The Day I Kissed An Older Man Chapter 2626

The Day I Kissed An Older Man Chapter 2626-Later, under the doctor’s guidance, Claudia gave up on that idea. After all, she still had her younger sister to take care of, even though Thalia was not willing to engage with her. However, she knew that was her own fault.

Thus, Claudia was so surprised when Thalia was willing to talk to her again.

Thalia gave a mysterious smile and replied, “Well, as long as you’re taking it.

After what happened to Dad, I don’t want to see you falling sick too.”

Claudia immediately showed a touched expression. She then stepped forward to grab her sister’s hand. “Thalia, it’s all my fault for what happened before. I know you’ve been resenting me all this time… Don’t worry. From now on, I’ll take good care of Dad. Please don’t ignore me anymore, okay?”

Despite feeling disgusted, Thalia did not show it on her face. Instead, she pulled Claudia into an embrace and patted her shoulder.

“Claudia, I’m sorry for what I said before. We’re sisters, so how could I blame you? Just make sure you keep taking your medication, or it won’t get better.”

Claudia nodded repeatedly. “I’ll definitely get better. I’ll be healthy, and then we can live a good life together.”

“That’s the spirit.”

Out of Claudia’s sight, Thalia revealed an incredibly sinister smile. She knew that Claudia was a bit closer to her goal.

More than a month later, Claudia finally returned to school. With such a big change at home, many classmates were concerned about her, but she always smiled faintly and did not want to say too much, showing a noticeable difference from her previous lively and enthusiastic self. However, everyone showed understanding.

It was only in front of Lucas that she would talk a bit more.

“Lucas, thank you for your concern. Now that Dad can’t be with us anymore, it’s just the two of us sisters relying on each other. To be honest, never thought Thalia would forgive me, after all… Well, let’s not dwell on the past. Oh, by the way, Thalia also asked me about you. She wanted me to tell you that the past is behind us. We’re all victims, and she doesn’t blame you.”

“She really forgave you?”

Claudia nodded. “Of course she forgave me. Otherwise, why would she ask me to relay such a message?” Lucas remained noncommittal.

“Alright, I won’t waste your time anymore. I’m heading home now. Thalia is also learning to share the household chores with me. You know, I used to handle all three meals on weekends by myself. feel really relieved and glad she’s becoming more responsible don’t know if it’s good or bad, but we can only take life one day at a time. At least the next time we visit Dad in the hospital, we’ll be able to smile vet and tell him that we’ve been doing well during this time.”

Lucas felt somewhat reassured after watching her smile and bid himm farewell He thought she was doing better.

Thus, he was understandably shocked when he learned she had ended her life.

Lucas’ initial reaction upon hearing this news was disbelief, She hadn seemed tahave come to terms with seemed tochave come to terms with everything, so how could she do it?

However, the truth of the matter was he had received a call from Thalia pleading for help. Lycas.comforted Thalia ovef the phone, still unable to believe it. He had wanted to go see for himself, but Thalia persuaded him otherwise.

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