An Understated Dominance Chapter 2259 [4517–4518]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2259 [4517–4518]-It was worth mentioning that, in addition to the ring competition in recent days, Abigail Robinson’s gambling business had also been extremely hot.

Abigail opened two temporary open-air casinos in order to attract more people. One was an ordinary casino, and the other was a VIP casino.

In ordinary casinos, gold, silver, and money were the main things, while VIP casinos only accepted various treasures.

Two different casinos could meet the needs of different people.

All the spectators who were watching the game became the targets of Abigail’s harvest.

The routine remained unchanged. Let the g*mblers taste the sweetness first, and then kill them together after they are fattened. This trick has been tried and tested.

After a few days, Abigail made a lot of money and became the biggest winner in the entire arena.

Although some smart people knew Abigail’s harvest routine, they dared not expose it because of their identity and could only pretend not to see it.

Indeed, even if it were truly made public, those who should g*mble would still do so.

Gamblers always have a lucky heart. Once they see someone around them getting rich, they can’t help but try their luck. Even though they know that only a very small number of people will get rich, they will still choose to give it a try. In their opinion, they may also become one of the lucky few.

When Dustin and his group arrived at the scene, the competition had officially begun.

The top leaders of the Celestial Alliance had special seats, which not only had a wide view but also had snacks and fruits. This was the epitome of status.

“Meet the young master, Fenley! The eldest lady, Noemi! The second lady, Kassidy!”

The appearance of Fenley and others caused quite a stir. All members of the Celestial Alliance, whether they were high-level or grassroots, stood up and saluted to show respect.

Dustin also saw an acquaintance among them who was the protector of the Celestial Alliance, Keegan.

When Keegan saw Dustin, he was slightly stunned and quite surprised.

However, seeing that Dustin was talking and laughing with Fenley and others, Keegan did not dare to ask more.

“It’s so lively here! All the major sects are here, but I don’t know who will be the final champion?” Noemi said.

Noemi looked around and seemed a little excited. As the daughter of the leader of the Celestial Alliance, she had been well protected and rarely went out. This time, she signed up for the martial arts competition on the sly.

Unfortunately, someone poisoned her before the competition even began, leaving her in a coma and preventing her from participating in the fun.

Now that she had witnessed this grand event with her own eyes, she was naturally very excited.

“As long as Brother Fenley takes action, this time the champion will belong to our Celestial Alliance!” Kassidy said confidently.

All Celestial Alliance disciples greatly admired Fenley, who was considered the most evil person in the past century. His prestige was second only to Alloy Marshall in the world.

Kassidy recalled that Fenley had never lost a battle.

Fenley did not think those so-called geniuses in the world were worthy of mention.

“Kassidy, don’t be too confident.” Fenley grinned and shook his head. “This time, Sacred Wyrm Summit’s martial arts competition has nearly scared the entire world. All the major sects and geniuses from all sides have gathered here. This time, a battle between dragons and tigers looms ahead. No one can be sure who will win the championship in the end.”

Although Fenley was very confident in his strength, he was not too blind. Ultimately, his ranking on the legendary list was only fifth.

He still faced several formidable opponents, all of whom were dragons and phoenixes among humans.

Logan Rhys (Dustin Rhys) and Glenn Hadley, tying for the top spot on the legendary list and recognized as two of the world’s ten strongest individuals, particularly impressed Fenley. To be honest, Fenley didn’t feel confident around these two people.

Of course, he was not afraid of fighting. This time in seclusion, his cultivation has improved again. If he really meets Logan Rhys (Dustin Rhys) and Glenn Hadley, he will still have the strength to fight.

“Brother Fenley, you are so powerful. Looking at the whole audience, who could be your opponent?” Kassidy was still full of confidence. In her opinion, Fenley was too modest. As long as the opponent used the Four Symbols of the Gods, he could definitely crush all the geniuses.

“There are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heaven. At any time, you can’t be too blind.” Fenley appeared to be admonishing himself, as well as teaching Kassidy.

He had previously engaged in a significant battle with Dustin Rhys, employing all the Four Symbols of the Gods, but he failed to gain any advantage. From then on, he understood that he was not a peerless figure who could suppress all the heroes.

There were always some geniuses who could match him or even be slightly better than him. But the more this happened, the more he fought.

Before, it was lonely at the top, but back then, there was a sense of crisis, and he was full of motivation to practice.

If he thinks about it carefully, it may not be a bad thing.

“Grace, Kassidy, look over there; it’s so lively!”

At this time, Noemi, who was looking around, seemed to see something and suddenly pointed.

Several people followed her line of sight, and she saw two open-air casinos in the west.

There were people shouting and yelling all around, and it looked very lively.

“Strange, I didn’t expect there would be a casino here.” Kassidy was quite surprised.

“Casino?” Noemi’s eyes lit up, and she said, “Let’s go and take a look!”

After saying that, Noemi remained silent, grabbed Grace and Kassidy, and ran over with excitement.

22 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2259 [4517–4518]”

  1. Yes you are admirably tactful and your good efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. I look forward to any updates. In your own time. We’ll be waiting.🙏

    1. When Fenley discusses the top two on the legendary list. It should be Logan Rhys not Dustin Rhys. That name is not the name listed.

  2. “Dustin also saw an acquaintance among them who was the protector of the Celestial Alliance, Keegan.

    When Keegan saw Dustin, he was slightly stunned and quite surprised.

    However, seeing that Dustin was talking and laughing with Fenley and others, Keegan did not dare to ask more.”

    Who is Keegan anyway? what is his name in previous English version? anyone can enlightened me?..

    1. on here its chapter 2058 the elder that wanted someone to defeat the guy that had the butler when dustin was first going to the compitition also the elder that led the group that came in at the resturant where the hunched back assasian came to kill dustin

  3. @Kdin Keegan in Chinese version is Balerno Martial Alliance protector Dong Quijao or something, forgot the spelling.

    Noemi, Kassidy and maybe even Margaret will be surprised that the one running both Casinos is Abigail. 2nd in genius list and disciple of Dr. Rhys ahem 😆 or maybe Han Feiyang or Fenley will can add it up and suspect Dr Rhys’ true identity? Who knows, exciting!

    1. ahhh i see..its him..yeah, he does meet dustin before …it is just that he did not know dustin’s true identity though…

      1. Correct name is protector Dong Qianqiu. He was the one recruiting Dustin for the Balerno or Celestial Alliance after Dustin won over the young Japanese guy who challenged the Dragonmarsh warriors and setup a ring before the competition 🙂

    2. and yeah, Han Feiyang supposed to able recognize Abigail from previous encounter if not mistaken..definately something will be cooking.haha

      1. I have a feeling that Han Feiyang or Fenley already knows OR is beginning to suspect and will nearly get it about Dustin’s true identity. But like Abigail, as smart as they are understands that Dustin will hide his true identity for a valid reason.

    3. Yea
      The best part of the surprise situation is going to start
      What can happen?
      But I will be more excited if Dustin and Fenley both are going to fight in the arena 🤩

      1. There’s also a possibility that Tyler Juding of the Sword Sect will be there too. Maybe this competition will break the tie for first place in the genius list between the two cousins. haha

  4. How does Fenley not know who Dr Rhys is? I’ll go back and look but I’m almost sure Grace has called him Dustin in the lead up chapters.

    He doesn’t even call him Logan… it’s just straight up Dustin Rhys…

    1. It’s because he has some sort of magical disguise (his appearance is changed). Of course, they still call him Dustin and Dr. Rhys, but it seems to be a fairly usual name combination in Dragonmarsh. 😀

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