Marrying the Man in the Dark Chapter 1066

Marrying the Man in the Dark Chapter 1066-Caught in the Web “However, you didn’t think I’d just fall into your hands like this, did you?”

Gwenn sneered, casting a cold glance at the couple. “I know you both must think you’ve trapped me this time, that there’s no way out.

“But…” She turned on the TV and projected the videos from her phone onto the screen. “I guess you didn’t expect me to have this.”

The images displayed on the TV caused Cherise to stiffen instantly. On the screen was a scene of her holding a surgical blade to Sebastian’s neck. The footage clearly showed her pressing the blade deeply enough to his skin that a thin streak of blood was flowing down his neck.

This was the scene from downstairs when she emerged from the trunk, trying to take control of Sebastian! The scene had been captured from multiple angles. Eight cameras took high-definition incriminating footage of her holding the blade from eight different perspectives.

Cherise clenched her fists by her sides. She hadn’t seen anything from within the trunk and had no idea Sebastian had set up so many hidden cameras.

Damien’s eyes narrowed as he grabbed Cherise’s hand, a hint of anger flashing across his face. “I didn’t expect Sebastian to still collaborate with you after everything that’s happened.”

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  1066/1090  “Of course,” Gwenn scoffed, then smiled faintly. She settled back on the couch, lifted her glass of red wine, and took a sip. “These cameras were originally placed to capture Sebastian and Savannah’s intimate moments.

“Who would have thought they’d capture a more compelling scene?” She tilted her head towards Cherise and Damien, her eyes filled with resentment.

“What do you think would happen if this video were posted online or sent to the police?

“Damien, you would be separated from your wife once more, this time by bars of steel rather than a case of amnesia.”

Damien pursed his lips. “What do you want?”

“Let me go.” Gwenn smiled faintly. “That shouldn’t be too difficult for you, right? My helicopter is already on the rooftop.”

She waved her phone at them. “Release me, and I’ll hand this over to you.”

Damien gritted his teeth. “You would have made backups.”

“Even if I have backups, we can discuss them after I leave. But if you don’t let me go…” Gwenn gave them a wide smile before unlocking her phone and dialing 9-9-1. “Then I have an important call to make.”

A glint of danger flashed in Damien’s eyes. Gwenn was not like Sebastian.

Over the years, she had not only targeted Cherise but also built a strong network of connections and strategies.

Considering her ability to locate Sebastian and exploit him again, Gwenn likely had even stronger allies behind her. After all, both the Lenoir and Tanner families had made significant strides in the business world, with the unfortunate side effect of also accumulating countless enemies along the way.

With Cherise belonging to both families, Gwenn had little trouble finding someone who shared her animosity to aid her. Allowing Gwenn to escape now would make it even harder to track her down later.

On the other hand, Damien couldn’t afford the alternative. He focused his gaze on Gwenn’s finger hovering over the dial button.

He couldn’t risk Cherise spending time in jail—not even for a couple of hours.

He didn’t have enough influence in Calais to exert control over the city officials. There was no way for him to guarantee her absolute safety while incarcerated.

“Damien, have you thought about it?” Gwenn lounged gracefully on the couch, her eyes watching him mockingly. “Release me now, and you still have time to change your mind before I reach my destination.”

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