Returning from the Dead Chapter 16-20

Returning from the Dead Chapter 16

Sasha wasn’t too keen to tell her son about that, so she changed the topic in order for him to go back immediately.

He was playing with his drone in the windy weather. Even though it wasn’t dangerous, she was worried he might catch a cold.

However, Ian refused to listen to her. After seeing that Sasha wasn’t answering his question, he turned around and walked away.

“None of your business! You, go and grab some more batteries for me.”

“Ian…” The bodyguard was perplexed for a moment.

Sasha became anxious. Just when she was about to advise him again, a figure appeared at the deck and stormed over to the boy.

“Ian, you’ve been playing for a very long time. You should go back inside. Otherwise, your dad is going to scold you!”

Sasha glanced over immediately and saw a beautiful young woman in an expensive dress.

Xandra? So she’s on this boat too?

Sasha was stunned for a moment, but she quickly regained her senses upon thinking about the woman’s relationship with that scum.

Xandra walked over when she saw Ian still playing with his toy. Her hands started patting all over his body impatiently. “Ian, look at you. Your clothes are all wet and your hands are freezing. Didn’t I tell you earlier not to come out and play? What if you get sick again? Don’t you know how weak your body is? Quick, pack up your things and go in!”

Even so, her words fell on deaf ears. Ian ignored her and continued to play with his drone instead.

“Ian! Why are you so disobedient? Do you want to be hit again? Put it down right now!”

No one saw it coming. When her scolding fell on deaf ears, Xandra pinched hard on the boy’s arm and snatched the controller from his hands.

Sasha’s eyes were filled with raging blood!

Ian was a very stubborn child.

Unlike Matteo, he was physically weak from birth. The lack of motherly love resulted in his antisocial and obstinate personality. Most of the time, talking and weighing the consequences with him would work better than to force him against his will.

Sasha stood at the window and watched as Xandra snatched the controller from Ian. Paled-face from the cold, he held on his toy with dear life.

Right at that moment, Xandra simply twisted his little hands and Sasha saw, from a distance, that her son’s fingers were all bruised by the impact!

What a worthless b*tch!

Sasha yelled in anger, “Xandra, what are you doing? You nasty woman, get your hands off him immediately! Stay away from him!”

Xandra, who was still wrestling with the child, suddenly turned pale.

D*mn it! She was overly eager to teach the child a lesson, and she had forgotten that Sasha was watching them from the cabin.

What should I do? Since the latter saw everything, what would happen if she went and told Sebastian? Ian meant the world to him. If he was adamant that it was her fault, Sebastian would not let go of things easily.

Xandra loosened her grip instantly. A panic-stricken expression flashed across her face like never before.

“This is how you’ve been treating Ian for the past five years? Why are you so heartless, Xandra? Even if he’s not your own child, he’s still Sebastian’s son. Since you’re married to him, can’t you treat him better? He is only five years old!”

“Ms. Wand, what are you talking about? Did I do something wrong? I just came over here to tell him to hurry back because I’m worried he might catch a cold.”

Unexpectedly, that conniving woman became calm and collected in just a few seconds while she stared at Sasha without a flinch.

“Do you think I’m blind? I saw everything clearly just now. Not only did you pry his fingers, you pinched him too. That bodyguard witnessed what you did, too. Are you still trying to weasel your way out?”

What horrified her was Xandra approached the bodyguard with a provocative smile after she heard Sasha’s words.

“Did you see anything?”

Beads of cold sweat covered the bodyguard’s forehead; his face filled with a great deal of tension and fear.

“No… No, I saw nothing,” he stammered

“Ah, you heard that, too. He said no. Ms. Wand, you are accusing me of something I haven’t done. Perhaps, you’re trying to reclaim your position as the lady of the Hayes’ by slandering me? You can stop dreaming because I’m Sebastian’s woman now!”

Sasha wished she could break the door down and slap the woman until her face was unrecognizable. Not only was Xandra distorting the truth, she also had the Hayes’ subordinates under her control. Even if Sasha testified against her, no one would believe her words.

Returning from the Dead Chapter 17

Sasha ignored Xandra and shifted her gaze to her son.

“Little Ian, come to me. Quickly, let me look at your hands.”

“Ah, are you still trying to find evidence from the child? Let me tell you, this kid is usually very naughty. It’s normal for him to bump and knock into things. If you’re thinking of using that to accuse me, you’re wasting your time,” Xandra said sarcastically.

Sasha shouted angrily, “Shut up, Xandra! You know very well what you did. I will never let you hurt him again now that I’m back. So it’s best that you take my words seriously!”

