An Understated Dominance Chapter 2270 [4539–4540]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2270 [4539–4540] – Sawyer’s knife moved so quickly that it was only visible as a blue light. Unlike the previous Luohan and the Great Compassion Palm, this was pure physical strength, extremely fast, and explosive.

The knife tore the air in half wherever it passed, but there was no sound.

“What a fast knife!”

In the audience, Rivka’s pupils shrank, and her face was horrified.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell the good from the bad with just one move. Although Sawyer only made a simple chop, he showed terrifying speed and strength.

At that moment, she grasped the terrifying aspect of the ascetic monk.

He not only cultivated profoundly, but also refined his physical body to an extreme degree. He was a rare warrior who cultivated both inside and outside.

This kind of person could completely fight across levels and challenge a martial arts master!


Before everyone could react, Sawyer’s swift knife had already chopped Briggs’s body firmly.

However, when the evil-slaying knife fell, Briggs’s body flashed with white light.

The Acala Mantra was once again activated!

Sawyer’s knife finally only stirred up circles of ripples on the surface of Briggs’s body, but it did not hurt him.

After the first knife proved ineffective, Sawyer immediately followed with another knife, slashing towards Briggs’s chest.

This knife was fast and fierce, its power was amazing, and it was difficult to defend against.


White light appeared on Briggs’s body again, blocking Sawyer’s second knife.

Sawyer seemed to have expected it, and he continued to attack with a blank expression.

The evil-slaying knife in his hand began to swing wildly, and blue lights flew in the air one after another, mixed with flickering white lights.

The Acala Mantra is famous for its defense. Once performed, it becomes impervious to swords, guns, water, and fire.

Sawyer naturally knew how powerful it was. It was obviously unlikely that the evil-slaying knife would break the Acala Mantra easily.

If the opponent’s genuine energy ran out and they could no longer employ the Acala Mantra,

Therefore, his strategy was very simple: he would constantly consume Briggs through fast and fierce attacks.

Once the opponent’s true energy was difficult to maintain, his opportunity came.

He had developed extreme physical strength as an ascetic monk.

He did not need to use true energy; he could exert terrifying lethality with speed and strength alone.

Therefore, he was successful at protracted battles.

After the general warriors had exhausted their true energy, their strength was only one tenth of that.

But he could become more and more courageous as the battle went on.

How about the Acala Mantra? As long as he attacked quickly and fiercely, he would break it sooner or later!

With this idea in mind, Sawyer launched a fierce attack.

He repeatedly swung knives at Briggs.

On the other hand, Briggs was always on passive defense, allowing Sawyer to perform.

At first, the audience could not see any clues and only thought that Sawyer was making useless attacks.

But gradually, many people noticed something was wrong.

The Acala Mantra is indeed powerful, and it can almost achieve absolute defense. But no matter how powerful the martial arts are, there will be shortcomings.

The Acala Mantra’s biggest disadvantage is that it consumes too much true energy. If there is no deep cultivation to support it, it cannot be maintained for too long.

Despite being powerful, Briggs was still too young. If he continues to perform the Acala Mantra in this manner, he will exhaust himself in less time than an incense stick. By then, he will transform into a lamb ready for slaughter.

“Sister, why doesn’t Mr. Ethier fight back? Isn’t it a disadvantage to fight like this?” Halle stared at the ring, looking very puzzled.

“Sawyer’s sword is too fast, and his attacks are continuous without stopping. Mr. Ethier is casting the Acala Mantra. If Mr. Ethier offends and counterattacks, Sawyer will swiftly respond.” Rivka said it with a serious face. 

Sullivan frowned and said, “Sawyer is too abnormal. He seems to have endless energy. Who can resist him? If Mr. Ethier continues to fight, once his true energy is exhausted and he can’t cast the Acala Mantra, he will be finished!”

“This is the terrifying thing about the ascetic monk.” Rivka sighed.

The ascetic monk had cultivated both internal and external skills. His cultivation was profound, but his physical strength was also incredible.

In terms of a protracted battle, they were no match for him.

On the other side, Noemi observed carefully for a moment and couldn’t help but say, “It seems that the handsome boy No. 19 is a bit overwhelmed! Although the Acala Mantra is very powerful, the ascetic monk is too fierce. The sword force is like a wave, one wave higher than the other, and judging from his appearance, he hasn’t used his full strength yet. He is really a monster!

Grace sighed. “The number of ascetics is extremely rare, and each of them is not an ordinary person. Fortunately, Sawyer has not yet reached Grandmaster, or it will be even scarier.”

Sawyer was now a half-step Grandmaster, but the strength he exerted was not weaker than that of a Grandmaster.

Even ordinary martial arts masters might not be able to beat Sawyer.

“According to what you said, isn’t the handsome boy No. 19 doomed to lose?” Kassidy was a little worried.

Dustin said lightly, “That may not be the case. Sawyer is indeed good, but Briggs is also not bad. The two have just warmed up. It is still unknown who will win.”

3 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2270 [4539–4540]”

  1. Only being able to read 1 chapter a day is frustrating.
    To be able to enjoy this story fluently, I have been forced to start over from chapter 1, and yet i have almost caught up to today’s chapter.

    1. Can’t fix Stupid

      This person is translating not the author so go find them. The complaints on here are nonsense and are disrespectful. Take them elsewhere. Just be happy someone is willing to translate.

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