definitely have heard Chen Ping’s shout!

After shouting, after waiting for a while, Chen Ping began to carefully investigate the formation!

This formation is not difficult. For Chen Ping, it can be considered a simple defensive formation!

After just two glances, Chen Ping found the center of the formation!

Chen Ping just snapped his fingers, and several rays of light flew out and hit the center of the formation!


The light curtain began to shake violently, and then disappeared in an instant. When the light curtain disappeared, rays of light directly illuminated the entire cave!

In the dark cave, the colorful light is very dazzling.

1 thought on “[The Man Decree] A Man Like None Other Chapter 4043”

  1. Chen Ping is becoming dumber when he should get more intelligent… LOL what an author..
    But I’m sure its like silence before storm. Waiting for exciting chapters ahead 🙂

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