An Understated Dominance Chapter 2276 [4551–4552]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2276 [4551–4552] – Sawyer was defeated. He completely lost his will to fight after using all of his lifespan and strength to launch his strongest attack, which Briggs easily broke.

On the one hand, his body couldn’t bear it, and he was seriously injured and exhausted.

However, Briggs’s incomprehensibility scared him.

Although Briggs was young, his cultivation was ten times stronger than Sawyer’s.

Even with all his skills, he couldn’t hurt the opponent.

It was an unattainable feeling of despair.

Not to mention that he had no fighting power now; even in his prime, he had no confidence to fight anymore.

“Player No. 5 admits defeat; player No. 19 wins!”

After hearing Sawyer’s words, the referee quickly announced the final result.

The whole scene was filled with wailing. There were also many curses and insults.

“D*mn it! What a rubbish ascetic monk! He can’t even handle a lovely boy; what a disgrace!”

“Master Sawyer? I think he is nothing! “Just a name; no skills; rubbish!”

“F*ck you! You made me lose everything! Why don’t you just die?”


Some g*mblers who lost their bets were filled with righteous indignation and kept shouting and cursing.

They thought Sawyer could easily win, so they all bet heavily, and some even bet their entire fortunes, intending to take this opportunity to make a comeback.

At the beginning, the situation was pretty good. Unexpectedly, Sawyer became weaker and weaker as the fight went on. In the end, not only did he not hurt his opponent at all, but he also exhausted himself.

What a waste!

If they had known that Sawyer was a weakling, they would not have bet on anything.

Regrettably, it was too late to undo it, and they could only express their anger with a few profanities.

“I didn’t expect that it was really Mr. Ethier who won. Dr. Rhys’s vision is really good.”

Noemi smiled and received praise from the audience.

From the beginning to the end, she had doubted more than once whether Briggs could do it.

After all, the strength shown by Sawyer was not ordinary; it was comparable to that of a martial arts master.

But the strange thing was that no matter how Sawyer attacked, no matter how hard he tried, he could never do anything to Briggs.

Ultimately, he had to concede defeat.

On the surface, it seemed that Sawyer was not strong enough, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was because Briggs’s cultivation was too high.

Since Sawyer used all his tricks, Briggs could easily solve them.

From beginning to end, Briggs was calm and spotless.

This was enough to prove that the gap in strength between the two sides was too large.

“I won, but I always feel that something is wrong.” Kassidy scratched her head, a little confused.

Sawyer’s attack was very powerful and fierce, and it looked very scary, but Briggs’s response was a bit awkward.

Whether defending or breaking the moves, he never took the initiative to initiate an attack.

It felt like a person attacking with all his strength, yet hitting the same target each time.

Though she knew Briggs was stronger, this battle was boring.

There was a big gap from the fierce collision in her mind.

“Mr. Ethier is not ordinary.” At this time, Fenley, who was sitting next to Kassidy, suddenly spoke, “He is obviously a tiger, but it disguises itself as a sheep, giving people a very weak illusion. Indeed, once they reveal their fangs, they have the ability to consume individuals directly.

“Oh!” Noemi raised her eyebrows slightly, which surprised her. “It could be worthy of such a high evaluation from Brother Fenley. It seems that Mr. Ethier is more powerful than we expected.”

She knew Fenley was proud and the other party wouldn’t take ordinary warriors seriously.

Only true geniuses would pay a little attention.

And there was not a single person among the younger generation of the Celestial Alliance to attract Fenley’s attention.

So after hearing Fenley’s evaluation of Briggs, Noemi was a little surprised and more curious.

“If I’m not mistaken, Mr. Ethier’s strength should be able to compete with the tenth master on the legendary list.” Fenley described it as shocking.

“What? Tenth on the Legendary List?!”

Hearing this, Kassidy’s eyelids jumped, and she was particularly surprised.

The masters on the legendary list were all highly talented individuals. Each of them had a powerful presence in the world.

Compared with the masters on the legendary list, people like Sawyer were completely insignificant.

Kassidy admitted that Briggs was strong and much stronger than Sawyer, but she didn’t believe that he could compete with Jude Leith, who was tenth on the Legendary List.

“Brother Fenley, are you really so optimistic about Mr. Ethier?” At this moment, Noemi was also shocked.

She couldn’t understand why Dustin and Fenley valued Briggs so much when he didn’t show any extraordinary skills.

What was the secret?

