An Understated Dominance Chapter 2281 [4561–4562]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2281 [4561–4562] – “Hmm?” Looking at the hair falling from the air, Rivka couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Kassidy’s spinning slash just now was indeed unexpected. She lacked caution just now, nearly sustaining a hit.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and ducked her head in time to avoid it. If she hadn’t reacted quickly and ducked her head in time, it would have been more complicated than just losing her hair.

Although the opponent was young, her strength should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Rivka’s eyes became serious.

“You reacted quickly enough.”

Kassidy raised her hand and took back her weapon.

The combo she just used was a unique skill of hers. If caught off guard, people who have never seen it would find it difficult to resist.

Unexpectedly, Rivka’s perception was so sharp that she withdrew and dodged in time, narrowly avoiding the attack.

This made her feel a little regretful.

“Good kung fu, but it’s still a little bit lacking.” Rivka spit out a few words coldly.

If Kassidy’s trembling kung fu was more powerful just now, so that she couldn’t get away, perhaps the result would be different now.

“Really? Then I’d like to see if you’re ready enough!” Kassidy snorted coldly and rushed forward again.

With a flick of her hand, the double-edged sword in her hand once again spun and flew towards Rivka. This time, the double-edged swords spun faster and flew more fiercely.

Good-sighted audiences can see that a thin steel wire pulled on the handle after the double-edged swords flew out.

The steel wire extended from the handle to Kassidy’s palm. If you don’t look closely, you can’t find it at all.

“Are you using the same trick again?” Rivka’s eyebrows and eyes condensed, and the sword in her hand sprang out like a spirit snake, stabbing the handles of the double-edged swords accurately.

“Clang!” There was a slight noise.

Rivka immediately picked up the double-edged swords that Kassidy had thrown.

As if she had expected it, Kassidy flipped and pulled her palm, and the flying double-edged swords circled around her body and slashed towards Rivka at a faster speed.

At the same time, her palms turned into swords, stabbing Rivka’s shoulders on the left and right, respectively.

She was proficient at the art of breaking bones and tendons. As long as she hit with both palms, she could instantly dislocate and twist the opponent’s shoulders, making them lose their fighting power.

“Sword Swinging Style!”

Facing Kassidy’s continuous attacks, Rivka no longer held back. She stepped hard and suddenly flew into the air, somersaulting.

Head down, feet up, while avoiding Kassidy’s attack, the sword in her hand had already been ejected, like a whip, hitting Kassidy’s back fiercely.

“Bang!” There was a dull sound.

Kassidy was caught off guard and was hit hard on the back. A large hole in her clothes tore open, revealing the soft mithril armor inside.

Despite the mithril soft armor protecting her and causing no harm to her skin or flesh, Rivka’s hidden power had a profound effect on Kassidy.

She staggered, and her back was burning with pain.

“Hiss~!” Kassidy took a breath, and a trace of pain appeared on her beautiful face.

People didn’t need to look at her to know that her back was already red.

Kassidy actually used the sword as a whip, which was difficult to defend against.

“The daughter of the Guildmaster of the Celestial Alliance is truly wealthy and powerful, with even her soft armor crafted from mithril.” Rivka said it sarcastically.

“You——!” Kassidy gritted her teeth; her face was a little ugly. Although she had cut off a strand of Rivka’s hair before, she took advantage of it. Now that she has returned everything, not only did she not receive any benefit, but she also experienced a loss.

“Sister, you have great swordsmanship!” Seeing that Rivka had the upper hand, Sullivan in the audience immediately cheered.

“That’s how we should fight! See how Kassidy can still be so arrogant!” Halle waved her fists excitedly, looking very relieved.

“The disciples of the Sword Union are really extraordinary! Come on!”

At this point, some people who bet on Rivka also began to cheer and shout, and the scene was very lively.

“What’s wrong with Kassidy? Isn’t it too aggressive?”

On the other side, Noemi frowned slightly and was a little worried.

If she has successfully exploited the situation, she should adjust her strategy quickly to make people unpredictable after a blow.

Elite masters like Rivka, who had already experienced a defeat, would not fall for the same old tricks again. Instead, they could use this opportunity to exploit the weaknesses and create a more favorable situation.

“Are these the Sword Union’s six sword-breaking moves? It really lives up to its reputation.” Grace narrowed her eyes and praised in a low voice. 

The Sword Union’s six sword-breaking moves were unique. Despite having only six moves, one could alter them in countless ways.

According to Rivka’s recent performance, the opponent has already mastered it to perfection, and it’s as easy as an arm.

“Interesting.” Fenley curled his lips and became more interested.

A disciple of the Sword Union has such a high level of swordsmanship. If it were Glenn Hadley, what level would he have reached?

