An Understated Dominance Chapter 2278 [4555–4556]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2278 [4555–4556] – “Oh! It’s actually the two of them?” Looking at Kassidy and Rivka, who walked slowly onto the ring, Dustin couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

He knew Kassidy and Rivka had entered the competition, but he didn’t expect them to meet.

Two were excellent Sword Union disciples and the daughter of the Celestial Alliance leader.

The elites of the two major sects were in a showdown on the ring, and it would be a fantastic show to watch.

“Brother Fenley, how confident do you think Kassidy is that she can win?” At this time, Noemi asked suddenly.

Fenley shook his head. “It’s difficult to say. Kassidy’s opponent is not simple. If I’m not mistaken, she should be a Disciple of the Sword Union. She possesses sharp eyes, condensed breath, and unquestionably high cultivation.”

“Disciple of the Sword Union? That’s indeed a bit troublesome.” Noemi frowned slightly.

They all knew that although the number of Sword Union disciples was small, they were all carefully selected elites.

Regardless of their gender or age, we should not undervalue them.

Once upon a time, the Celestial Alliance and the Sword Union had a conflict.

That battle left many Celestial Alliance disciples with psychological trauma, so whenever they heard the name Sword Union, they were a little timid.

Her sister, Kassidy, had a natural talent in martial arts, and with her father’s special training, she was already outstanding among her peers. If she were to face an ordinary warrior, she would naturally have a substantial chance of winning, but it would be completely different if she were to face a disciple of the Sword Union.

“A beauty on the left and a beauty on the right—today’s competition is exciting!”

“One is passionate, and the other is cold. I really don’t know how to choose between two beauties with extreme temperaments. It’s a headache.”

“Only children make choices. I want them all!”

“Do you think this is a beauty pageant? You want them all? Go and have fun. Are you worthy of this level of beauty? Why don’t you take a p!ss and look at yourself?”

The appearance of Kassidy and Rivka left thousands of spectators restless.

Particularly, some young and passionate men, their eyes shining, boldly expressed their love.

There were not many female warriors participating in this competition, and a woman of such beauty was even more rare.

Each of them, taken out individually, could cause quite a stir.

Moreover, two beauties appeared simultaneously and were about to engage in a fight on the stage.

This kind of scene naturally attracted more attention.

They really wanted to see what it was like when beauties fought.

If they were to reveal their beauty during the fight, the audience would be able to feast their eyes.

Thinking of this, many people became excited.

“Kassidy of the Celestial Alliance, please give me some advice!”

After going on stage, Kassidy clasped her fists towards Rivka, who was opposite her.

She looked very capable at this moment because she was wearing a red outfit and had her hair in a ponytail.

Her confident smile evoked amorous feelings in many male audience members.

“Come on! Beauty showdown! It’s rare to see such a show in a century! Everyone, seize the opportunity and place your bets quickly!”

In the audience, Abigail took advantage of the hot situation and started shouting again.

Upon hearing this, countless audiences flocked to the scene and began to place various bets to support their favorite players.

The heated scene made Abigail smile from ear to ear.

Sure enough, the attraction to beautiful women was very large. If they want to set up a game in the future, they have to work hard on this aspect.

“Junior sister Halle, should we also place a bet?”

In the audience, Sullivan felt a little itchy. He is now addicted to g*mbling. He feels uncomfortable every time he doesn’t place a bet, but because he lost a lot before, he has become cautious now.

Halle said proudly, “Of course I’ll bet! We have to give our full support to my sister’s competition, no matter what.”

As she spoke, she picked up a small bag of spirit stones, quickly walked to the open-air casino, slapped it on the table, and shouted, “Number 22, I’m all in!”

“Ah? All in?”

This move shocked Sullivan’s eyelids.

Did he just gamble the little fortune he had laboriously amassed? Too risky, right?

“Brother, why are you still standing there? Bet!” Halle turned back and urged.

She had blind confidence in Halle’s strength.

“Bet. I bet…” Sullivan’s mouth twitched, and he carefully took out a few spirit stones from his pocket and bet on number 22.

“Bet so little? Don’t you believe that my sister can win?” Halle frowned and was a little unhappy.

“Of course not.” Sullivan forced a smile. “Senior sister Rivka has profound cultivation, superb swordsmanship, and is difficult to beat. The winning rate is at least 90%.”

“In that case, let’s bet it all!”

Without waiting for Sullivan to react, Halle directly snatched the bag of spirit stones from his hand and slammed them all on the g*mbling table.

Sullivan was startled. The dealer had taken away the spirit stones just as he was about to reach out to retrieve them.

In an instant, his whole face wrinkled into a bitter gourd, and his heart was bleeding.

He knew these spirit stones were all his assets. Once he loses, he won’t even have a chance to make up for it.

The crucial factor was that he had numerous external debts to pay off. Initially, his strategy involved taking it slow, setting up a long line to capture large fish, and only placing bets on games he was certain to win.

Unexpectedly, man’s plans were not as beneficial as God’s plans. His hard work was completely no match for Halle’s impulse.

If he loses this time, he will really go bankrupt.

6 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2278 [4555–4556]”

  1. i am getting confused with characterr naming like Margret as Grace, Lui Rushong as rivika, Yan Buqi as Briggs
    its very confusing to keep track of names, i think it should be best if translator add changed name in brackets too

  2. From 2266-2276 talks about the match between Sawyer and Briggs. 10 chapters for one match, that’s two weeks

  3. You forgot that lage chapter just to analyse their ‘completed’ match. So, ait back and comeback next to next week and you probably will still be enjoying the beauties in the current match.

    I’ll give atleast 15 chapters for this match. Can we place bets on how many chapters this match will take?

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