An Understated Dominance Chapter 2258 [4515–4516]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2258 [4515–4516]-“Kassidy, go get my Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.” Noemi winked.

“Sister, you gave the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill to Dr. Rhys; what will you do in the future?” Kassidy couldn’t help but ask.

Outsiders didn’t know, but she knew very well how precious the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill was.

It was a top-grade treasure used to break through the Grandmaster.

Ordinary warriors couldn’t even dream of getting it, but she didn’t expect Noemi to be willing to give it away.

“It’s useless for me to keep the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill. Giving it to Dr. Rhys can make the best use of it.” Noemi smiled slightly.

The higher the talent in martial arts, the better the effect of taking the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

With Dustin’s talent and cultivation, he could better exert the medicinal effect of the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

“Don’t stand there; go!” Noemi began to urge.

Kassidy was a little reluctant, but it was Noemi’s thing after all, and she couldn’t make the decision, so she could only nod. After a while, she came out of the villa holding an exquisite sandalwood box.

Kassidy asked again, “Sister, are you really going to give it away?” 

She added, “Okay, don’t dawdle. No matter how good the treasure is, it can’t compare to the grace of saving your life.”

Noemi was very free and easy. After taking the sandalwood box from Kassidy, she quickly handed it to Dustin and said with a smile, “Dr. Rhys, this is a little gift from me. I hope you don’t dislike it.” 

As she spoke, she opened the sandalwood box and showed the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill inside.

The Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill was emerald green and crystal clear. It looked like a jewel and jade under the sun, and it was particularly beautiful.

Opening the box immediately brought a strange fragrance to the nose.

Several people around unconsciously took a deep breath, and they felt refreshed.

“It is worthy of being a top-grade elixir. The fragrance of this medicine alone is very extraordinary.” Grace couldn’t help but praise it.

Top-grade elixirs were already very rare and could attract countless warriors to fight for them. And the top-grade elixir was even more rare. It was a treasure that countless people dreamed of but couldn’t get.

Even for Grace, a princess of the Dragonmarsh, it was extremely difficult to get a top-grade pill.

“Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill is probably the only one in the entire world, and its value is self-evident.” Kassidy looked sore.

She’d rather use ten other treasures to exchange for the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

“Dr. Rhys, why are you still standing there? Such a treasure; why don’t you accept it quickly?” Grace raised her beautiful eyebrows.

“Miss Marshall, you’re so kind, so I won’t be polite.”

Dustin rarely smiled when he looked at the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill in the box. At that moment, he lacked politeness and took the pill directly.

He was not very interested in other things. The Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill, however, was different. As a top-grade pill, it could not only greatly improve the cultivation level after taking it but also strengthen the muscles and bones and stimulate potential. It was really a rare treasure.

He was not only a warrior but also an alchemist. He naturally liked this top-grade pill very much.

After all, top-grade pills were hard to come by. Even he required a significant quantity of valuable medicinal materials to refine them, and the likelihood of success was uncertain.

“Okay, thank you; we have done what we should do. Today is competition day for the players in Group B. Why don’t we visit the scene to observe the competition?” Kassidy made a sudden suggestion.

Kassidy had signed up with Noemi before and was selected for Group B. However, due to Noemi’s current situation, she is unable to participate, but she can still enjoy the fun.

“Dr. Rhys, Grace, what do you two think?” Noemi asked.

“That’s what I meant.” Grace nodded with a smile.

“No problem for me.” Dustin agreed without hesitation, his gaze fixed on the Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill in the box.

“Let’s go!” Kassidy shouted. She immediately commanded the law enforcement team to escort several people to the Sacred Wyrm Summit Arena.

At this moment, the Sacred Wyrm Summit Arena was still crowded.

Compared with the eight arenas in Group C, the matches of Group B were much fewer, with only two matches going on at the same time.

Despite the decrease in quantity, the quality of the matches significantly improved.

At least late-stage innate warriors, including many half-step masters, made up the players who could join Group B.

There were even some people with extraordinary talents who could frequently defeat the strong against the weak.

If the competition of Group C was just a screening, then the duel of Group B was the real entry.

Warriors who reached this level were quite famous in the martial arts world. They were either elite disciples of major sects or some rangers with rich combat experience.

All of those who advanced from Group C to Group B were experienced warriors, and none of them were weak.

Today’s competition was particularly grand.

Some senior leaders from major sects also attended and watched the game in person.

Their goal was simple: to select some elites from the players in Group B and then win over as many as possible to recruit talents for their own sects.

For the major sects, today’s competition was an interview meeting. For each player, it was an opportunity to become famous.

9 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2258 [4515–4516]”

  1. Today’s story.
    – Jade pill is extremely rare top treasure. Gifted to Rhys.
    – Everyone wants to go watch competition for group-B. Group B more real deal than C.
    # done 🙁

    1. Yea
      It’s kind a short really
      I thought when the competition was mentioned, there will be a match that can thrill the excitement
      After all it is like this now 🥲
      But the admin is working with publishing because there are translating going on
      So that can be the case most likely 🙂

  2. I wish I could buy a complete book to read rather than read a chapter a day from a book which contain thousands of chapters.

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