There was something utterly terrifying and murderous in her eyes that made Xandra shudder in fear.
Feeling intimidated and furious, the latter ordered the bodyguards, “Seal the cabin and the window; don’t leave a single crack. Keep her in there! If she goes missing, there’ll be hell to pay when Mr. Hayes finds out!”

Regardless of the commotion, Sasha tried to reach for her son. “Ian, quickly come over and let me have a look. Little Ian…”

He remained on the spot.

At that moment, Ian was a quite baffled and wasn’t sure why Sasha was so agitated.

Did Ms. Xandra do something wrong? She has always been like that. So what is the problem?

This boy who often isolated himself in the house because he didn’t like to talk or socialize with others. He actually thought Xandra’s behavior was normal.

“Little Ian, please come. Let me have a look…”

Sasha was on her knees, begging in tears. She desperately pushed away the bodyguards who were blocking her view at the window, hoping to see how her son was doing.

She had carried him in her belly for ten months after all. He never knew a mother’s love because she had abandoned him at birth. How could she still leave him to be abused by such a vicious woman?

While bawling her eyes out, Sasha uttered hoarsely, “Little Ian, come over… I… I am begging you. Come quickly and let me look at your hand.”

He wasn’t sure what was going on. Ian, who was only five years old, really wanted to walk over to the window when he saw Sasha sobbing uncontrollably.

The intensity of her care and love was something he had never felt before.

He finally lifted his foot.

Right at that very moment, Xandra was on the move. She bent down and swept him off the ground.

“Seal up the cabin tightly. If I see her again, don’t even think about staying working for the Hayes anymore!” she commanded fiercely before turning around and left with Ian in her arms.

Sasha almost passed out from rage in the cabin.

Sebastian, how could you be so blind to marry such a vicious woman? Is it possible that your son doesn’t matter much to you anymore? He is you!

Right after the window was completely sealed, Sasha fell to the ground, still sobbing.

By the time Sebastian received the news, she had not eaten or drunk anything for the entire day. Furthermore, she was demanding to see him.

“See me? Why? Is it because of that incident this afternoon where she thought Xandra had abused Ian?” he asked nonchalantly.

Finally able to regain some energy, that man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed.

Luke was dumbfounded.

While carrying Ian along with her, Xandra had indeed taken the initiative to come and talk to Sebastian about it. She also admitted to being a little rough when she was asking Ian to stop playing on the deck.

Luke decided to let the matter rest.

However, to their surprise, someone else came in and reported to them two hours later, “Something bad happened, Mr. Hayes. That woman… She slit her wrist in the cabin.”

“What did you say?”

The expressionless man who was sitting in front of his computer with his head buried in work finally got distracted.

Slit her wrist? How crazy of her to do such a thing!. What was she thinking?

Sebastian stomped out furiously.

A few minutes later, when he finally arrived at the locked cabin, he thought another massive warring argument would take place again. However, after he opened the door and saw the woman’s lifeless body lying in the wreckage, he was shocked beyond words.

“Sasha, why are you acting crazy again?” Sebastian muttered to himself. The moment he glanced at the pile of blood next to her hand, he rushed over to her side and knelt down while applying pressure to her wrist.

Returning from the Dead Chapter 18

“What are the bunch of you doing? Bring me the first aid box. Now!”

“Yes, Mr. Hayes.”

“Sebastian, you’re… finally here. Should… I be t-thankful that you… you still have a shred of humanity i-in you? Hearing… that I’m dying, you… came?”

After having to suffer for almost ten grueling hours, Sasha turned her head slowly towards the man and glanced at him with her puffy eyes. She had cried so much that there were no tears left.

Sebastian was infuriated. “Are you crazy? Just because I told my dad you’re alive doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you dying!”

“Really?” She gave him a miserable smile.

That sounded right. How could a person like him care whether she lived or died?

He even said it himself that it wouldn’t make any difference to him if she was dead.

Sasha closed her eyes slowly and replied, “If that’s the case, can you give me back my son?”

“What did you say? Give him back to you?”

“Yes, Sebastian. You… can hate me… despise me, or even… wish death upon me right now, but can’t you give Little Ian a chance to live seeing that he is your own flesh and blood? He’s innocent. Are you really that heartless?”

She opened her bloodshot eyes and glared at him, like a trapped beast that had been driven mad.

Sebastian’s brows furrowed even more. “What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean by giving him a chance to live? He’s my son, haven’t I been doing that?”

“Then why did you let that b*tch care for him? Do you know what she did? She twisted Ian’s fingers even though he’s still so young, and she even pinched him. He is only five years old, Sebastian. I gave birth to him; he is very much valuable to me. If you really don’t want him anymore, I beg you to return him to me. I will raise him well out of your family’s sight. Is that alright? Sebastian!”

