The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 7138

The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 7138-Taichu whispered to Marius, “Why aren’t they coming over? Do they want to die?” Marius knew how bad the situation was, but before he could say anything, James unleashed a lightsaber and pierced the body of one of the Spiritual Saints.


The Spiritual Saint exploded, and his flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

The other spiritual Saints watched the gruesome scene in fear.

Marius shouted, “He asked you to come over! Do you all want to die?”

Terrified, the seven remaining Spiritual Saints rushed over through blood rain.

“Please spare us! We were ignorant and blind to not recognize your power.”

“We made a mistake! We acknowledge your strength.”

“I am willing to serve you and follow your orders without hesitation.”

“We were fools. Please spare our lives! We’ll serve you faithfully from now onward.”

The Spiritual Saints knelt and bowed, begging James for mercy.

Their previous arrogance and sense of superiority were completely gone. Now, they were acting like the ants they had once scorned.

Marius quickly called out, “Master…”

James interrupted, “Where’s the Wyrmscale Token?”

The Spiritual Saints looked at each other, bewildered.

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