My Three Darlings by Anonymous Chapter 280

Chapter 280

After Eliza’s words, Roseane finally realized that she had misunderstood her.

She coughed softly. “Eli… Miss Wood.”

“I didn’t mean anything else. I was just… a little shocked.”

She was shocked that Eliza had disguised herself with such a look.

Previously, Beau said that Eliza had put on special makeup and turned herself into a completely different person. She did not believe him. After all, Eliza was such a beautiful woman. How could she put on such a makeup and act so sincerely?

But now…

When she saw Eliza standing in front of her, Roseane understood.

She made a mistake.

Eliza’s determination to make herself look ugly was something she couldn’t imagine or even predict.

She really didn’t care about her image anymore.

That’s right.

Anyway, she had changed her name now.

Now everyone knew that she was called Cerys. No one knew that she was actually the missing Mrs. Valentine, who Mr. Valentine had been looking for more than a month.

“You’ll get used to my face.”

Eliza smiled in embarrassment.

If she had known that she could scare Roseane, she would not have applied the make-up that made her look so cruel!

“Yes, I will get used to it.”

Roseane heaved a sigh of relief. She raised her head and sized up the dojo behind Eliza. “It’s very beautiful here.”

“Thank you.”

Eliza originally wanted to take the initiative to support Roseane.

But when she thought that her face had just scared her to death, she hesitated.

In the end, Roseane walked over and took Eliza’s arm directly. “Let’s go in!”

Roseane’s sudden intimacy made Eliza stunned for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

After a while, she chuckled. “Okay, let’s go in.”

After that, the two women entered the dojo hand in hand. They completely forgot that behind them, there was a tall and straight man.

“He failed”

“Dad is being neglected like this? “

“Even a tall and handsome like daddy would be neglected! As expected, a girl’s friendship is more reliable than love!”

In the earphone came the faint sighs of the three little fellows.

Beau frowned and turned off the small camera in the pocket of his jacket impatiently.

The picture on the computer was gray.

In the Valentine family manor, the three little fellows looked at each other blankly.

Liliana asked, “Did I go too far? Why did daddy angrily break the signal?”

Demarion said, “Maybe daddy is not angry because of your words, but because he feels ashamed. It took him a lot of effort to find mommy, and he also has something to do with her. But Aunty Roseane is the only one in mommy’s eyes!”

Braint silently tapped on the keyboard and said, “It doesn’t matter. Dad turned off the camera. I can also invade the monitoring system of the Wushu Pavilion and we can still see the current situation there.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the monitoring video of the Wushu Pavilion appeared on his computer screen. What they saw was…

Luca and Hamza, their grandfathers, were sitting together drinking milk tea and betting, Hamza was the first to speak. “I bet Beau will find a reason to stay here today. He won’t leave.”

Luca glanced at him doubtfully. “Then I… bet that he’ll stay here today and not leave!”

Since he began to gamble with the Hamza these days, the wallet had shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye. Yesterday, Eliza had just given him some living expenses. He didn’t want to use them up Just like that. Hamza had Lyric and Sawyer to give him money, but Eliza was his only daughter!

“You bet the same as me. Then who will be the opponent?”

Hamza rolled his eyes. “Reselect.’

Luca glared at him. “I would rather die than obey!”

Just as the two old men were arguing, a clear and crisp voice came from the camera next to them. Demarion said lightly, “Grandpas, why don’t I be your opponent?”

“I bet my dad won’t stay in the Wushu Pavilion. After sending Aunt Roseane there, he will leave directly. Luca and the Hamza were alerted when they heard to Demarion’s words.

The two old men searched for a long time and found that it was the sound of the video camera. Hamza frowned. “Braint did it?”

“Yes, it was Braint who did it.”

Demarion smiled. “In short, do you both want to bet?”

Bet or not?

Luca and Hamza looked at each other and said, “Let’s make a bet!”


Demarion cleared his throat and said, “If you win, I will let my father put money in the mail box at the door tomorrow when he goes to the Wushu Pavilion.’

“If we win… you promise us one thing, okay?”

“I will never make things difficult for you both. I’m sure it’s something both of you can do!”

Demarion’s words made Luca and Hamza look at each other.

Finally, the two old men nodded fiercely. “Okay! That’s settled then!”

After turning off the microphone, Liliana looked at Braint silently. “How did you know daddy would definitely leave today?”
“If he really stays there… wouldn’t we lose?”

Braint laughed confidently. “Because we skipped class today. I’ve already told the kindergarten teacher to call our daddy later and tell him that the three of us didn’t attend class.’

“Although daddy thinks that mommy is very important, the three of us are equally important!” Liliana: “..”

“Isn’t this a shameless act?”

Demarion said, “As long as you and Braint don’t say it out, our grandpas won’t know that I’m cheating!”

Liliana: *…

However, just when the three kids were discussing what to request from their grandfathers, the kindergarten teacher called them.

“Demarion, I tried calling your daddy, but get through.”

Demarion frowned. “How could it be?”

“Really, I’ve tried three times, but it still didn’t work.’

The teacher on the other end of the line sighed. “I can’t help you.”

The phone was hung up, and before the Demarion could speak, Braint could not help sighing, “Our grandpas seem to be trying to prevent us from cheating…’

“The signal on the phone was blocked.”

Demarion, “…”

Liliana: “…”

As expected, the older the wiser.

Just when the three little kids thought that they would lose the bet, the gate of the Wushu Pavilion opened from inside.

A man ina suit walked out of the Wushu Pavilion gracefully.

The three little kids widened their eyes.

Daddy obviously did not receive a phone call from the kindergarten teacher…

“Why did he come out of the dojo on his own?”

Demarion couldn’t help but pick up the phone to call Beau.

Beau sat in the car with a sullen face. His eyes were indifferent and his voice was indifferent. “What do you kids know?”

“Do you know what it means to play hard to get?”

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