Sasha’s entire body trembled. Despite being utterly exhausted, she peeled herself off the ground and explained the situation to him while gasping for breath.

However, instead of believing her words, Sebastian pushed her away as his chiseled face filled with disgust and hatred.

“Sasha, what do you want? Do you think can return to the Hayes if you chased Xandra away? Is your goal to be Mrs. Hayes again? Let me tell you, you can stop dreaming about it!”

“Chase Xandra away?”

“Isn’t that the truth? You’re deliberately accusing her of abusing Ian, and now you want me to return him to you by slitting your own wrist. Sasha, it’s a good trick up your sleeves. Unfortunately, I don’t buy it.”

That man stared at her as if he couldn’t stand another sight of her.

At that moment, Sasha realized Xandra played an extremely important role in his world. On the other hand, Sasha’s existence meant nothing to him!

He sees my suicide as a trick!

Sasha leaped up from the ground instantaneously. Before Sebastian could react, she held an object and stabbed towards her own body!

Returning from the Dead Chapter 19

Sebastian was utterly stunned.

“Suicide trick… Right? Alright then, I’ll entertain… you today then. Sebastian, I’ll exchange my life… with my son. Is that a deal? If I die, don’t you ever… let that b*tch touch my son again!”

She managed to utter the words strenuously with blood seeping out of her mouth. Her eyes were blazing with anger.

Sebastian clenched his fist tightly as his heart throbbed from an inexplicable ache.

That was the first time he was afraid to look into her eyes.

She has really gone mad! Is she aware of what she’s doing?

He rushed over and grabbed the object from her hand, only to discover that it was a piece of broken glass from the window she had smashed earlier.

“Sasha, have you gone mad?”
His head was about to explode. Immediately, he threw away the shard of glass and shouted at the bodyguards. Fortunately, they arrived at the scene in no time with a first aid box.

Sebastian felt like he was going mad himself; he had never dealt with such a crazy woman like her before.

When they were married, she was submissive and calm. He had truly never seen this side of her where she would sacrifice her life solely based on something he had said.

Suddenly, a realization hit him.

Xandra had indeed made some calculated moves that day to avoid getting into more trouble.

She figured that by shutting Sasha up right after the incident, there wouldn’t be any witnesses to Ian’s abuse.

Hence, upon her return, she took the boy with her and admitted her fault to Sebastian immediately.

As expected, Sebastian did not blame her. The moment he heard she had accidentally injured Ian, he excused her after just taking a glance at the quiet child’s hand.

She had played the role of a virtuous wife and mother for five years now, and she was pretty good at it.

Therefore, instead of being worried and fearful, she had a very pleasant afternoon. After finding out that the b*tch who was locked up in the cabin didn’t have a chance to meet Sebastian despite her hunger strike, Xandra was even more delighted.

Sasha, do you seriously think you can compete with me?

It wasn’t until evening that she received the news of Sasha’s suicidal attempt. Her face darkened upon hearing that.

Suicide? Why would she do that? Was it an attempt to lure Sebastian to see her? That b*tch is malicious indeed!

She was rather quick-witted as she felt a strong sense of uneasiness taking over her. Immediately, she rushed out of the cabin to find out what was going on.

However, it was a tad too late.

Just when she was stepping out, she saw two bodyguards standing at the entrance.

“Ms. Green, Mr. Hayes wants to see you.”

Her limbs went numb, and she almost lost her balance while standing at the cabin’s entrance.

Her worst nightmare was finally turning into reality.

Xandra was escorted downstairs. She had been living the luxurious life as the lady of the Hayes family for five years. That was her first time being summoned by Sebastian in such an undignified manner.

Waves of cold wind blew along the surface of the ocean. The harshness from the chilly wind felt like tiny blades, accompanied by hints of saltiness from the seawater. With the wind scraping along the cabin windows, screeching sounds sent shivers down to one’s spine.

Upon arriving at the main cabin, Xandra caught a glimpse of the man who was sitting at the edge of the bed.

At the same time, he was carefully observing the tiny hands of the child, who was fast asleep under the covers. The fingers seemed so tiny, even his fingernails were not fully developed yet.

“Se… Sebastian…” Xandra uttered after seeing him. Chills ran through her body as she was panicking. She wasn’t able to move closer because she had lost sensation in her legs.

Sebastian ignored her. After examining his son’s tiny hands, he covered him with the blanket and tucked him nicely underneath to keep him warm and cozy.

Xandra stammered, “Sebastian, I…”

“I’ll only ask you once. Did you hit him?”