Fenley said meaningfully, “At the age of 20, he has reached the realm of a martial arts master, and he has the body protection method of the Acala Mantra. These points alone are enough to make him stand out from the crowd. Moreover, this is just the surface we see. There are certain unseen aspects that the other party has yet to reveal. With the foundation of the Yam Palace, it is not particularly difficult to cultivate a master who is in the top ten of the legendary list.”

At this point, Fenley suddenly looked at Dustin and asked with a smile, “Dr. Rhys, what do you think?”

22 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2276 [4551–4552]”

  1. Fenley (Han Feiyang) continuosly assessing Dustin. Exciting!
    *also, legendary list here means Genius List (age 39 and below)

    1. There are two lists as far as I know, one is legendary list on which Dustin/kirin and his cousin is in the 10th position, and there is a genius list on which Dustin and his cousin shares the 1st position.
      So I think fenely is comparing briggs to dustin/kirin, on the legendary list.
      **correct me if I am wrong.

      1. Dustin was in 10th place before the fight against hist mothers killer group.( I can not remember the groups name). there he killed the 5th person.

        1. Dustin moved up to like 8th after he avenged his mother on legendary list. He owns the top of the genius list. And he owns the 2nd and 10th items on the deadly weapons list. But he’s never utilized the 2nd sword he inherited. So the question is if his cousin actually stole that sword.

          1. Wait, I don’t remember Dustin moved up to 8th rank after he killed number 5, because he killed it with so many preparations.

            For not utilizing 2nd deadly items, the reason is still unclear. And there is no way his cousin stole it, he has his own dignity, won’t do such low moral action. Maybe Dustin just think he doesn’t need it yet, or not worthy enough to use it. The former owner, Seth (Bai Ye), was definitely far far far more stronger than Dustin. Using the sword while his level is nowhere near the former owner is a disgrace to the sword itself.

  2. I can’t wait till Dustin has his shirt torn off and the tattoo reveals his true identity, the myth that revenged against a village alone for his mother’s death! Maybe it happens before his battle against fenley or Briggs?

  3. I see there is a reason Feing is deliberately pointing Dustin to affirm his assessment of Yan Buqi. Dustin his nightmare!

    Thanks Admin for the update

  4. This looks more interesting, lol if Yan Buqi and fenley were to meet in the ring, that battle should be interesting

  5. Nice cliffhanger Admin. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dustin ends up fighting Finley. We’ve got a long long way to gooooooo …

  6. One whole page gone.. even after the fight from last 5 chapters is done!!

    What a waste!!

    What started as a story between a wife and husband has turned to be a full on martial arts documentary!!

  7. D*man.. how many chapters has it been since Sawyer and Briggs fought?

    Where can I read the original one from the original author? I’ll give a review there

  8. I think Briggs is people of the temple of god’s thats why Briggs not go on ground A because their plan is assassinate all powerful in group A and briggs also the traitor who make a plan to ambush Dustin in the restaurant when they plan to ambush the assassin. The reason why i thinking about this because the God King announced that he have recruited powerful person who can can on the top 10 list of genius.

  9. And 2nd is the 5 juniors of yama palace before they leaved in the restaurant the say the they focus on the plan and maybe the 4 juniors are not dead they plan to this to ambush Dustin and push Dustin to register in the tournament to alert the assassin organization and use kuang lang the 8th of the list of genius to kill Dustin but the plan is failed so that they have no choice thats why they recruit Dustin to help the temple of god’s.

    1. Actually I think it’s true that brigs is path of the pantheon of Gods but I know Dustin and Fenley would later team up to go against them because they are cousin and pantheon of Gods are after the Celestial Alliance group as well so it’s only for them to team up since Logan Rhys is already the guest minister of the Celestial Alliance group

  10. For those confused, I’m sure admin refers to legendary list as the Genius List. Because Briggs or Yan Buqi is compared to Jude Leith as mentioned by Kassidy and happens to be the tenth in the Genius List.

    1. To Luis,

      Dustin’s cousin is Juding the young prodigy of Sword Sect. He shares the same ranking with dustin on both Legendary Martial Artists List and Genius Prodigy List. Bai Ye the Sword Whisperer even said that Juding may be stronger than Dustin as Juding comes from his Mother’s side and Dustin’s mother’s family is full martial art family. I am waiting for Juding to show up and all these young prodigy fight together against the temple of gods. eagerly waiting for the main battle where dustin, juding, fenley, Yan buqi, Margharet, Abigail (the second rank holder on genius list) all comes together and fight together. and maybe we can get a glimpse of No1 Legendary Immortal master. Maybe he will come out of seclusion and help these youngsters in their fight. and also there will be some deaths too. maybe juding or abigail will loose their life

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