An Understated Dominance Chapter 2269 [4537–4538]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2269 [4537–4538] – “Boom!!” Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Sawyer’s palm of immense compassion finally slapped Briggs’s head with a devastating force.

A terrifying energy wave, like a tidal wave, swept around with a loud bang. The momentum was huge, and the pressure was terrifying. A gust of wind blew in the faces of the audience below the ring, pushing their hair upright one by one, preventing them from opening their eyes.

After a few breaths, everything was calm.

The scene on the ring was beyond everyone’s expectations. In their opinion, Sawyer had just hit him with a palm, and if Briggs hadn’t dodged, he would have only one way to go. However, unlike what they expected, Briggs, who resisted the palm, not only did not die but also stood up.

There was no damage to his whole body, and even his clothes were clean and spotless.

This scene immediately shocked everyone. They didn’t know what happened at the last moment. They didn’t understand why Briggs didn’t have any scars at all.

Could it be that Sawyer stopped in time?

This shouldn’t be the case!

The shock wave from the recent collision was so real that even the audience members felt the intense pressure.

“What’s going on? That pretty boy didn’t die?”

“It’s strange. With the Arhat skill and the Great Compassion Palm, it stands to reason that the lovely boy can’t block it.”

“D*mn it! Is this a ghost?”

Seeing Briggs intact, everyone in the audience looked at each other in confusion.

They were very dissatisfied with this result.

“Am I seeing it right? The handsome boy No. 19 actually blocked Sawyer’s attack?”

Noemi widened her eyes and looked a little surprised.

When Sawyer activated the Arhat skill and used the Great Compassion Palm, she thought Briggs had survived.

Unexpectedly, Briggs was completely unscathed in the end. It was really unexpected.

“Just now, I saw a white light flashing on No. 19. Could it be because of that white light?” Kassidy showed a puzzled expression.

“It’s the protective skill of Yam Palace, the Acala Mantra.” Grace spoke up at the right time to clear up the confusion.

“Acala Mantra? Is it really powerful?” Noemi was a little curious.

“Of course it is powerful.” Grace smiled and explained, “Acala Mantra is as famous as the Golden Light Mantra of Sacred Wyrm Summit. They both have top-notch protective skills. As long as you practice them to perfection, you will be invulnerable to swords and guns and immune to water and fire.”

“As famous as the Golden Light Mantra? No wonder it was able to block Sawyer’s Great Compassion Palm just now.” Noemi was secretly shocked.

Although she didn’t understand the Acala Mantra, she was familiar with the Golden Light Mantra of the Sacred Wyrm Summit.

A skill that is comparable to the Golden Light Mantra is enough to prove that it is not simple.

“If No. 19 has the Acala Mantra to protect him, then today’s battle will be a success.” Kassidy said it with great interest.

Sawyer’s attack was very powerful, but Briggs’s defense was equally strong.

One side was a spear, and the other side was a shield. Would the spear penetrate the shield? Or would the shield break the spear? It was worth looking forward to.

“Master Sawyer, what are you thinking? Am I qualified to see your true abilities now?”

On the stage, Briggs waved his folding fan lightly, smiling as always, still so elegant, handsome, and charming.

The young girls in the audience were fascinated by him.

“Did you just use the Acala Mantra?” Sawyer asked with a frown.

Unlike the previous contempt, his expression has become very serious at this moment.

“Master Sawyer, you have good eyes. It is the Acala Mantra.” Briggs did not hide it, and he admitted it openly.

“I didn’t expect you to be from Yam Palace.” Sawyer looked him up and down and praised him: “You are so young that you can practice the Acala Mantra to perfection. I have to say that you are indeed a genius. It seems that I can’t do anything to you if I don’t show some real skills today.” 

The Acala Mantra is famous for its defense. When you perform the Acala Mantra, it feels as though the Acala has entered the world and remains unshaken. To break its defense, you must go all out.

“Master Sawyer, please!” Briggs smiled and stretched out his hand.


With a light sound, Sawyer finally pulled out the ring knife from his waist.

The ring knife was not long—only more than two feet—and the whole body was ice blue, with wave-like knife patterns on it.

Under the sun, the ring knife exuded a faint ice blue that looked very beautiful.

“This knife is called Zxie; it is two feet and three inches long and two inches wide. It is made of meteorite iron. It is indestructible and can cut iron like mud. It has been with me for thirteen years and has killed countless evil spirits!”

Sawyer held the ring knife horizontally in front of his eyes, stroking the blade with his fingers while making various introductions.

“Good knife!” Briggs looked at it carefully and couldn’t help but praise it.

Sawyer replied indifferently, “It’s a good knife, but I never use it easily, because once this knife is unsheathed, blood must be shed. Since you want me to be serious, you must be prepared to die under this knife. You and I have no grudges, and I don’t want to kill you, so I will give you one last chance. As long as you admit defeat immediately, you can still save your life. If you insist on doing it, you will bear the consequences.”

“Master Sawyer, I appreciate your kindness, but since I’m on stage, I have no intention of retreating. Please use your skills, and let’s leave our lives to fate.” Briggs didn’t change his face.

“What a wonderful life and death! Since you don’t listen to my advice, don’t blame me for being cruel.” Sawyer’s eyes turned cold, and he stopped talking nonsense. He suddenly shot out.

The evil-slaying knife in his hand slashed towards Briggs’s head at lightning speed.

2 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2269 [4537–4538]”

  1. Thanks for all you do, I really appreciate it.
    Please kee p up the good work, i’ve been following this story for a year now, please can you post more chapters daily pleaseeeee……

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