With his head lowered down, Sebastian finally uttered. Anyone could sense a murderous aura just by looking at his side profile. It was exactly the same as the tumbling storm that was happening on the outside!

Xandra couldn’t hold it in anymore. Her legs wobbled, then she dropped to her knees.

“I’m sorry, Sebastian, I… I can be too hasty sometimes. I’m really… I really didn’t mean to…”

“So, are you admitting it was your fault? Xandra, who gave you permission? Even I can’t imagine laying a finger on my son. Who are you to mistreat him? Where did you find such courage?”

Returning from the Dead Chapter 20

He glared deep into her eyes as he asked the question. His eyes were blazing with anger that she feared for her life.

Xandra threw herself on the ground instantly.

“Sebastian… It’s my fault. I know I’m wrong. I… I never had a child before. I can be… impulsive when disciplining Ian. I… I really didn’t mean it.”

Even until now, she was trying to weasel her way out of responsibility and justify her own actions.

Sebastian squinted and frowned heavily. The bloody scene from a while ago suddenly flooded into his mind.

Both women reacted differently with the same child. One would stab herself for him while the other tried to shift her responsibility and deny her actions in every possible way.

His eyes were filled with even more rage at the thought of that. While staring at the woman who had been with him for five whole years, an enormous wave of disappointment and rage took over his entire being. He picked up a cup that was in front of him and smashed it at her.

“So you’re allowed to abuse him just because you haven’t had a child before? Get the hell out of my sight! From now on, don’t let me see you appear in front of my child ever again. I forbid you to come anywhere near Frontier Bay!”

Frontier Bay was the villa that they were living in.

Xandra’s world crumbled in front of her own eyes.
He was cutting all ties with her and getting rid of her completely.

Ignoring the shards of the shattered cup on the floor, she crawled through the entrance like a mad person.

“No.. No! Sebastian, don’t do that! You can’t kick me out like this. I love you, Sebastian. Have you forgotten what you said to me when you first brought me back here?”

Xandra’s agonizing screams and sorrowful cries filled the entire boat.

Sasha had been asleep for the entire night as she was burnt out from all the commotion and the injuries she had sustained.

It wasn’t until the next morning where the first rays of sunlight rose from the sea and shone gently through the windows of her cabin. Upon being caressed by the warm golden rays, she slowly opened her eyes.

“Are you awake?”

She was stunned to find out someone next to her.

Sasha struggled while turning her head towards the voice.

“Mr. Scott?”

“Yes, it’s me. It’s been quite some time since we last met. I’m grateful that you still remember me.”

Luke Scott was a bespectacled young gentleman. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of black-framed glasses.

Sasha smiled.

How could she not remember him?

That year when she had just married Sebastian. Her husband left the country the very next day and never came back. Luke, his assistant, had to manage the company and Hayes Residence in his stead.

She clearly remembered that every time he came over to the house, she would wait anxiously for him to bring her news regarding Sebastian.

The corners of Sasha’s lips curled as she sat up. “You’re being too kind. I’ve been deeply grateful for your help in the past. By the way, why are you here?”

“You were injured last night. Since I was doing nothing, I stopped by here to check on your drip. Are you feeling any better?”

Being thoughtful, Luke poured a glass of warm water and handed it to her.

She grabbed it and uttered embarrassingly, “I see. Sorry for the trouble. I’m feeling better now. How is Ian? Is he alright? Did Mr. Hayes question that woman last night? He…”

Suddenly, she recalled what had happened.

Luke reassured her instantly. “Madam, don’t worry. Ian is with Mr. Hayes now. As for Ms. Green… she’ll never be in contact with Ian anymore, so you don’t have to worry.”

He told her everything that had happened while she was asleep. It was as if he knew she would ask him about it.

Upon hearing that, Sasha heaved a sigh of relief.

She had made the right move, even though it was risky. At least that cheating man wasn’t hopeless. He knew it was necessary to find out the truth from that conniving woman. There was no need for Sasha to continue worrying any further.

“Then I’ll go and check on Little Ian. Where is he?”

Luke was stunned and a little perplexed. “Ah? You want to see Ian? Uh… You’re still recovering from your injuries, it’s better for you to heal completely first.”

“It’s just a minor injury,” Sasha countered.

It was indeed not a deep wound, but no one knew she was putting on an act last night when she slit her wrist. As a doctor, she knew exactly what to do.

However, Luke wasn’t budging as he continued to stop her from getting out of the bed.

“Madam, I’m really sorry. Mr. Hayes said you’re not allowed to meet Ian. Furthermore, he even said that Ian’s mommy had passed away five years ago. He couldn’t and wouldn’t let his son get hurt again!”

Sasha, who was in a hurry to see her child, stopped dead in her tracks.

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