An Understated Dominance Chapter 2261 [4521–4522]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2261 [4521–4522]-“Dr. Rhys, don’t worry. Even if No. 12 really loses, it’s not your fault.” Noemi smiled.

“Yeah, we’re just having fun. Winning or losing doesn’t really matter.” Kassidy agreed.

“That’s the best.” Dustin nodded.

G*mbling is fine if you don’t get too excited. Once you get too excited, it’s simple to lose your mind. Therefore, it’s important to clarify matters beforehand to avoid unnecessary complications.

“Brother Fenley, do you want to play with us?” Noemi suddenly looked at Fenley, who was next to Dustin.

“No, you guys can just play. I’m not interested in these.” Fenley smiled and shook his head.

He was a martial arts fanatic. Apart from training and fighting, he had no significant interest in other things.

“Dr. Rhys, what about you?” Noemi cast her eyes on Dustin again.

“I’ll just take a look.” Dustin declined. While others were unaware, Dustin was well aware that Abigail, in her role as the dealer, had the ability to manipulate the game’s outcomes.

Most people here would eventually lose everything.

“Come on, come on! The game is about to start, everyone. Place your bets!” Abigail shouted, stimulating more g*mblers to place bets.

When the referee on the ring yelled [Game Start], the bet officially closed.

“Brother Sullivan! Come on, come on, come on! We must defeat him and win glory for the sect!”

In the crowd, Halle shouted at the top of her voice, cheering for Sullivan on the second ring.

Rivka and Briggs sat next to them with indifferent expressions, without much fluctuation.

When Dustin heard Halle’s shout, he took the opportunity to look over there.

As if he had noticed something, Briggs immediately looked back, then nodded and smiled at Dustin as a greeting.

At this moment, on the ring.

Sullivan’s face was solemn, holding the sword in one hand, and he was fighting straight like a javelin, showing extraordinary momentum.

On the other hand, his opponent was a burly, muscular man.

The sturdy man was about 1.9 meters tall and held two axes. His chest and belly were visible, and his hair was thick, making him look like a gorilla.

Compared with the sturdy man, Sullivan, who was still strong, looked a little thin.

“Boy! Tell me your name quickly; I won’t kill an unknown ghost under my axe!” The sturdy man carried two axes on his shoulders with an arrogant posture.

“I’m Sullivan, a disciple of the Sword Union, and I have come to ask for your advice!” Sullivan had a cold face and simply clasped his fists.

“Oh! So you are a disciple of the Sword Union!”

The sturdy man raised his eyebrows, and his fighting spirit became stronger: “I heard that your Sword Union only accepts elites, and all the disciples are strong and can fight one hundred. I just don’t know if the rumor is true or not.”

He had certainly heard of the sword union’s name. But he didn’t expect to meet a disciple of the Sword Union so soon. If he could defeat him today, he could add another outstanding achievement to his brilliant record.

“Whether it’s true or not, you’ll know if you try it.” Sullivan slowly raised his sword, the tip of which pointed directly at the strong man.

“Okay! “Then today, let me learn the skills of your Sword Union disciples!”

The strong man grinned, stomped his feet on the ground, and rushed up like a tank.

Every time he stepped forward, the ring shook slightly.

“Take my axe!”

After getting close, the strong man roared, holding a mountain-splitting axe in each hand, and chopped down heavily on Sullivan’s shoulders.

The strong man’s terrifying explosive power, when combined with the heavy weapon, would instantly tear apart a person or even a rhinoceros.

When Sullivan saw the mountain-splitting axe falling on his head, he refused to act arrogantly. He twisted his body, and he immediately used his body skills to avoid the two axes.


There was a loud bang.

The two axes chopped on the ring at the same time send sparks flying.

Two deep marks sliced the ring’s initially hard surface.

“Go to h-e-l-l!”

The strong man immediately switched from chopping to slashing after the attack missed.

After his double axes dragged on the ground and slid for half a meter, they suddenly slashed upwards diagonally, with an incredibly rapid speed that was difficult to defend against.


Sullivan’s pupils shrank, and he immediately raised his sword to block.


There was a loud bang.

Sullivan’s sword firmly cut through the strong man’s double axes.

As the fire splashed out, Sullivan was shocked by the strong man’s huge force and retreated several steps, almost unable to stabilize his body.

“What a powerful force!” Sullivan was secretly shocked.

The hand holding the sword trembled unconsciously, and his mouth began to ache.

The strong man’s strength was beyond his expectations. He couldn’t get any advantage in a head-on confrontation, so he had to change his fighting style.

“Haha… It seems that your Sword Union disciples are not very good. They have no strength at all. It’s really disappointing!”

With a somewhat sarcastic smile on his face, the strong man shook his head.

The tentative attack just now had already allowed him to figure out his opponent’s bottom line.

He was sure to win this match!

“Strength does not mean fitness. A bull is stronger than a tiger, but it can only be food for the tiger.” Sullivan responded coldly.

“Humph! You’re a sick cat, and you dare to call yourself a tiger? You are really overestimating yourself! I must teach you a lesson today! Watch this!”

The strong man didn’t waste any words. He kicked his feet and rushed forward again. His two axes, one on the left and one on the right, slashed at Sullivan’s head like huge crab claws.

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