An Understated Dominance Chapter 2277 [4553–4554]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2277 [4553–4554]– “Me?” Dustin was slightly startled. He didn’t expect Fenley to bring the topic to himself, but he still nodded. “Mr. Hudson, you’re right. Briggs’s talent and strength indeed qualify him to influence the top ten of the legendary list.

He was still very positive about Briggs.

“You two can give such a high evaluation. It seems that Mr. Ethier is worthy of special attention.” Noemi nodded thoughtfully. 

It was a pity that Briggs was born in the Yam Palace. If it had been a small sect, Noemi could have vigorously wooed him and absorbed him into the Celestial Alliance.

“Handsome and good at fighting, such young talents are rare.” Kassidy said it with a bright look.

Although Kassidy didn’t fall in love with Briggs at first sight, the other party’s appearance was indeed outstanding, which made people want to take a few more glances.

“Hahaha! Win, win! Sister! Did you see it? Mr. Ethier won!”

In the audience on the other side, when Halle heard that Briggs had won, she jumped up with joy and seemed particularly excited.

This contrast between winning big with a small bet and defeating the strong with a weak one was really exciting.

“Sister Halle! Your vision is really sharp. Mr. Ethier really won!” Sullivan, who was sitting next to Halle, was also overjoyed.

Fortunately, he listened to Rivka’s words and bet on Briggs to win; otherwise, he would have suffered heavy losses again.

The only regret was that he did not bet all in. Upon reflection, he felt a slight sense of regret.

“Mr. Ethier not only won but also won very easily. He is more powerful than I thought.” Rivka narrowed her eyes with a complicated expression.

She had known that Briggs was powerful, but because she did not see him take serious action, she only estimated it. However, after the battle just now, she found that Briggs had already broken through to the Grandmaster level.

One could only describe his strength as unfathomable.

At this moment, Rivka felt frustrated again.

Before, it was Dustin, and now it is Briggs. They are both halfway friends, yet their strengths surpass each other’s.

She always thought that she was a child of destiny. She had reached the half-step grandmaster level at a young age. She had an extremely outstanding existence, no matter where she was.

However, compared with Dustin and Briggs, her ability was not worth mentioning at all.

“Yeah! My husband won! My husband is so awesome!”

“My husband is awesome! I want to give birth to a baby for you, my husband!”

“My husband is so handsome! My husband, look at me!”


Some fans, drawn in by Briggs’s appearance, cheered after his victory.

The shouts of “husband” and the excited screams echoed in the audience.

Their number was not large, but their voices were very loud, covering the entire venue without any reservation.

If Briggs was just handsome, it would be okay—not too crazy for them. He was not only handsome but also skilled in fighting. They truly cherished him as a top potential stock.

Briggs left the stage gracefully under the attention of the crowd, and as for Sawyer, he staggered away amid a barrage of abuse.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. If you win, there will naturally be countless people praising you, and if you lose, there will be no shortage of people who will advantage to you.

Next, the game continued.

One fierce battle after another took place on the ring.

One talented warrior after another began to emerge.

While competing in the ring, Abigail’s g*mbling never stopped.

In each game, there were two extreme phenomena: victory or defeat.

The winner was elated, while the loser was dejected, shouted, and cursed.

“Next match, No. 8 vs. No. 22, both players please come on stage!” As a match came to an end, the referee’s voice sounded again.

“No. 8?”

In the audience, Kassidy looked at the number plate on her waist, was slightly stunned, and immediately stood up and said excitedly, “It’s my turn, it’s my turn! I’m No. 8!”

Both she and Noemi registered and made the shortlist for Group B. At that time, Noemi’s health condition prevented her from participating in the competition, but she was still eligible.

“Kassidy, perform well, and don’t embarrass our Celestial Alliance.” Noemi encouraged her with a smile.

“Don’t worry, sister, I’ve been prepared for a long time, and I will definitely make a name for myself this time!” Kassidy spoke confidently.

After watching so many matches, she had been eager to fight. It was finally her turn. She would definitely fight beautifully and show her style.

Kassidy walked out to the ring with a heroic spirit.

At this moment, Rivka also stood up in the audience on the other side. The number plate on her waist was No. 22.

At this time, Sullivan reminded Rivka with a serious face, “Sister, I know contestant No. 8. She is the daughter of the leader of the Celestial Alliance, Kassidy. I heard she is gifted and powerful. She is the focus of the Celestial Alliance’s training. You must be careful when the fight starts.”

“It’s okay. I know my limits.” Rivka nodded, picked up her sword, and walked to the stage calmly.

The appearance of the two beauties instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Despite the presence of numerous female warriors in this competition, it was uncommon to witness such a stunning and sophisticated beauty.

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4 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2277 [4553–4554]”

  1. Oooh, who will Dustin root for?!? 🤔
    My bet goes to Liu Ruishang or Rivka 😁
    I appreciate how her attention to every detail specially with Dustin. And her drive to work and study harder to make it to the Genius or Legendary list

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