An Understated Dominance Chapter 2274 [4547–4548]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2274 [4547–4548]-“Giving up the use of the Acala Mantra and fighting a monk head-on, is that young man a little too confident?”

In the audience, Kassidy frowned, looking very puzzled. She was quite optimistic about Briggs just now, but she didn’t expect him to do this. It was really unexpected.

“I don’t think a young man is a frivolous person. Given that he had the courage to agree, he ought to be extremely confident, right?” Noemi said it thoughtfully. 

Although she didn’t understand Briggs’s intentions, she knew he was very powerful.

But this kind of behavior that makes people feel a little bit uncomfortable is really not advisable.

“Kid! I want to see how capable you are today.”

On the ring, Sawyer’s long sword turned, and the true energy in his body gushed out instantly. His momentum became particularly domineering and sharp.

Simultaneously, the blue light emanated from the evil-slaying sword in his hand, accompanied by piercing roars. Arcs of electricity flashed indistinctly around the blade.

It was very deterring!

Facing Sawyer’s power-accumulating moves, Briggs put one hand behind his back and gently waved his folding fan with the other hand, his face still calm. He looked like he was standing still, even if a mountain fell on his head.

“Thunder and wind!”

Sawyer shouted loudly, and the evil-slaying sword that had accumulated to the top suddenly slashed at Briggs.


As soon as she drew the sword, thunder erupted.

It was deafening and soul-stirring.

The people in the audience were dizzy and covered their ears.

At the same time, a huge sword light wrapped in lightning slashed at Briggs from top to bottom.

This sword was earth-shaking, and the wind and clouds changed color.

Wherever the sword light passed, the sound of wind and thunder rolled in.

Before the sword light arrived, a bone-scratching wind had already hit Briggs, blowing his hair upright, his robes rustling, and his eyes unconsciously narrowing.

“Good swordsmanship!” Briggs smiled slightly, without dodging or avoiding.

He turned his wrist and used the folding fan as a sword, stabbing at the oncoming blade.

This fan looked ordinary. There was no terrifying power, no cold air, and no heart-pounding lethality. It was just an ordinary straight stab, which was completely insignificant compared to Sawyer’s blade.

“KId! See if you can survive this!”

“Without using body protection skills, this pretty boy can’t survive a single move in front of Master Sawyer!”

“Humph! If you fly into the fire, you’ll destroy yourself!”

Upon seeing Briggs’s counterattack, which was merely a soft fan, many male audiences sneered with expressions akin to those of a dead person.

Sawyer’s sword was more powerful than before. Without using the Acala Mantra, Briggs’s small body could not block it.

The two attacks finally collided under the watchful eyes of the crowd.


There was a loud noise.

A dazzling light suddenly burst out. In an instant, the wind howled and thunder roared.

Briggs bizarrely split the folding fan into two as soon as it touched the sword light.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying, huge sword light, like broken glass, turned into fragments all over the sky and floated down.

At first glance, it was like a blue storm with a bit of strange beauty.


Seeing this scene, Sawyer was struck by lightning, and his heart was shocked. The raging thunder and wind he just used were more powerful and domineering than the previous attack.

If it is an ice and fire attribute attack, then the raging thunder and wind are lightning attribute attacks. Once it hits the enemy, it also has a paralysis effect. Even ordinary martial arts masters find it difficult to resist.

However, they never imagined that Briggs’s folding fan would destroy their ultimate move, Thunder and Wind.

What’s more frightening was that Briggs did not show any terrifying momentum or oppression from beginning to end. It seemed to be just a very ordinary move. But the more so, the more frightening it was.

This demonstrated that Briggs did not exert his maximum power.

Could the handsome and demon-like young man in front of Sawyer also be a hidden martial arts master?

Sawyer did not have time to think carefully because Briggs’s second move had already taken advantage of the situation and attacked.

After shattering the sword light, Briggs did not stop attacking. He also turned the folding fan into a sword and stabbed Sawyer again.

Like before, this fan was still ordinary and looked like it had no killing power at all, but it scared Sawyer’s eyelids, and a sense of fear rose in his heart.

“I just don’t believe you’re that powerful!” Sawyer gritted his teeth, forced down the palpitation, and struck out again.

“Carry the mountain and build a building!”

When Sawyer roared, his muscles instantly bulged, veins on the surface of his skin bulged, and the true energy in his body surged out like a wave, infusing the Zxie Knife with it.


The Zxie Knife vibrated violently, making bursts of roaring sounds.

The blue light that originally burst out was now completely condensed and gathered into a ray of light one inch from the blade’s surface.

The sword energy transformed into a sword light, revealing a surprisingly masterful technique!

“Die for me!”

Sawyer held the knife with both hands and, with all his strength, chopped at Briggs’s head.

In this attack, he exhausted everything he had and even risked his life. If he fails, he will die!

8 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2274 [4547–4548]”

  1. Better to stop reading for a month or two and then come back to read this slower than snail pace from the Chinese author

  2. Remember, this fighting scene started last week. Only one fight in the martial arts tournament. This tournament’s three days equate to 30 days of split 5 minutes reading.

  3. I just wanted to know why the most powerful fighters like Brigs and Dustin never end fights quickly, they always let their opponents play around a bit

  4. Blessings Ndale

    I miss Natasha, Dustin’s girlfriend, bring her back in another chapter, I t won’t feel good if she never appears. Also Dustin’s uncle, Drunkard

  5. Is author a dragon (Chinese) or a snail? I think snail would even walk faster than this author.

    -Thanks for the everyday feed Admin

  6. We cannot have Five 10+ chapters on one duel/ fight no. This is a waste of time. I give up. I will visit the web in September. How fights do we still have and how long will it take for the tournament to end? At the beginning the author was good, everything going so well but not. You can skip 5 chapters but you won’t miss a thing. This is too much.

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