An Understated Dominance Chapter 2272 [4543–4544]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2272 [4543–4544] – Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Sawyer’s evil-slaying sword and Briggs’s folding fan finally collided with each other.

To be precise, it was Briggs’s folding fan that pierced Sawyer’s blade.


There was a loud bang.

When both sides’ weapons touched, a powerful energy wave swept around, with the collision point at the center.

Wherever the energy wave passed, sand and rocks flew, smoke and dust rose, and some spectators who were close to the stage could not open their eyes because of the wind and sand. 

On the other hand, the two people on the stage were in a stalemate after the collision.

Briggs’s folding fan, like a sword, touched Sawyer’s blade.

Equally matched, one was chopped down and the other stabbed in the air.

This scene stunned everyone in the audience.

“F*ck! He actually blocked it? What happened?”

“Master Sawyer’s sword had just become as powerful as a master. The attack’s impact was absolutely devastating. I didn’t expect that the little boy actually used his ingenuity to break through the force and block this fatal blow. He is really capable!”

“D*mn it! What happened? He didn’t die?”


Everyone talked about it; some were surprised, some were annoyed, and some were regretful.

Most of the audience was not satisfied with this result.

On one hand, they harbored an inexplicable hostility towards Briggs, but on the other hand, they were optimistic about Sawyer and made a significant wager.

They originally thought that the sword could have determined the outcome just now, but they never thought that the little boy they looked down on actually had extraordinary strength.

He could accurately identify the flaws and combat them with the terrifying force of the sword.

They had to admit that he was really amazing.

At this moment, even Noemi and others couldn’t help but look up to him.

They were curious before why Dustin was so confident in Briggs, but now that they saw him, they found that Dustin was right.

Briggs had a lot of surprises in store for him.


On the stage, Sawyer frowned as he looked at Briggs, who was so close yet unharmed.

Like the audience, Sawyer thought he could easily kill Briggs when he drew his sword.

Unexpectedly, the opponent blocked his full-strength attack with just a folding fan.

Who is this kid?


Sawyer did not give up. He held the sword’s hilt with both hands and began to press down hard.

The evil-slaying sword in his hand trembled slightly, and the blue light became stronger and stronger.

He now aimed his blade at Briggs’s shoulder and neck.

As long as his strength was sufficient, he could completely defeat the opponent with one force and seriously injure him with the opponent’s weapon.

After all, he was an ascetic monk. He was far superior to ordinary warriors, especially in terms of physical strength.

However, although the idea was good, Sawyer soon found something wrong.

Because no matter how hard he tried, his blade could not move forward.

It was as if what was stopping him was not a folding fan but an unshakable mountain.

Obviously, the opponent’s strength was even greater than his!

“How is it possible?!”

Sawyer’s pupils shrank, and he was secretly shocked.

In terms of strength, he has always been confident; why can’t he get the slightest advantage over Briggs?

Could this child in front of him be born with superpowers?

“I don’t believe you have any flaws!” Sawyer gritted his teeth and did not give up. The evil-slaying sword in his hand suddenly turned, changed from chopping to chopping, and cut horizontally towards Briggs’s neck.

This sword did not have a strong power, but it was fast—so fast that it was unexpected.

Briggs did not dodge, and when Sawyer’s fast sword chopped at his neck, the folding fan in his hand, like a sword, stabbed Sawyer’s chest fiercely.

This posture was like a life-for-life exchange.

If it were a normal person, he would subconsciously choose to dodge or defend.

However, Sawyer was unmoved. He was confident that he could chop off Briggs’s head before Briggs stabbed him in the chest.



Two strange sounds rang out almost at the same time.

The first sound was slightly faster, and it was Sawyer’s sword that accurately chopped Briggs’s neck.

However, Briggs’s Acala Mantra blocked it when it touched the skin.

The blade chopped on the mantra, sounding like a metal collision and splashing a circle of fine ripples.

The second sound was slightly slower; it was the sound of Briggs’s folding fan hitting Sawyer’s chest.

Although this attack did not seriously injure Sawyer, it forced him back several steps.

The collision between the two sides this time immediately determined the winner.

Simultaneously, it also caught the audience at the scene off guard.

Most of them were optimistic about Sawyer, and some even placed heavy bets.

They thought that Sawyer could easily deal with Briggs.

However, up until now, the situation was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Not only did Sawyer not win, he even lost the fight.

It only forced him to retreat a few steps and did not cause any substantial damage, but it inexplicably made those who had placed heavy bets nervous.

Deep in their hearts, they had a terrible premonition.

No way? No way?

Sawyer was not going to lose?

With this thought, it became uncontrollable.

Many people became more and more afraid and panicked as they thought about it.

The situation was completely out of their control.

22 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2272 [4543–4544]”

  1. Give a medal for author for dragging so much.
    Wait no! He may drag even more with same repetitive words/sentences
    “Wherever sword goes rocks, soil, ice , air, space, galaxy split into 2” blah blah..

    1. This author just lost it!! He’s run out of ideas or is fearing what to do if the novel is over. The earlier oasis episodes were done, well, maybe in about 100 chapters, give or take!

      But 100 or maybe 300+ chapters, we did not see any action by Dustin at the summit barring at Neomi’s residence.

      This author simply lost it. Actually now a days I’m not reading this once every 10 days and not so surprisingly the story won’t move much!! (Sic)

  2. We have been reading this match for some days now, just one match, I wonder how many months will take if Dustin appears on the platform!

      1. Bye the time Dhalia meets Dustin again in the circle of the story they both would be at the edge of death of their old age.. and he will be followed by the beauty list from 1 to 99 … grace helps him with all the wives he need and also those he don’t need 🤣

    1. Actually that will be a huge problem. A match like this should be over within 2 or most likely 3 chapters with lot of content
      But here we have to wait to see how will end this match for days
      If there are 10-15 chapters that will be updated per day then this should do a perfect job
      But only one chapter with little content for a day is killing me to wait for the next thing that will be happened
      Please consider this Admin 🙏
      Because we are so excited for this novel.🤩

  3. Yeah, have been reading this book for about a year plus… sometimes annoying why they can’t post more chapter a day, I mean admin you are trying your best for the translation
    But the Author need too to more…

  4. Thank You for uploading admin. The problem is the author. There so many redundant parts just to prolong the story. I don’t know what happens to the other main character already.

  5. Ok that’s it. I’m writing my own chapter from now on. Can not be waiting for this long for new chapters to be uploaded.

  6. Does Dustin have a mobile phone? Or has he not talked to Natasha since he left on his return trip home? Similarly where is Margret? And does Dustin have ADHD? He chases squirrels with an Olympic god like fervor.

  7. Kingsley Fiscian

    Dear writer,

    Please is there any reason why u are stalling with the release of the novel? Please we beg release them for us, the wait has been too long.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Fans of Understated Dominance.

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