An Understated Dominance Chapter 2275 [4549–4550]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2275 [4549–4550]– Sawyer did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to forcibly improve his cultivation so that he could reach the realm of a martial arts master in a short period of time.

With the power of a master, he used his strongest trick, “Carrying the Mountain to Build a Building,”  and the lethality of this knife reached an unprecedented level. 

It was also the strongest knife he had used so far.

He was confident that even if Briggs was really a martial arts master, he would not be able to block this knife safely.


The sharp blue knife light, swept with the sound of wind and thunder, pressed towards Briggs.

Wherever the knife light passed, the wind and clouds changed color, and lightning and thunder roared, as if it could destroy the world.

Facing this powerful knife, Briggs remained calm.

The folding fan in his hand suddenly unfolded, and he gently waved it at the blue knife light.


When the folding fan was dancing, a small, weak breeze suddenly rose into the air, like a mantis trying to stop a car, and hit the blue blade head-on.

Sawyer’s blade was sharp and powerful, and its destructive power was truly amazing.

On the other hand, the breeze slashed by Briggs was not special at all, and it even looked weak and powerless.

The comparison between the two was akin to comparing a tsunami and waves, as they were not on the same level.

Just when everyone in the audience believed Sawyer was going to kill Briggs,

A shocking scene happened.

Briggs slashed the breeze with Sawyer’s blade light, and the impact instantly shattered it, like tofu hitting a stone.

There was no sign, no obstacle, and even no fierce collision sound.

Briggs simply waved the fan, easily defeating Sawyer’s strongest attack that nearly took his life.

With the fragments of the blade light, dots of blue light, like drizzle, floated down from the sky with a bit of enchanting beauty.

Sawyer was stunned when he saw this scene.

His eyes widened with disbelief.

The audiences were also stunned, dumbfounded, and unable to understand. They all clearly saw the attack Sawyer had just launched. It had the might of a martial arts master.

It was enough for the players in Group B to stand out from the crowd.

Normally, Briggs should find it difficult to catch. Briggs would likely suffer serious injuries even if he activated the Acala mantra.

However, they never anticipated that Briggs would not only catch it, but also effortlessly resolve the attack. It was so simple that all he had to do was wave a fan.

This fan was unremarkable, lacking any distinguishing features. The movement was as gentle as shooing away a fly.

However, the move was so ordinary that it neutralized the powerful blow that caused many martial arts masters to tremble with fear. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t dare to believe it at all. Perhaps they were unable to comprehend how a mere light fan could possess such a potent force.

How strong is Briggs?

Unconsciously, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Looking at the blue drizzle drifting down from the sky, many viewers felt like they were in a dream and felt a little unreal.

“How is it possible? You…”

Sawyer was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. In addition to shock in his eyes, there was also deep confusion.

He couldn’t understand why his powerful strike, which depleted his blood and genuine energy, broke so effortlessly.

Why did a young man in his twenties have such profound strength?

He even played him in the palm of his hand from beginning to end.

Is this the difference in talent?

Sawyer had worked hard for more than 30 years and experienced all kinds of hardships and torture. He thought he was strong enough to make a name for himself in the martial arts arena. However, he realized that there was always someone better than him, and he was still too weak.

In front of a true genius, his strength was not enough. He had a hunch that Briggs had not used his full strength from beginning to end. In Briggs’ eyes, all of his attacks were nothing more than clown behavior.

With this thought, Sawyer suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration. His previous ambitions were completely annihilated, and the anger hidden in his chest was unconsciously released.

“Master Sawyer, there is one last trick.” Briggs smiled, his expression as calm as ever.

But the more this was true, the more difficult it was to see through.


Sawyer suddenly trembled, raised his head, and spit out a mouthful of blood, as if something had hit him.

The next second, his burly body could not bear the weight, and with a “bang,”  he fell to the ring.

His face was ashen, and he no longer had the courage to fight.

He knew that he had already lost, and if he continued to fight, it would only be humiliating himself.

Briggs’ strength was much greater than his.

As long as the person in front of him was willing, he could easily resolve the fight, but the other party gave him enough respect and never took any ruthless action.

If he still didn’t appreciate it, then he was ungrateful and asking for trouble.

Lying on the ring, Sawyer looked at the blue sky above his head and finally uttered three words with difficulty and bitterness: “I… admit defeat!”

10 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2275 [4549–4550]”

    1. She’s fine cause she and Dustin texts always. Yeah she told me. Although she is jealous of Margaret. She knows margaret was Dustin’s crush for so long haha

  1. Briggs is a crouching tiger. He is going to make it to the final match against Dustin. It will take 4 years to get to that point and the match will last another year. Can’t wait!

    1. You forget that young priest who came to take away the killer. He said it will be a interesting competition when faced with dustin. So, wait…..

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