An Understated Dominance Chapter 2256 [4511–4512]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2256 [4511–4512]-Just as a palm strike was about to kill Noemi, a silver needle suddenly shot out.


The silver needle was fast and fierce, and before anyone could react, it accurately hit Conor’s wrist.

The huge impact force knocked Conor back several steps.

The pain was particularly intense in the shot arm, causing the body to tremble. For a while, he couldn’t even muster any strength.

“D*mn it!”

Conor, filled with fury, removed the silver needle from his wrist, thereby alleviating the severe pain.

“Sister, run!” Kassidy exclaimed.

Noemi, who had escaped from the trap, woke up as if from a dream, didn’t care about anything else, and immediately ran at full speed.

“Where are you going!”

Conor, who had recovered, refused to give up. He took a firm step, transformed into a lingering shadow, and sprinted towards Noemi. Even if he was going to die, he had to take someone with him.

“Be*st! How dare you!” Fenley’s eyes were about to burst, and he immediately shot out, hitting Conor with a palm in the air.


The air made a burst of sound.

Behind Fenley, a huge phantom, like a god, suddenly appeared. The phantom was powerful, without anger, and had amazing momentum.

The pressure released was like a mountain pressing down on everyone’s shoulders.

When Fenley hit out with a palm, the phantom of the god behind him immediately made the same move.

In an instant, the energy was raging, and sand and rocks were flying.

A golden palm shadow, seemingly real, blasted towards Conor with the force of a cannonball.

At this point, Fenley was completely murderous and did not hold back at all.

“The Four Symbols of God?!”

Conor’s face changed drastically when he saw the golden palm shadow that Fenley blasted.

As a disciple of the Celestial Alliance, he naturally understood how terrifying the Four Symbols of God were.

Back then, Alloy relied on this unique skill to carry the Celestial Alliance forward and dominate the world.

Conor did not expect that Alloy would actually pass the Four Symbols of God to Fenley. And looking at Fenley’s momentum, it is obvious that he has already mastered it.

Without any time to think, Conor immediately summoned all his true energy to construct a protective shield on his body surface. Simultaneously, he raised his arms and crossed them over his chest, adopting a defensive posture.


There was a loud noise.

Fenley’s palm shadows struck Conor’s body, protecting his true energy.

Conor was like a sandbag in an instant; he bounced more than ten meters away and then hit the rockery in the garden heavily.


There was another noise.

Conor continued to slide on the ground for seven or eight meters before finally stopping as the rockery shattered into pieces.


Conor opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood. For a while, he lay on the ground and couldn’t even get up.

At this moment, Conor’s face was like gold paper, his clothes were tattered, his arms were bloody, and he looked particularly embarrassed. He knew that Fenley was very strong, but he didn’t expect him to be so strong.

Conor was a martial arts master after all. Among the elite disciples of the Celestial Alliance, his strength could at least rank in the top three. In his opinion, even if he was not as good as Fenley, who ranked first, he should not be too weak.

But now he found out that he was wrong, and he was wrong outrageously. His strength was not enough in front of Fenley.

The opponent made only one move and severely beat him.

The gap in strength between the two was like an insurmountable one.


Why is this so?

He asked himself, “If I had worked hard enough and fought hard enough, why was I still not as good as Fenley?”

He had practiced hard for many years; not only did he not catch up with Fenley, but the gap in strength between the two became wider and wider. Why?


Conor fell to the ground with serious injuries, and the surrounding law enforcement team members immediately swarmed up and surrounded him.

One by one, they confronted each other with swords and looked at each other with greed.

However, they did not dare act rashly at this moment because Conor was a martial arts master after all.

Despite his serious injuries, the threat remained significant. If he counterattacked before dying, he might take a few people with him.

“Sister, how are you? Are you okay?”

Looking at Noemi, who had escaped from the jaws of death, Kassidy couldn’t help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’m fine, thanks to Brother Fenley.”

Noemi swallowed her saliva, obviously still a little frightened. She didn’t expect Conor to be so cruel and choose to die with her.

Fenley glanced at Noemi, and after making sure that she was not seriously injured, he walked towards Conor with a gloomy face.

Seeing Fenley approaching, the law enforcement team immediately made way.

“Any last words?”

Fenley walked in front of Conor, looking down at him with indifference in his eyes.

“Fenley, I was wrong; I know I was wrong; I will go back to the sect with you to apologize; please let me live!”

Conor spat out blood and begged for mercy; his behavior was extremely humble, without any arrogance before. Because he could see that Fenley really wanted to kill.

“Before you held Noemi hostage, you did have a way out. For the sake of our fellow disciples, I would still plead for you with the Master, but now everything is too late.”

Fenley’s face was cold, and his tone was cold. “You ruined the opportunity with your own hands, cut off your way out, and committed such a heinous crime. Today, you will definitely die!”

After the words fell, Fenley did not hesitate, and he slapped Conor’s head with a palm.


There was a loud bang.

Conor’s head exploded instantly, like a watermelon hit by a cannonball.

8 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2256 [4511–4512]”

  1. Next we can see about a situation “ who sent the needle” may be 😅🤩
    But still , this chapter is too short Admin 🥲

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