Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller Chapter 1643

Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller Chapter 1643-Olivia looked at Jacqueline and said, “You should eat something first.” Now, not only Olivia’s life depended on her but also her physical condition.

Although the others hated her, they would temporarily treat Jacqueline kindly for Olivia’s sake.

Compared with the hatred in the eyes of others, Olivia seemed too calm. She even looked at Ethan and said, “You ask someone to help bandage her.” “Yes.” Ethan showed no objection and glanced at Kelvin, who promptly proceeded to bandage Jacqueline.

After Olivia finished her meal, she kindly gave instructions on the bandaging method and how to tie the knot to make it more beautiful and convenient.

Brent was a little upset. He asked in a slightly angry tone. “Madam, she hurt you so badly, and you still have the leisure to teach others how to tie her knot? I want to strangle her with a bandage.” Olivia looked at Brent carefully, and the corners of her mouth curved up. “It’s been so many years, and your temper hasn’t changed at all. You’re still as angry as before.” Brent said, “Madam, you have changed a lot.” Olivia put her hair behind her ears, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. “Although I was poisoned, I’m lucky that I’m not dying now. Instead of wasting time caring about unfortunate things, it’s better to see how to deal with it so that I can live well in the present.” Olivia had nothing to do, so she simply picked up the disinfectant alcohol to treat Jacqueline’s other wounds.

Jacqueline had an inexplicable feeling for Olivia. When Olivia didn’t know she existed, she regarded Olivia as her old enemy in life. So the worse Olivia was doing, the more angry she was. The happier she was.

After Olivia’s poisoning, she had been waiting for her to wake up and plead for mercy, but Olivia’s calmness infuriated her.

“Why are you pretending? “You must hate me to death in your heart right now!” Jacqueline gritted her teeth and said, “Yes, I hate you very much.” Olivia said it calmly. “I treated you because I didn’t want your wound to get worse and involve me.” Don’t get me wrong; I’m not being too kind.” Olivia said this clearly, but her eyes didn’t show much emotion. How could Jacqueline have known that those years had consumed all of Olivia’s ups and downs? She was reborn from the ashes and finally had a new life. Naturally, she would not explode over a small matter like before.

So Jacqueline felt unbalanced. She thought she had won, and Olivia would still have to kneel in front of her and beg for mercy in the end, but in fact, it was not like that.

Olivia quickly bandaged her hand and said, “Okay, let’s talk about your conditions.” Jacqueline seemed to have regained her home court with an arrogant look on her face.

Jacqueline said, “I want $20 billion transferred to an overseas account.” It seemed that she was planning to get back all her losses in one go.

“Okay, no problem.” Ethan was not stingy at all, and he planned to pay for it.

Jacqueline’s identity was exposed, and this was the only way for herto get the money quickly. Even if she did nöthing in the future, $20 billion would be enough for her to spend.

“Second, Olivia has injected me with a cancer-causing drug before, and I want the antidote.”

She didn’t want to die at such a young age, and while the cancer dells were still under control, Jacqueline wanted to get rid of them quickly.

“Okay.” Olivia agreed directly: “Anything else?”

“Also, I want her…

” Jacqueline pointed her finger at Lela stace ana said, “Kowtow to me and apologize!”

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