An Understated Dominance Chapter 2264 [4527–4528]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2264 [4527–4528]-The sturdy man admitted defeat so decisively that he jumped off the ring. 

Sullivan, who was so angry, was still a little unresponsive. He raised his sword and attacked him. He looked like he was going to cut the sturdy man into pieces.

“Hey! What are you doing? I have already admitted defeat; what else do you want?!” The sturdy man was frightened and dodged repeatedly.

Who would have thought that Sullivan would be so brave when he went crazy and looked like they were going to die together?

If the sturdy man had known this would happen, he should not have provoked him with words before.

The sturdy man’s words did not stop Sullivan from attacking.

The sword in his hand still stabbed the sturdy man’s throat fiercely, and each move was fatal.


Seeing that the sturdy man was in danger, the referee finally took action.

With just two fingers, he easily clamped Sullivan’s sword.

“Contestant No. 34 admits defeat; the battle is over; please do not fight privately under the ring.” The referee spoke lightly.

His voice was deafening, and it immediately woke up Sullivan, who was overwhelmed by anger.

The bloodshot in Sullivan’s eyes gradually faded, and he regained his composure.

“Sorry, I got a little carried away just now.”

Sullivan quickly put away his sword, bowed to apologize, and was secretly shocked.

The referee in front of him looked ordinary, but he turned out to be a hidden master. He only used two fingers to clamp the sword, which he thrust with all his strength, demonstrating his immense strength.

As expected, the Taoist priests of Sacred Wyrm Summit were not ordinary people.

“D*mn it! How could I run into a lunatic like you? I won’t fight anymore; it’s really a bummer!”

The sturdy man cursed and quickly left.

“I declare that contestant No. 12 wins!” The referee loudly announced the game’s outcome.

In an instant, the whole scene burst into warm cheers.

All the gamblers who bet on Sullivan were excited and ecstatic.

“Hahaha… I won! Brother Sullivan won!”

When the referee announced it, Halle jumped up excitedly, indescribably happy.

Sullivan’s victory was not only a personal honor but also represented the reputation of the Sword Union. He didn’t have to win first place as a disciple of the Sword Union, but at least he couldn’t fool himself.

Sullivan’s performance just now was considered to have won glory for the Sword Union.

“I didn’t expect Mr. Sullivan to be so brave. It’s really a cause for celebration.” Briggs, next to him, shook his folding fan with a smile on his face.

He had already determined that as long as Sullivan dared to fight, he would have a huge chance of winning.

It all depended on the other party’s courage to fight to the end.

Although Briggs didn’t know what happened during the process, Sullivan’s sudden outburst made him look up to him.

If you lack the courage to sacrifice your life as a warrior, you will not succeed.

“Junior Brother Sullivan, you have finally broken through yourself. In the future, you will improve both your state of mind and cultivation.” Rivka rarely showed a smile.

Sullivan’s victory also made Rivka, a senior sister, look proud.

“This No. 12 is excellent. I thought he was going to lose just now, but I didn’t expect it to turn around and successfully win the game. It’s really impressive!” 

Noemi in the audience smiled and gave praise.

Betting on No. 12, she naturally hoped to win.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, fortunately the result was good.

“It’s true that the brave win when they meet on a narrow road. Once you start to fight hard, the whole situation will be different.” Kassidy nodded in agreement.

Although strength is important, courage is also indispensable. That day, Kassidy learned it.

“D*mn it! What the h-e-l-l? Didn’t you fight fiercely before? Why did you give in all of a sudden? You’re such a coward!”

“D*mn it! I shouldn’t have bet on No. 34! I’ve lost everything now!”

“F*k! Give me back!”


In a game, some people were joyful and some were sad.

Those who bet on the right number were naturally happy, while those who didn’t are cursing and regretting their decision.

However, the outcome was predetermined and unchangeable.

The situation on the ring was changing rapidly. The person who was sure to win in the last second might lose directly in the next second.

And this was the charm of the game.

Amid applause, Sullivan returned to his seat, although he was exhausted and out of breath. But his performance had also earned him a certain reputation.

If he can keep up the excellent work, win a few games in a row, and finally make it to Group A, then it will be a real blockbuster!

Soon after Sullivan’s game, a new round began.

This time, the referee has drawn players No. 5 and No. 19.

Player No. 5 was a bald monk wearing a torn cassock, a headband, a rosary around his neck, and a sword in his hand.

These individuals were known as ascetics, in contrast to regular monks.

Ascetics were a special kind of people who madly tempered their spirit and body and advocated asceticism.

This type of person was very rare but extremely powerful.

They could endure pain that ordinary people couldn’t endure, and they could suffer suffering that ordinary people couldn’t endure.

They could maintain their composure even under extreme torture and with a butcher’s knife hanging around their necks.

This terrifying willpower had exceeded the scope of mortals and reached an awe-inspiring level.

Ascetics only practiced asceticism for fame and fortune, having never wanted either. They didn’t expect that they would appear on the ring that day.

Such an abnormal phenomenon made everyone start whispering.

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