An Understated Dominance Chapter 2262 [4523–4524]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2262 [4523–4524]-The sturdy man’s attack was fierce, and his two swords swung out with a force of tens of thousands of pounds, enough to break monuments and crack rocks.

Upon witnessing this scene, Sullivan’s gaze remained fixed, and instead of retreating, he advanced. His body suddenly fell forward, and his hair almost brushed against the sturdy man’s two swords.

The sturdy man’s two swords missed, but Sullivan had already swung out his own.


There was only a crisp sound.

Sullivan took advantage of the inertia of the forward rush, and the sword fiercely slashed between the sturdy man’s chest and abdomen, then brushed past him.

This sword tore the sturdy man’s clothes, revealing the soft armor inside.

There was a shallow white mark on the soft armor’s surface.


Sullivan frowned, slightly surprised. The angle of his sword just now was very tricky, but it was fast, accurate, and unexpected.

He thought he could make the sturdy man lose his combat effectiveness instantly, but he didn’t expect that the other party was still wearing soft armor and blocked the key attack.

It’s really men who propose; God disposes.

“Kid, I have to admit that you are really good at fighting.” The sturdy man looked down at his torn clothes, and his face became more serious, “If I hadn’t been prepared, I would have been defeated by you just now. It’s a pity that you only have this one chance to sneak an attack. Next, I will crush you with my absolute strength!”

At the beginning, The sturdy man didn’t take Sullivan seriously, so he underestimated the enemy. However, just now, Sullivan’s strange and tricky sword had made him alert. 

It was truly extraordinary to be a Sword Union disciple.

It seemed that he must go all out to be foolproof.

“Crush me? Humph! It depends on whether you have the ability!” Sullivan slowly raised his sword, his eyes sparkling.

Although the sturdy man has soft armor to protect himself, with his swordsmanship, he can defeat the opponent even without hitting the vital points.

It was nothing more than spending a little more effort.

“Come again!” The sturdy man didn’t say any nonsense; he shouted directly and rushed up again. The heavy double swords in his hands were like feathers, swinging in various ways.

Countless sword shadows burst out and rolled towards Sullivan. These sword shadows made it difficult to tell the real from the fake. 

Some were transformed by the true energy, and some were afterimages.

Sullivan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sword in his hand danced quickly, creating sword shadows all around him.

A strong wind rolled up, causing his hair to stand upright and his robes to rustle.

The power of Sullivan’s sword shadow was no less powerful than the sword shadow of the sturdy man.

After a short sprint, the two of them collided with each other. “Clang clang clang clang…”

There was only a sudden clash of metal. In an instant, sparks flew all over the two individuals, their energy raging and the fight extremely fierce.

The sturdy man launched a ferocious attack, wielding a sword with immense force that proved challenging to withstand.

As for Sullivan, he was mainly agile, with fierce attacks and mysterious body movements.

Both tried their best to play to their strengths and pressure their opponents.

The two matched each other evenly for a while.

The two had similar cultivation levels, but Sullivan was better at swordsmanship and fighting skills.

Normally, Sullivan should have a greater chance of winning. However, the sturdy man was very smart. He relied on his soft armor to protect himself, and he fought desperately.

Sullivan refrained from trading one injury for another, often forfeiting the chance to continue.

This way, the two sides entered the stage of entanglement.

Next, it tested not only the depth of cultivation but also endurance and perseverance.

Whoever could hold on longer had a chance to win.

However, once exhausted or unable to hold on, he could only passively take the beating.

The two individuals in the ring were fighting in full swing.

The atmosphere under the ring was also extremely intense.

Many g*mblers had placed heavy bets on Sullivan and the sturdy man. The winner or loser would determine the gamblers’ interests.

This was no longer just a game, but the spiritual sustenance of the G*mblers.

All the g*mblers were enthusiastically cheering for their favorite players, their faces and ears flushed, their voices hoarse.

“No. 12! Come on!”

“No. 12! Come on!”

The people around Noemi and Kassidy in the audience had already infected them, causing them to shout involuntarily. At first, their voices were still small and slightly shy. However, as the atmosphere heated up, their voices became louder and louder, and they naturally blended into the environment.

Fenley, who was standing next to them, shook his head. He struggled to comprehend the emotions of these individuals. It was just a game, so why were they so excited?

Dustin gave the same performance as Fenley. He sat on a chair, drinking tea while watching the game, without any emotional fluctuations.

Regardless of their level of cultivation or mental state, Dustin and Fenley had already honed their toughness. Even if a mountain collapsed in front of them, they would remain calm and composed.

“Brother Sullivan! Beat him up hard for me! Don’t be soft!” Halle’s voice was the loudest in the crowd. She, as a fellow disciple, had a strong sense of substitution.

Sullivan’s victory or defeat would affect both her and the face of the Sword Union.

Halle naturally had to do her best to cheer the other party up.

Rivka asked, “Mr. Ethier, who do you think will win between them?”

She stared intently, her face slightly serious. She had excellent eyesight, and she saw all the fighting scenes between Sullivan and his opponent clearly.

She knew in her heart that this would be a tough battle for Sullivan.

“It’s difficult to say. Sullivan is better at cultivation, but his fighting style is at a disadvantage. If you don’t have the courage to fight to the death, it won’t be easy to win over the opponent.” Briggs Ethier gently shook his folding fan and offered his personal judgment.

Rivka didn’t say anything but just nodded in agreement.

Briggs Ethier stated that for Sullivan to achieve victory, he must possess the bravery to sacrifice his own life; otherwise, his opponent would constantly limit him. If they continued to fight like this, the situation would be extremely unfavorable.

8 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2262 [4523–4524]”

  1. You’re doing just fine. It’s still very easy to follow unlike in other sites. Thanks for your diligence we would be eagerly waiting for your next installments 😊

  2. First to comment!
    “The story is very boring, repetitive, and loses focus on the main character. With a few chapters released every day, it’s getting too long for me to keep up.”
    “I’m finding it hard to keep up with the story. It’s dragging on with a few chapters released daily. The repetitiveness and lack of focus on the main character make it quite boring.”

    1. I agree the story has doesn’t even have a topic. Dustin now doesn’t even talk to his s girlfriend and too much repetitive i already know what’s gonna happen b4 it happens

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