An Understated Dominance Chapter 2282 [4563–4564]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2282 [4563–4564] – Kassidy held the sword in both hands, stepped forward, and slashed left and right.

A dazzling sword light burst out instantly, like a violent storm sweeping towards Rivka.

Wherever the sword light passed, the air made a series of sharp whistling sounds, and the power was terrifying.

Unlike the previous quick attack, at this moment, Kassidy began to display her unique skill, the Phoenix Dance Sword Technique.

The Phoenix Dance Sword Technique was a superior sword technique that was created by a female grandmaster a hundred years ago.

It had both offensive and defensive capabilities, and its lethality was amazing.

In addition to being fierce, it also had a bit of feminine softness. It was both beautiful and effective at fighting.

“Phoenix Dance Sword!”

Facing the whistling sword light, Rivka did not dodge or avoid it, and her face did not change. The long sword in her hand shook violently, and she stabbed out suddenly.

If masters exist, they will discover that Rivka’s sword is shaking wildly and with a small amplitude.

It seemed ordinary, but it actually contained extremely profound kendo skills.

“Clang, clang, clang…”

With the sound of metal colliding, Rivka’s vibrating sword immediately crushed Kassidy’s blade before pointing at her own.


Kassidy’s attack halted, causing her two swords to sway slightly. But she did not hesitate at all. While she was putting away her sword, her body turned several circles like a gyroscope, and with the inertia of her body, she slashed at Rivka again, this time with greater speed and strength.

At this moment, her two swords suddenly became as black as ink, and the blades seemed to be rippling with water waves, stirring up faint lines.

“Sword Entanglement!”

Rivka was not to be outdone. While she was raising her sword to block, her body suddenly leaned back, and Kassidy’s two swords drew a half circle in the air.

Finally, Rivka transitioned from defense to offense, using the opponent’s force to stab Kassidy once more.

During the whole process, Kassidy’s two swords could not move, as if they were stuck by a strong magnet, and could only follow Rivka’s sword.

Upon realizing her impending injury, Kassidy decisively dropped her sword and swiftly retreated. After dodging the attack, she suddenly pulled the wire on the handle and retracted the two swords.

“Butterfly in Love!”

Kassidy turned her body and began to swing the two swords quickly. Rays of light from the sword burst out and bombarded Rivka like a string of cannonballs.

These sword lights were overwhelming, bouncing up and down, as if they had spirituality. The trajectory of the attack was unpredictable and difficult to defend against.

Rivka remained calm, and with a flicker of her wrist, the long sword began to draw circles in front of her.

The sword swung very quickly, leaving a trail of afterimages that was impenetrable.

“Clang, clang, clang!”

Kassidy’s blade hit Rivka’s sword shadow, splashing sparks.

In the attack and defense, neither side could do anything to the other.

However, Kassidy did not give up. Her body and the two swords were still spinning wildly, and they were spinning faster and faster, like a spinning top.

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…”

As Kassidy spun, dense blade lights kept whistling out, like a mountain torrent, sweeping towards Rivka.

Rivka remained calm and focused on defense. She was constantly waving her long sword and creating a shield-like phantom out of thin air in front of her.

The sharp blade lights hit the shield, splashing only a few sparks and causing no significant damage.

Rivka was not arrogant or impatient, and she protected herself tightly, despite the fact that it was a passive defense.

She knew very well that although Kassidy’s offensive was very powerful, it was also very consuming.

If it went on, she wouldn’t have to exert any effort, and the opponent would become fatigued.

“Phoenix Dances for the Ninth Heaven!”

Seeing that the attack could not break the situation, Kassidy suddenly flew into the air and used the strongest killing move of the Phoenix Dance Sword Technique, Phoenix Dances for the Ninth Heaven. 

Kassidy crossed her two swords in front of her chest, allowing the true energy in her body to surge wildly into the blades.


With a roar, Kassidy’s two swords began to vibrate wildly, and a dazzling red light burst out, instantly spreading to a ten-meter support, wrapping her entire body.

The red light quickly took shape, and in a breath, it turned into a clear-cut and powerful divine bird.


Kassidy shouted, and the two swords crossing her chest swung forward fiercely.

Suddenly, the phantom of the divine bird, attached to her body, spread its wings more than ten meters long and crashed into Rivka in front of her at an extremely fast speed.

The divine bird was huge, covering the sky and the sun, and Rivka was as small as an ant in front of it. It appeared that even a slight hit could wipe her out completely.

“What a terrifying sword technique! What a terrifying power!”

“Oh my god! Is this the strength of the daughter of the Guildmaster of the Celestial Alliance? It’s really extraordinary!”

“This attack is infinitely close to that of a master-level warrior. The problem is that the opponent is less than 20 years old.”

“Oh no! That beautiful woman from the Sword Union is going to lose!”


The whole audience was in an uproar. No one expected that Kassidy, who was so young, could have such strong strength.

No one below the master level would be able to resist once she released her killer move!

3 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2282 [4563–4564]”

  1. thankyousomuch admin for the updates it seems many of the readers are not interested in this chapters fighting of two women haha 😂

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