[The Man Decree] A Man Like None Other Chapter 4042

[The Man Decree] A Man Like None Other Chapter 4042-Soon, Chen Ping discovered that a red-haired rat had returned, and then kept squeaking at Chen Ping and biting Chen Ping’s trouser legs!

Chen Ping knew that the red-haired rat must have made a discovery and therefore did this, but how long had it been since the red-haired rat found a way out?

Chen Ping followed the red-haired rat towards a fork in the road, and did not forget to let the magic whip drag Elder Tu!

There was actually another very important reason why Chen Ping did not kill Elder Tu, and that was that he wanted to let Huo Yuanting see that even if they colluded with the Ghost Face Sect, their fate would be the same!

Chen Ping followed the red-haired rat for only a short distance when he found himself blocked by a stone wall!

“Dead end?”

Chen Ping frowned: “What did you bring me here for?”

Chen Ping was a little annoyed. No wonder the red-haired rat returned so quickly. It turned out that it ran into this dead end!

But why is it a dead end, and why did the red-haired rat bring me here!

“You, even if you have some intelligence, your IQ is still too low!”

Chen Ping sighed, turned around and was about to walk back!

But the red-haired rat stopped Chen Ping, squeaking desperately and biting Chen Ping’s trouser legs from time to time!

This time, Chen Ping was a little annoyed!

“Could it be that behind that rock wall is the way out?”

At this time, Demon Lord Chiyun spoke!

When Chen Ping heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he walked over and gently pressed his hand on the rock wall!

At this moment, Chen Ping’s eyes widened and he noticed something unusual!

As Chen Ping’s spiritual sense probed into the rock wall, he actually discovered that behind the rock wall, there were wisps of flame aura surging, and this aura was extremely pure and rich, and it was somewhat similar to the fiery aura in the red firefly’s body!

If this is a dead end, then there would be no way such a strong smell of fire would appear behind this rock wall!

In the current situation, there must be a road behind this rock wall, which may be the way out!

“I’m sorry, I misunderstood you…”

Chen Ping looked at the red-haired mouse and said slightly embarrassedly!

The red-haired mouse seemed to understand what Chen Ping said and started squeaking!

Chen Ping swung his palm and hit the rock wall in front of him hard!


Accompanied by a loud bang, the rock wall in front of him did not move at all!

This surprised Chen Ping very much!

You know, it’s so easy for him to split mountains and rocks with this palm!

But the rock wall in front of him was not damaged at all!

“What kind of stone is so hard?”

As Chen Ping spoke, he summoned the Dragon-Slaying Sword and swung it down with all his might!

After swinging the sword more than ten times, the rock wall still showed no signs of damage.

Chen Ping had cold sweat on his forehead and was breathing heavily!

Chen Ping was a little dumbfounded. Even if he knew there was a way out behind the rock wall, it would be futile if he didn’t look at the rock wall in front of him!

“Wasn’t this rock wall opened by force?”

Chen Ping began to observe carefully!

If there is a formation mechanism here, we need to break the formation. It cannot be opened by force!

But after Chen Ping checked for a long time, he found that it was not a formation mechanism at all, and he did not find any formation pattern fluctuations!

Chen Ping frowned and fell into deep thought!

“Damn, this is really weird, why can’t it be opened?”

Chen Ping was speechless!

Upon seeing this, Demon Lord Chiyun slowly disappeared and returned to Chen Ping’s sea of ​​consciousness!

After Chen Ping returned to his sea of ​​consciousness, he said, “Open your Tianming Eye and take a look. Maybe you can find out the reason!”

Chen Ping himself is unable to use the Heavenly Eye, only with the help of Demon Lord Chiyun!

Chen Ping nodded, and as one of his eyes slowly opened, he was surprised to find that the rock wall in front of him had disappeared!

Instead, there was a door emitting white light!

“Teleportation array? Could it be teleported out?”

When Chen Ping saw the light gate, he was immediately overjoyed!

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