The Girlboss Begs For Remarriage Chapter 1212

The Girlboss Begs For Remarriage Chapter 1212-“Frank…”

Winter suddenly wobbled to Frank, leaning against him and clenching on his arm as she panted and pleaded, “C-Calm down, Frank… You will get into trouble… if you kill him—”

Even before she could finish, her eyes closed, and she dropped to the floor, unconscious.


Seeing Winter fainting, Frank certainly had no time for Bill-throwing him aside, he picked up Winter and closed his eyes to feel her.

Soon, he felt the fire flaring up inside her body and was at first puzzled.

Still, he soon remembered Bill forcing her to drink that wine, which must have been drugged with something that excited the body. “You bastard!”

Frank could certainly tell what Bill was up to and was at once incensed.

But with so many eyes watching, he could not cure Winter on the spot and was forced to spare Bill’s life.

Still, even as he carried Winter out of the hall, he stomped Bill in the groin.

Bill screamed deafeningly like a gutted pig and bled profusely into his pants.

Either way, he could not mess around even if he wanted to.

The boys were all cringing as if they were hurting too when they saw what Frank did. It also enlightened them about what the usually mild-mannered professor could do when he was furious he was simply unstoppable!

“So cool…”

The girls were in turn starry-eyed as they awa Frank carry Winter away, Since he looked like a modernized version of a whiteline prince.

The boys certainly could not be jealous even if they wanted to-the gap between them and Frank insurmountable, and all they could do was to worship and admire.

do was to worship and she Good looks, connections with so many bigwigs in Riverton, and individually powerful-the man was outrageous.

One of them was even staring blankly as Frank left, murmuring, “Shit, talk about driving a guy against the wall…” Another was looking around to find the starryeyed stares the girls were giving Frank as he left, as if he was a star celebrity.


Frank stuffed Winter into the car and floored the gas pedal as he rushed to Skywater Bay.

He was halfway there when he sensed that the dainty figure beside him had woken up, and more importantly, was clinging to him.

He gritted his teeth as he drove, while she moaned and rubbed herself on him endlessly like a kitten.

Surprisingly, she was so innocent that it was all she did, as if oblivious carnally.

Her gaze was unfocused and her cheeks were flushed, but she gauld only lean against frank Clumsily. She had ho idea what she should do, let alone what was happening to her.

“Frank… I’m so… hot…” she wheezed, drifting in and out of consciousness.

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