An Understated Dominance Chapter 2268 [4535–4536]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2268 [4535–4536] – “Wow! So handsome! It really fits the saying, The man on the street is like jade, and the young master is unparalleled in the world!”

“He is handsome and skilled at fighting. I love this type of man.”

“Come on, husband! My husband is the best!”


Briggs’ every move on stage could elicit waves of enthusiasm from the audience.

Some young girls were fascinated by him, their eyes shining.

If Briggs was just an embroidered pillow, it would be fine, but the fact that he easily resolved Sawyer’s attacks twice just now was enough to prove that he was quite powerful.

A handsome and talented young man naturally makes young girls yearn for him.

“F*ck! Isn’t it just a coincidence that he broke two tricks? What’s so great about it? He’s still pretending!”

“He looks like a sissy and doesn’t seem to have any real skills. Master Sawyer can kill him in minutes once he becomes serious.”

“Come on, Master Sawyer! Kill this lovely boy for me!”


In contrast to the female audience’s love, the male audience was filled with curses and expressed extreme dissatisfaction.

What’s the point of being good-looking? Men should speak with their fists.

If he has the ability, he should defeat Sawyer first. He has done nothing but pose here. It’s disgusting to watch.

“Boy! I didn’t expect you to have any skills. You can actually fix my ice and fire. I underestimated you.” Sawyer narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Master Sawyer, it’s not good practice to underestimate the enemy.” Although I’m a newcomer, I’m not an ordinary person. If you have any tricks, just use them. I really want to see them.” Briggs spoke again.

“I’m afraid you are not qualified to see my tricks.” Sawyer shook his head.

“Oh? Master Sawyer, are you confident that you can win easily?” Briggs smiled.

“I’ll make another move. If you can block it without dying, I’ll give you a chance to see my real skills.” Sawyer said it lightly.

“Okay, then please make a move, Master Sawyer.” Briggs closed his folding fan and made a gesture of invitation.

“Boy! Watch out!”

Sawyer suddenly took a deep breath, and his muscles bulged instantly, and the veins on his skin bulged. Then, a dazzling golden light burst out of his body.

The golden light enveloping Sawyer made him seem like a god, majestic without anger.

A terrifying momentum instantly enveloped the whole venue.

Some spectators who were close to the ring felt their breathing stagnate, as if a huge rock was pressing on their chests, and they became particularly uncomfortable.


At this time, the golden light around Sawyer became stronger, and it quickly gathered into a three-meter-tall, angry Vajra.

Immediately afterwards, Sawyer slowly raised his hand, and the angry King Kong on the surface of his body immediately made the same move.

“Brother Fenley, what kind of move is this? Why does it look a little familiar?”

In the audience, Noemi couldn’t help but ask questions when she saw Sawyer, who was shining with golden light.

“This is the unique skill of Shaolin, Luohan.”

Fenley explained carefully. “If you practice this skill to perfection, it will not only have amazing defense but also greatly increase strength. Most importantly, you can integrate Luohan with other unique skills to produce unexpected effects.”

“Oh? So powerful?” Noemi raised her eyebrows, quite surprised.

“If I’m not mistaken, Sawyer used Luohan just to lay the groundwork, and the next attack is the real killer move.” Fenley stared at the two people on the stage and said it with interest.

“It seems that the handsome boy is in danger.” Noemi couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Noemi really couldn’t bear to see Briggs destroyed by a cruel hand because he was so beautiful.

“Luohan? Interesting.”

On the stage, Briggs waved his folding fan lightly, smiling, his expression unchanged.

Luohan is one of the thirty-six unique skills of Shaolin. It is also considered a superior skill in the martial arts world, but when used alone, it cannot exert much power.

So Briggs concluded that Sawyer should have a trick up his sleeve.

“Great compassion, Palm!”

When Sawyer finished accumulating strength, he suddenly shouted. He raised his palm and slapped it down at Briggs.

The angry Vajra covering his body also immediately took the same attacking action.


There was only a loud bang.

A huge golden palm shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, like a mountain pressing toward Briggs.

The wind whistled, the air twisted, and sand and rocks flew wherever the palm shadow passed.

Briggs looked at the huge palm shadow that was smashing down on his head, but his face remained unchanged.

The strong wind blew his hair wildly, and his robes rustled.

And he still stood there, gently waving his folding fan, without any thought of dodging.

There was even a faint smile on his face.

“F*ck! Is this kid crazy? He didn’t dodge or evade?!”

“I think he was scared and didn’t know how to resist.”

“Even a martial arts master wouldn’t dare confront the Arhat’s Great Compassion Palm. This lovely boy is dead today!”

Briggs’ actions prompted countless people to talk about them.

The young girls exclaimed and continued to shout, “Be careful!”

In contrast, the male audience looked at him as if he were dead.

Only a martial arts master could resist Master Sawyer’s terrifying palm!

8 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2268 [4535–4536]”

    1. This is chapter 2268, if we go with a chapter per day, these chapters literal took almost 7 years, not minding some skipped days..
      I guess you are right, I don’t think we’ll ever finish this story in our lifetime.

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