An Understated Dominance Chapter 2265 [4529–4530]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2265 [4529–4530]-“What’s going on? Isn’t this person an ascetic monk? Why is he here to participate in the martial arts competition?”

“Ascetic monks are known for their disregard for power, status, money, and fame. Now he is openly on stage to compete. It’s really strange.”

“Wait! I know this person. He is the ascetic monk who broke the precepts, Master Sawyer!”

“What? Master Sawyer? Could it be the evil star who slaughtered the entire family in a rage eight years ago?”

The entire scene erupted upon hearing the name Sawyer.

The number of ascetic monks was extremely rare, and Sawyer was undoubtedly an outlier among them.

No one knew what happened to him. Only eight years ago, Sawyer massacred the 17-member family of the Jiyin Sect leader in a single night.

Since then, Sawyer has completely broken the precepts. He was involved in everything, including wine, s-e-x, money, and anger, and had a very violent personality. When he disagreed with anything, he shouted for fighting and killing.

Consequently, he gained notoriety during that era.

However, Sawyer came from an ascetic background and his strength was so strong that no one dared to provoke him.

This time, Sawyer stepped onto the martial arts arena, obviously intending to overpower the other heroes and make a name for himself.

When Sawyer stepped onto the arena, he took off the wine pot from his waist without any scruples about his image and began to drink in big gulps. He drank so happily.

Just as Sawyer was drinking happily, a young man holding a folding fan, with a graceful demeanor and handsome appearance, also slowly walked onto the arena. There was a sign with the number . 19 hanging around his waist.

Upon witnessing the handsome man’s appearance, Dustin, who was in the audience, couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly and become more energetic. He discovered that Briggs, the handsome man, was indeed more beautiful than a woman!

Briggs not only had a beautiful face, but he also had a profound cultivation that made people unpredictable.

As the young master of the Yam Palace, Briggs had been hidden by the Yam Palace before, and he didn’t show his talent.

This time, he went to the Sacred Wyrm Summit to fight on the arena, naturally thinking of taking this opportunity to make a splash.

“Wow! No. 19 is so handsome! I like him so much!”

“He is indeed a very handsome man. It would be wonderful if I could marry him!”

“It’s over; it’s over. I’ve fallen in love!”


Briggs’s appearance excited the female audience members.

Those pairs of eyes seemed to glow, staring at Briggs.

Some of the brave ones even ran to the edge of the ring and began to express their love in various ways.

At this moment, the so-called reserve and the so-called ladylike image have completely disappeared.

When a man is too handsome, he doesn’t need any expression. Just a smile or a look can make countless beauties fall for him. 

This was the lethality of the face value. Numerous women liked him, and at the same time, more men were envious and jealous. Some of them hadn’t seen him before.

“This person is the young master of Yam Palace, Briggs Ethier.”

At this moment, Grace unexpectedly spoke up. Grace’s global intelligence network encompassed everyone with strength and potential.

“Young master of Yam Palace?”

Noemi and Kassidy looked at each other with a little more curiosity on their faces.

Yam Palace was a complex sect that encompassed both good and evil aspects. Although its power was not as strong as that of the that of the Celestial Alliance, it was also dominant.

However, this sect had a reputation for being corrupt. It primarily engaged in illicit activities, with the majority of its members being known as killers.

Of course, if anyone can afford it, he can also ask the masters of Yam Palace to be bodyguards.

Although the reputation of Yam Palace was poor, no one dared to question its strength.

After all, the experience was akin to eating blood on a knife’s edge. Without genuine skills, it’s impossible to gauge the number of times you’ve faced destruction.

“One is the young master of Yam Palace, and the other is a powerful ascetic monk. Who should we bet on to win?” Kassidy couldn’t help asking.

Since Kassidy only bet on No. 12 Sullivan to win, she has begun to slowly feel the fun of gambling.

“The young master of the Yam Palace is indeed very handsome, but in a ring battle, it is not enough to just be good-looking; he has to be strong enough. If you want to win, I think you should bet on the ascetic monk No. 5.” Noemi said it thoughtfully.

If it were a beauty pageant, Briggs would be far better than Sawyer; there was no comparison at all.

But it was a ring battle, so the ascetic monk was naturally more powerful.

“My personal suggestion is to place a bet on contestant No. 

4 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2265 [4529–4530]”

  1. Some missing text on last line:

    “My personal suggestion is to bet on contestant No. 19 for a better chance of winning.” At this time, Dustin suddenly spoke. A simple sentence instantly attracted the attention of the people around him.

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