An Understated Dominance Chapter 2263 [4525–4526]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2263 [4525–4526]-“Strange! No. 12 is obviously stronger than No. 34; why can’t he win?” Looking at the two individuals fighting fiercely on the ring, Kassidy couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course, he is afraid of the consequences.” Noemi narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly and explained, “Look carefully at No. 34! His fighting style is fierce. His offensive style is fierce, and his desperation is palpable. Even if No. 12 is more skilled, he still has no better way to face such a desperate person. This is the so-called victory of the brave when they meet on a narrow road.”

When the ring battle becomes a life-and-death struggle, the meaning completely changes. It’s inevitable to have some concerns during a ring battle.

Natural preference is to win, but losing is no loss.

In this state of mind, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to risk their lives to fight to the death. But the battle of life and death is completely different. If you win, you live, and if you lose, you die. Both sides will emerge with extraordinary combat power, and they will win by any means.

No. 34 had already prepared for a life-and-death battle, but No. 12 was still a little bit lacking. The fight restrained him, preventing him from exerting his full strength.

“Sister, if the situation continues like this, won’t No. 12, whom we bet on, lose?” Kassidy frowned slightly.

Even though g*mbling is fun, no one wants to lose, including her.

Noemi said meaningfully, “Whether he wins or loses depends entirely on No. 12 himself. If he wakes up in time and dares to fight before his strength exhausts, he still has a huge chance of winning. If he is always so timid, he will definitely lose!”

Kassidy sighed. “It seems that it is not enough to be strong, but also to have the courage to sacrifice one’s life.”

Under the ring, the audience cheered in a variety of ways.

The battle on the ring was particularly fierce and turbulent.

The sturdy man, No. 34, became more and more fierce as he fought. He was full of momentum and fully exerted his own strength.

On the other hand, No. 12, Sullivan, facing the sturdy man’s attack method of exchanging injuries for injuries and lives for lives, seemed a little stretched and restricted everywhere.

A warrior’s strength will significantly decrease once he loses his momentum and turns timid. As one side gained strength while the other lost it, the sturdy man nearly suppressed Sullivan.

“Hahaha… It seems that you, the disciples of the Sword Union, are just like this. I really overestimated you before!” The sturdy man attacked fiercely and mocked Sullivan: “A weakling like you, in my opinion, you should admit defeat as soon as possible; at least you can save your life; otherwise, if you continue to fight, you will only die!”

Seeing that the sturdy man was unable to defeat Sullivan after a long time, he began to ridicule him in an attempt to incite anger.

Old martial artists all know that the most taboo in fighting is impetuousness. Anger can completely deform all movements and skills.

At that point, some imperfections will become apparent.

Therefore, the sturdy man could exploit Sullivan’s weaknesses and easily defeat him.

“What? Are you still going to fight to the death? I am giving you a chance to live now. It is your honor to face defeat in this life. Be a gentleman!” The sturdy man continued to taunt.

Those harsh words made Sullivan’s blood pressure soar, and he gritted his teeth. A burst of anger rushed to his forehead.

“You are looking for death!” At this moment, Sullivan was finally angry.

Sullivan’s courage doubled after anger, and he was no longer timid, in contrast to the sturdy man’s predicted loss of reason.

His attack became extremely fierce as he gained enormous momentum.

Facing the sturdy man’s injury-for-injury style of fighting, he completely threw away his worries and started to fight head-on.

If you chop my head, I will stab your neck.

If you chop my chest, I’ll cut your head off.

Before, the sturdy man relied on the soft armor to protect himself and exchanged injuries, but back then, Sullivan was exchanging his life for his life, a completely dead-end style of fighting.

As a result, the sturdy man was unable to harm him and had to defend himself.

“F*ck! Is this kid going to die?”

The sturdy man’s eyelids twitched, and he was secretly shocked. He had to restrain his offensiveness and switch to defense.

He thought that by angering Sullivan, he could make him show his flaws. But the flaws he revealed were too big—so big that he was completely desperate.

Sullivan’s attacks targeted either his neck or his head, leaving no room for the soft armor to protect most of his vital parts.

He just wanted to win the game and never thought about really risking his life.

Now that Sullivan had done this, the sturdy man was a little overwhelmed.

“Aren’t you going to fight for your life? Come on! At worst, we will die together.” Sullivan’s eyes were full of blood, and he kept roaring.

His attacks were fatal, but he completely ignored his own defense. The sturdy man was unable to withstand defeat for some time.

Sullivan’s strength was initially greater than that of the sturdy man. Previously, he lacked courage and was reluctant to suffer harm. Now that he was angry, he had no worries.

Sullivan was completely desperate to clear his name and that of the Sword Union.

He transformed into a desperate man and turned the situation around.

“D*mn it! You are a lunatic!”

“Referee! I don’t want to fight anymore! I give up!”

The sturdy man was frightened by Sullivan’s crazy energy. Seeing that he was no match for his opponent, he jumped off the ring without hesitation and chose to give up.

If the fight continued, he would really die under Sullivan’s sword if he was not careful.

9 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2263 [4525–4526]”

  1. Thanks admin, the original author purposely wasting time repeating the same thing at every sentence. He’ll use tomorrow to describe Sullivan’s winning.

    1. You are completely wrong on your assumption, the author will describe how the referee reacted first in the first additional Chapter after that the crowds reaction. Then the following day how the bettors reacted and then how sullivan won. So we have to wait another week for the next battle.

    2. You’ve noticed that thing. It’s getting annoying. Repeating things we know already instead of moving the story forward

  2. All I cared about was seeing Justine in action. Most of the time, I found the fighting and the nonsense stories of others repetitive.
    I think the author was losing his focus on the story of the main character.

    1. May be.
      But at some point, if you read this web novel from start, there you can find an interesting and exciting story with full of surprises.
      This because I read it from the start and it is awesome.
      So still we can not say that the author is loosing his focus.

      1. same @ML, that’s why I copy all and read it offline (this is the only online novel I read). So I can read it fast. These daily details which most find not needed are the things which make it very interesting once it is read continuously. And yes, story is not losing focus IMO.

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