“Come again!” Kassidy, who had suffered a loss, was dissatisfied and attacked again with a sword. She didn’t believe that she, the daughter of the Guildmaster of the Celestial Alliance, couldn’t deal with a mere disciple of the Sword Union.

13 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2281 [4561–4562]”

  1. Just remembered, Dustin went straight to Longhu Mountain from the desert so he has the Sky Sword with him kept somewhere maybe in his restaurant room. Tyler Juding (Glenn Hadley) wants that sword and would likely bet on that in this competition if ever he and Dustin fights. Dustin can easily summon the sword…. hmmm 😀

      1. I am excited too! IMO, the advantage of Dustin over Tyler Juding is exactly what Bai Ye said to Hanshuang of Hanshuang City. Bai Ye experienced the lows in life and fell in love which makes his cultivation balanced and stronger. Hanshuang is obsessed only with his sword, same as Tyler Juding. Even with equal strength, Dustin experienced what Bai Ye did so his cultivation is more balanced which can give him the edge IF they do fight…

    1. To Tom,

      In last page you asked about Margaret’s performance. Well she is a grandmaster herself so she will only compete with those from group A(if she ever decides to take part) and yes with Dustin’s presence there I dont think she will participate.

      And talking about Dustin’s cousin Juding, he will surely come for the sword as he stated earlier and i think Juding and Prodigy of Yama Palace are someone who are equal or stronger than Dustin unless dustin has had another breakthrough because he have the cultivation orb from Great GrandMaster Miskil’s tomb and also those cultivation liquid and other items he found when they went to search for dragon vein. I think here in this tournament we will see Dustin surpassing his previous level and surprising his cousin. Fenley is also strong but not a competition of Dustin anymore. Actually I am interested in 6 powerhouse and there actions when they will go against the Temple of Gods. Dustin, Abigail, Margaret, Juding, Fenley and our secret Grandmaster, the prodigy of Yama Palace(i forgot his name) and if the Scanner Siblings join the fun then hell yeah.

      1. @Hammy Yeah, Dustin is super protective of Margaret (Grace) but still hope author let’s Margaret show-off her powers and capabilities as well. It’s been weeks since Dustin and Tyler Juding (Glenn Hadley) met. Unlike others who use their Sect’s chambers to hasten growth, Dustin has the Spiritual or Sky Orbs continuously with him. There’s a big possibility that he has already overtaken Tyler Juding substantially and there might be a refushling of the Prodigal or Genius List. We also have the young master of Longhu Mountain who hopes to fight Dustin in the mix so yeah, more exciting fights ahead. Also story says that the only one worthy of the Dragon Vein is either an Emperor or powerful young Prince. So it is a given that Dustin will win this competition. HOW? That’s the exciting part 😀

    2. Sky sword is not like others. Dustin do not need to keep it with him. whenever duster need the sold his just call for it, and it comes to his hand in no time.

  2. I am very much excited for Juding and his powers. He killed Nestor with such ease (ik nestor was almost drained in the fight with dustin but still being a GrandMaster and Imperial Palace’s top fighter he is more than capable to atleast defend himself but Juding’s power surpasses that of Nestor. and another point to prove his power is that he went against Sword Whisperer and took his attacks. Bai Ye said his sword once unsheathed has to taste blood and Juding went on to test his level. Either Bai Ye saw his great potential and forgave him or Juding must have told Bai Ye aboutthe relationship he have with Dustin. and Bai Ye was very protective of Dustin’s mother as she saved him and he was in guilt of not being able to save her so maybe this is why in the name of Dustin’s mother and Juding’s Aunt, Bai Ye didn’t killed Juding. But coming to my point i really want Juding and Dustin to fight and showcase there powers. they might be very close to the levels of Ultimate Grandmaster.

    1. To: Hammy Dustin can kill also Nestor easy as Tyler Juding if Nestor not used his ultimate protective defence, that’s why Tyler can kill Nestor because Nestor not think Tyler attack him so that he’s not activated his defense.

  3. Hammy, according to the author, both Logan and Juding are ultimate Grandmasters already. Moreover Logan broke through before fighting the black robed man from Mystic order, while Juding broke through later during the time he was being asked to go fight Logan.

    1. To Logan,

      Dustin never fought against anyone from Mystic Order. you got confused by some other events and no they are not ultimate grandmasters. Bai Ye (sword whisperer), Great Miskil of the Tomb, The Drunkard, Head of Mystic Arts these people are ultimate grandmasters or i should say perfect ultimate grandmasters. Dustin and all are cery close to ultimate grandmaster level. never it is said they broke through ultimate grandmaster level.

      1. To: Hammy Dustin fought granny Eunice elder of mystic order when he came to owen house and that’s day he first meet Abigail after the fight in black forest when Abigail meet her grandma. Dustin told to one of mystic order disciple the he need to add one word before grandmaster so the add ultimate grandmaster.

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