Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith Chapter 579

Tattooed Luna by Mrs Smith Chapter 579-“Iwon’t be.” Kristen replied.

It was still dark out and I was exhausted. My bed sounded perfect.

Part of me hoped Vivian would stay home but the responsible part of me told me I needed to be responsible for my own daughter. That meant letting Kristen sleep and I was going to stay up, regardless of how tired I was.

Getting into my car, I had to turn the defrost on for a few minutes before I could even see a little out of it. This is why I parked in a garage. The cold never bothered me until I had to scrape my windshield. Grabbing the ice scraper, I went ahead and cleared it off so I wasn’t making Kristen wait an hour before we could leave.

“We are headed to the door.” Kristen said in the mind-link.

“Alright.” By the time I got into the car, the heater had really started blaring.

Anywhere I missed was starting to melt and the only thing left was to clean the frozen blood off the seat.

Pulling around, I saw Kristen in a wheel chair and the nurse flirting with a male doctor behind her. The look on her face was hard to miss but as soon as she saw me, she stopped and looked professional.

Neither woman moved until I was out of the car and had opened the back seat.

“Back seat?” Kristen asked.

“The front is covered in blood.” “This is better anyway, that way you don’t put pressure on your thigh.” The nurse gave Kristen a stern look.

“Yeah, yeah.” Iwas able to help Kristen stand up and inch her way into the back seat. She was practically laying down as I buckled her up. “Thank you.” I told the nurse before I shut the door.

The nurse had started walking away at this point. “Of course. Have a great day, hopefully I don’t see you again!” She waved as I got into the car.

“Are we going home?” Kristen asked as I put the car into drive.

“We are. Is that okay?” Adjusting the rear view mirror, I was able to see her face.

She was a little pale but doing okay.

“Yeah. I am going to close my eyes a little.” “Alittle? How do you close your eyes a little?” The smile couldn’t stay away as she basically just passed out in the back.

Grabbing my phone, I dialed Colt’s number. “Hey.” “We are leaving the hospital.

Everything looks good.” “Perfect. I called everyone and told them what happened and our plans.

Text me when a good time to come over and talk. I rather not do it over the phone and I bet you guys are tired. I would like to see Ice again so whenever is fine.” “Sounds good. I’ll let you know.” As much as Colt denies it. Him and Kristen are very similar in their mannerisms and ability to multi-task. They always £0 one step above and beyond.

Thankfully, the snow had stopped coming down and the roads had been partially cleaned off. That made it easier to get home in one piece and quickly.

As I got closer to our home, warriors had lined the way. Everyone nodded at me as I passed.

After parking in the garage, I had to carry a sleeping Kristen inside and laid her on the bed. Once she was situated, I went straight down to the panic room.

After unlocking it, the door opened up to Vivian and Adalynn playing with some toys. “Look! It’s daddy!” Vivian smiled warmly at Adalynn.

Adalynn got a big smile on her face and reached out to me. “Hey baby girl! How was your night?” “Very uneventful. She behaved .

Did you get any sleep last night?” Vivian asked as she pulled out a banana.

“Not really but I’m okay if you need to head out.” 68/9

It took me just a few seconds to shut the bedroom door, taking my clothes off and put shorts on, before I climbed into bed. “Alec?” Kristen looked up at me. Her eyes were barely open and her hair was covering half her face.

“Yes, love?” Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled her against me. “Where’s me and her whole body relaxed. It wasn’t until I ran my hand down her ass that I realized she was only wearing her underwear and my t-shirt. When she got up to change was beyond me but I was all for it.

“Sleep good, love.” I whispered into her ear and closed my eyes. I didn’t dream but I was so damn relaxed that I doubted either one of us moved the entire time we were sleeping. Very — much needed.

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