The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 7478-7479

The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 7101-7102-The long river of time, the periphery of the old nest of the moon’s life.

With a flash of purple gold light, Jiang Chen’s nameless deity suddenly appeared.

Yuezhi, who had been waiting in the void for a long time, suddenly showed extreme surprise.

“Jiang Chen, aren’t you talking to my brother…… Are you dealing with him, how did you get here?

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Jiang Chen said solemnly: “Now please do me a favor.”

Yuezhi nodded hurriedly.

Jiang Chen quickly pointed to Yuezhi’s forehead and poured a Dao source into it, and immediately a large amount of information poured into Yuezhi’s mind.

Taking two steps back, Jiang Chen instructed her: “Seize the opportunity, make good use of the power of your prophet, the most important thing is to be quiet, the opponent we are facing is not an ordinary top powerhouse.”

Yue Zhi nodded heavily, and watched Jiang Chen leave abruptly.

It’s just that what makes her strange is that the direction Jiang Chen is going in is not the old nest of Yueming, but the long river of time when he came.

“Being an enemy of him, whether you are my brother or not, you are a tragedy.”

Yue Zhi dropped these words, his figure flashed again, and he returned to the huge Dao Lotus.

What surprised her was that in the void at this moment, surrounded by a huge Xingluo chessboard, there was also a Jiang Chen playing against the moon fate.

Doppelganger or Genshin?

At this critical moment, no matter which one it is, it is impossible to escape the eyes of the moon’s life, unless Jiang Chen really has two deities.

But in this acquired world, apart from the Infinite Path, who else can have more than two Buddha-figures at the same time?

“Chick, don’t hesitate, let’s get started.”

Suddenly, in Yueming’s mind, there was a girl’s crisp shout.

She was shocked, but she didn’t dare to show half of it.

Immediately after, another man’s voice rang out.

“You don’t have to be afraid, we were sent by our master to assist you, my name is Wind Spirit, her name is Fire Spirit, and the replacement body is ready.”

After listening to this explanation, Yuezhi’s heart was shocked.

The gods unknowingly put two spirit bodies into other people’s minds, and I’m afraid that only a great supernatural person like Jiang Chen can do it.

After thinking for a while, Yuezhi slowly approached the creatures standing in a row.

“Stop, don’t come again.” The head of the god suddenly shouted.

Yuezhi ignored it and continued to step forward.

In an instant, the past bodies of the living beings immediately took a battle posture vigilantly.

But before they could give them a second warning, they saw Yuezhi suddenly make a move, and immediately the wind howled, and the flames filled the sky.

Under this sudden attack, the creatures immediately launched a counterattack and began to besiege Yuezhi.

With the assistance of wind spirits and fire spirits, although Yuezhi was besieged, he did not fall behind and fought bravely.

In the void, Yueming, who was playing against Jiang Chen, couldn’t help but sigh when he saw this scene.

“Brother Jiang, what kind of operation is this?”

Jiang Chen, who was lighting up a glowing star, sneered.

“You really do everything you can to disturb my mind with this”

Hearing this, Yueming was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again.

“Yue Zhi is your person, you let him provoke the creatures you care about so much, so that he causes a big war, so he is not afraid of losing both?”

“Isn’t that exactly what you want?” Jiang Chen dropped the chessboard, and immediately burst out on the chessboard with the momentum of a million army charging.

Immediately afterwards, in this chess piece, a million transcendent powerhouses were manifested with Jiang Chen’s Dao theory, and they rushed straight to the moon fate camp with strong barriers and strong military formations in front of them.

In an instant, shouting to kill the heavens, the banner roared, and countless Taoist manifest mount spirit beasts and holy beasts were like thunderbolts, destroying the withering and decaying forward.

Looking at the unfavorable situation on the chessboard, Yueming’s face suddenly sank.

He realized something was wrong!

The two sides have been playing against each other for so long, and he has always been attacking, and Jiang Chen is blindly retreating, but now as soon as he makes a move, it is such a ferocious counterattack, which is really unexpected.

“It’s your turn.” Jiang Chen reminded.

Yueming stared at the chessboard and twitched his cheeks: “Now I’m attacking, you are ……”

“Not then.” Jiang Chen said with a smile: “Your left, center, and right three ways are rushing, on the surface, it seems to be unstoppable, the momentum is huge, and you are aggressive, but in fact, you don’t care about it, and it is already the end of the crossbow.”

As he spoke, Jiang Chen pointed to the end of the chessboard.

Following Jiang Chen’s gaze, Yue Ming was suddenly shocked.

I saw that on the chessboard, in the rear of the Moon Destiny camp, there was also a sound of bloody and crazy rushing and killing, and countless powerhouses manifested by Jiang Chen’s Dao Theory gathered from all directions to launch a crazy attack and strangulation.

On the other hand, the Moon Destiny camp was divided and surrounded by countless powerhouses manifested by Jiang Chen’s Daoist theory, and they were all broken, so that they completely collapsed.

“Together?” Moonlife looked up sharply.

“The world’s potentials are all born around each other.” Jiang Chen said word by word: “Creatures are surrounded by races, races are surrounded by space, space is surrounded by the universe, the universe is surrounded by planes, planes are surrounded by Taiji, and Taiji is surrounded by all living beings, and the cycle goes on and on.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen looked directly at the moon’s fate: “Therefore, this acquired world has never been the private property of one person, let alone one person who can dominate it, but it is co-dominated by all living beings.”

“You won’t understand it, and you don’t bother to understand it.” Jiang Chen sighed lightly: “In your eyes, the Forty-Nine Dao Theory has derived you, and from you it has derived the Innate Four Tais, and then the Ten Thousand Worlds have been derived, and you attribute all this to yourself, and regard the entire acquired world as your private property.”

“If you want to kill, you can kill, if you want to take it, if you want to destroy whomever you want, who you want to ask the question, it’s just a flash of thought.”

“But.” Jiang Chen raised his hand and pointed at the moon: “You have ignored an iron law, whether it is human rule or theocracy, it will never be able to control the natural derivation, let alone block the Taoist nature, and then it will not be immutable.”

Jiang Chen’s words made Yueming’s lips tremble, but he couldn’t refute a word.

He is an extremely intelligent and conceited Holy Spirit who also has his own multifaceted and complex nature.

He knew very well that Jiang Chen’s words had already formed his own Dao Theory, and it was different from the Mixed Yuan Dao Theory that he had initiated, and even the Nine Great Dao Theory of Nothingness.

In this way, he finally understood why Jiang Chen would use such a tedious and futile way to crack this catastrophe.

God can be ruthless, but not without Tao, God can be omnipotent, but not omnipotent, God can be omnipresent, but not everywhere.

This is the true meaning of believing in God, God is there, and if you don’t believe, you are not.

At this moment, the Xingluo chessboard between Yueming and Jiang Chen collapsed with a loud and violent explosion.

Immediately afterwards, in the midst of this endless explosion sound, a Dao word shining with divine brilliance and making people worship rose impressively.

Seeing this word, Yueming seemed to see his true end, and it seemed to have a complete epiphany in an instant.

“Brother Jiang talks about the Tao with chess, and this battle is better than the Dao theory of the firmament!” For a long time, Yueming raised his head and slowly closed his eyes: “I lost!”

Jiang Chen didn’t say anything, but turned his head and looked towards the battlefield on the huge Dao Lotus.

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