An Understated Dominance Chapter 2273 [4545–4546]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2273 [4545–4546]– “Master Sawyer, you deserve to be an ascetic monk.” Your physical strength is indeed strong. I admire you.” Briggs glanced at the white mark on Sawyer’s chest and couldn’t help but praise him.

If an ordinary warrior was hit in the chest by his folding fan, he would be disabled, if not dead. As a result, it hit Sawyer, but only knocked him back a few steps and did not cause any damage.

Admittedly, Sawyer’s physical strength was far superior to that of warriors of the same level.

“Kid! Are you humiliating me?”

The words of praise originally sounded particularly harsh to Sawyer, causing his face to sink immediately. From the beginning to the end, Sawyer only viewed Briggs as prey. Unexpectedly, this prey unexpectedly turned the tables and forced him to lose his face, which naturally left him feeling deeply sad.

There was a hint of anger stemming from feelings of shame.

“Master Sawyer, you misunderstood. I really think that you are extraordinary. After reaching Grandmaster, you can jump over the dragon gate and ascend to heaven in one step.” Briggs said it sincerely.

Sawyer had cultivated both internal and external strength, making him much stronger than warriors of the same level. The only regret was that the opponent was already 36 years old and had never broken through the shackles and become a martial arts master.

Therefore, his strength was greatly limited, and he couldn’t fully exert his due advantages.

Of course, Sawyer’s excessive focus on perfecting his body likely contributed to the delay in breaking through.

This resulted in extremely high physical strength, but greatly reduced cultivation progress. This was a common problem for warriors who cultivate both internal and external strength.

“Kid! Stop talking nonsense here!” At this moment, Sawyer became more irritable. “Aren’t you just showing off here because you have a tortoise shell to protect your body? If you have the ability, you can remove the tortoise shell, and let’s fight with real swords and guns to see who is more powerful.”

Briggs had the Acala Mantra to protect his body, which could save his life at every critical moment.

Before his true energy ran out, the opponent was genuinely a little helpless.

Of course, if there were no Acala Mantra, he would only need three swords to deal with Briggs.

“Okay, Master Sawyer, since you’re so interested, I will stop using my body protection skills and have a good fight with you.” Briggs did not refuse but agreed immediately.

This response left Sawyer slightly perplexed. What he had just said was utterly angry, and he never imagined that Briggs would concur.

After all, as long as he had the Unmovable Hades Curse, Briggs was basically invincible.

Normal people wouldn’t give up their huge advantages and use their weaknesses to touch the opponent’s strengths.

However, Briggs did it.

Either the other party was a fool or had absolute self-confidence.

The self-confidence was almost arrogant, and Briggs didn’t take him seriously at all.

“Kid, did I hear you right now? Are you sure you don’t need the body protection skills?” Sawyer was shocked and suspicious.

He couldn’t understand what Briggs was doing. 

Was Briggs deliberately playing a trick on him?

“Of course, a man’s words are difficult to go back on. There are so many audiences watching. Can I regret it in public?” Briggs smiled faintly.

Upon hearing this, Sawyer felt instantly uplifted: “Kid! You are really brave! Dare to fight me without using body protection skills; I respect you as a man!”

At this moment, Sawyer almost laughed out loud. He didn’t expect that there were such stupid people in the world. His random provocation completely fooled him, leading him to forfeit his own advantages and the chance to win the ring.

Of course, for him, this was undoubtedly a godsend.

“Master Ethier! He is deliberately provoking you; don’t be fooled!”

The audience under the ring was already in an uproar, especially Halle, who was traveling with him. She stood up excitedly and started shouting.

“Yes, Master Ethier! Winning the game is the most important thing. Don’t waste time talking to him. Just go all out and quickly resolve the battle!” Sullivan also shouted.

Although Rivka, next to Sullivan, didn’t say anything, she also frowned.

In their opinion, Briggs’s behavior was indeed a bit stupid.

Briggs was clearly in an invincible position, but he had to cut off his advantage and fight a monk head-on. No one could understand it.

“This kid is so arrogant! He simply doesn’t take Master Sawyer seriously!”

“The arrogant will be punished by heaven. Without the body protection skills, he is a lamb to be slaughtered in front of Master Sawyer!”

“Okay, okay! Today, let Master Sawyer teach that pretty boy what it means to be dangerous in the world and unpredictable in human hearts.”


Briggs’ words overjoyed some audience members who supported Sawyer.

They felt anxious and afraid after witnessing Sawyer’s previous beating.

If Sawyer couldn’t beat Briggs, they would suffer heavy losses.

But now, Briggs’s arrogance gave them hope of victory.

Sawyer stretched out three fingers and said confidently, “Kid! I don’t like to take advantage. Since you don’t use body protection skills, I will only use three swords. As long as you can block my three swords, I will admit defeat immediately, but if you can’t, don’t blame me for being too ruthless.”

“Okay.” Briggs smiled and nodded, and at the same time raised one hand and made a gesture of invitation: “Then please use your sword, Master Sawyer.”

Dear Readers,

I am excited to share my message regarding this novel. As the translator, my role is to bring this story to you in a language you can enjoy. The real author is Chinese, and I am honored to translate and publish it here on a daily basis.

I want you to see and appreciate the hard work that goes into this translation. Some readers have asked why I publish only one chapter a day and not more. The reason is that the Chinese author releases one chapter daily, and I strive to bring you the latest updates as soon as they are available.

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17 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2273 [4545–4546]”

    1. Yes
      Thanks admin to translate such a great novel that is hard to translate
      And yes we know the author is the one who control the output chapters
      Thanks once again admin

  1. Thank you for this information shared. We appreciate all the efforts you have been putting in to make the translation available.

  2. We appreciate so much you’re hard work and dedication. This is the best site to get the best translation so thank you very much kind sir☺️

  3. No need explaining. We understand our impatience, but we still stuck to this novel.
    Keep on doing the good job!!

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