An Understated Dominance Chapter 2271 [4541–4542]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2271 [4541–4542] – “Oh? Dr. Rhys is so confident? Could it be that Mr. Ethier has some tricks up his sleeve?” Noemi raised her eyebrows, looking a little curious. “

“The Yam Palace contains more than just the Acala Mantra. Given that Briggs risked all to participate, how could he not possess any Trump cards? I believe that with his strength, he will never stop here.” Dustin said calmly.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Briggs had not used his full strength from beginning to end.

Although the opponent seemed cynical on the surface, he was actually very capable.

It was not a problem to rush into Group A.

“Since Dr. Rhys is so optimistic, let’s wait and see what other surprises Mr. Ethier has?” Noemi smiled slightly and said no more.

She did not doubt Dustin’s judgment, but she was just curious: What kind of ability did Briggs have that was worthy of Dustin’s attention?

At this moment, on the ring.

Sawyer was still attacking fiercely, one knife after another, without any pause.

The Zxie Knife was waving wildly in his hand, drawing one blue arc after another.

These arcs were both graceful and deadly!

“Boy! Admit defeat! The Acala mantra can’t protect you for long. Once your true energy is exhausted, you will die.”

Seeing that he couldn’t take down Briggs after a long time, Sawyer began to attack his heart.

Although he was sure of victory, he didn’t want to waste too much physical strength and true energy on Briggs.

He still had a game to play afterward.

If he consumed  much, it would undoubtedly significantly reduce his subsequent combat power.

“Master Sawyer, it’s not that easy to exhaust my true energy. You have to come up with some more powerful means. These attacks alone are far from enough.”

Briggs gently shook his folding fan with a smile on his lips, but he was not anxious or impatient.

He looked like an outsider.

Sawyer’s voice gradually turned cold. “Boy! I’m giving you a chance; don’t be ungrateful! You and I don’t have a deep hatred; I don’t want to commit more murders, so I have been merciful. If you insist on your own way, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“In the ring battle, fate determines the outcome. Master Sawyer, just show your skills; if I lose, just blame me for not being as skilled as others; you don’t have to bear any burden.” Briggs responded with a smile.

“Okay, okay! Since you are so shameless, I won’t be polite.”

Briggs’s attitude successfully angered Sawyer.

He wanted to hide some killer moves to deal with the powerful enemies behind them.

It seemed that he had to use them in advance.

Otherwise, the Acala Mantra’s consumption would only result in greater losses.


Suddenly, Sawyer stopped attacking and took a long, deep breath.

In an instant, the blue light of the evil-slaying sword in his hand became stronger and particularly harsh.

A terrifying pressure burst out of Sawyer’s body.


There seemed to be thunder in the sky.

The next second, the wind blew violently all around, and a cold chill instantly enveloped the whole venue.

The audience shuddered unconsciously and tightened their clothes subconsciously, as if they had suddenly been in a world of ice and snow from a sunny day.

“What’s going on? Why is it freezing all of a sudden?”

“There’s something wrong with that sword. The cold air on it is too amazing!”

“Looking at this posture, Master Sawyer should be making a killer move!”


Everyone in the audience was discussing the sudden change.

Unlike the ferocity of the previous quick attack, Sawyer was a dormant tiger at this moment, and he could deliver a fatal blow at any time.

“Plum blossoms and snow meet in summer!”

After a brief build-up of energy, Sawyer suddenly shouted, and the evil-slaying sword in his hand suddenly chopped down at Briggs’s head from top to bottom.

At the same time, a strange scene happened.

The sword suddenly transformed from a cold blue light into a hot red one.

The temperature was also rising rapidly.

Everyone felt that there was still ice and snow in the last second, shivering with cold; the next second, it became a scorching sun, sweating profusely.

The transition from extreme cold to extreme heat occurred so quickly that many people experienced accelerated heartbeats, nausea, and vomiting.


The evil-slaying sword made a light sound, and the violent energy shook the air and distorted the earth.

“What a plum blossom and snow meet in summer!”

Looking at Sawyer’s sudden change in the sword’s momentum, Briggs’s eyes lit up, and he finally became interested.

At this moment, he made a move that surprised everyone.

He immediately revoked the Acala Mantra, surrendered his own defense, and used the folding fan as a sword, swiftly stabbing at Sawyer’s evil-slaying blade.

“Humph! You don’t know whether to live or die!”

Sawyer snorted coldly, and the sword’s force suddenly increased, slashing down fiercely with more terrifying lethality. In his opinion, Briggs’s behavior was undoubtedly seeking death.

With full Acala Mantra power, the opponent’s sword may not break the defense.

But he didn’t expect that Briggs would actually give up defense and turn to offense.

This was simply a moth flying into a flame, courting his own destruction!

7 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2271 [4541–4542]”

  1. If this fight takes 6 chapters, I wonder how many chapters will it take to finish this tournament. Maybe it will finish sometime in November

  2. This is really good thank you for the updates but this Sweyer and Briggs fight has taken too long for good days still counting

  3. “What a plum blossom and snow meet in summer!”

    This sentence in between feels like bad English cross story 🤪

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