An Understated Dominance Chapter 2255 [4509–4510]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2255 [4509–4510]-“What else is there to talk about now? Back off! Everyone, back off!” Conor kept roaring, signaling everyone to back off.

It was obviously impossible for him to return to the sect to confess his crime. His only hope for survival now was to hold Noemi hostage and flee to Tyson Houle, the pantheon of gods.

“Conor, you can’t escape. Let Noemi go, and I promise to give you a way out.”

Fenley frowned, his face solemn. If it was a one-on-one, he was sure that he could kill Conor instantly. But now that Conor had a hostage in his hands, he was afraid to take risks.

If Noemi suffered harm, he would be considered a sinner.

Noemi showed pain on her face and advised in a hoarse voice, “Big Brother, repent in time and don’t make the same mistake over and over again. As long as you stop now and plead guilty, I can plead with my father to let him have a lighter sentence.”

With a fierce expression on his face, Conor said, “Wrong?” What did I do wrong? If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. Everything I have done is for my own future and to stand out. What’s wrong? If there is a mistake, it is your fault! You all favor Fenley. Despite my efforts, you continue to ignore me! Since you are so blind, I will make you regret it!”

“Big Brother, is your so-called power really that important? Is it comparable to family and friendship?” Noemi asked with a frown.

Conor shouted. “Family and friendship are sh*t?! As long as I can ascend to the throne of the sect master, I can sacrifice everything, including the lives of all of you!” 

Kassidy could not help but scold, “Conor! You are such an ungrateful be*st! If my father had not taken you in out of pity, you would have starved to death on the street. My father gave you a second life, treated you as his own, taught you martial arts, and focused on your training. But what about you? You betrayed the sect, my father, and even killed your brothers and sisters for your own ambition. “Are you still a human being?!”

Conor was an orphan. When Alloy was traveling around the world, he saw that Conor was seriously ill and unconscious, so he took him home for treatment and brought him in as his apprentice, taking good care of him. But no one expected that this so-called apprentice would be an ungrateful person who would repay kindness with enmity.

Conor shouted angrily, “Stop preaching here! Yes! Alloy did save me, but I have been through life and death for him all these years, and I have repaid all the debts. Now he owes me, not me to him!”

Fenley questioned. “Yes! Even if you don’t owe the master or the sect, what about Noemi? She has always regarded you as a brother and treated you with great respect. Why do you want to hurt her now?!” 

Conor said fiercely, “I have no choice! You forced me to do this! If I can leave here, Noemi will be safe, but if anyone dares to stop me, I will die with her!”

As he spoke, he became emotional again, as if he were going to die together.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fenley quickly agreed, “Conor, don’t get excited; I’ll let you go! As long as you don’t hurt Noemi, I can forgive the past. On the contrary, if Noemi is in danger, I will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth!”

At this point, catching Conor was no longer necessary. The important question was how to ensure Noemi’s safety.

“Stop talking nonsense! Get out of my way!”

Conor screamed as he held Noemi captive and retreated.

The surrounding law enforcement teams did not dare to approach at all, and they scattered in all directions to avoid irritating the other party.

“You! Come here! Drive for me!”

Conor casually pointed at a Celestial Alliance disciple.

The man was slightly stunned, then looked at Fenley, who was a little lost.

“Do as he says.” Fenley nodded.

“Yes!” The man replied that he could only step forward to act as a driver.

Anyway, Fenley was the one who covered the bottom, so he didn’t have to take responsibility.

“Hahaha… Want to catch me? It’s not that easy!”

Seeing that everyone was far away, and he was about to get in the car and leave, Conor couldn’t help laughing out loud, looking very proud.

However, just as he released Noemi’s throat and was about to get in the car, Fenley suddenly moved. He raised his hand, and a dart shot out, hitting Conor’s forehead.

If this shot hits, it has the potential to instantly kill him.

The reason for taking the risk was that Fenley knew that if Conor took Noemi to the pantheon of gods, Noemi would definitely be in danger.

“Fenley! You are so bold!”

Conor noticed it instantly when the dart was shot. His attention has always been on Fenley. Although he was a little relaxed just now, he saw all of Fenley’s small movements.

Faced with the dart, he didn’t dare to take it too hard and immediately dodged sideways.


The powerful dart brushed past Conor’s ear, and then, with a “bang,”  a big hole was blasted in the wall behind him.

This scene made Conor’s eyelids jump, but with it came anger.

“Fenley! You forced me to do this!”

Conor gnashed his teeth, his face showing madness. He suddenly slapped Noemi’s head with his palm, intending to die together in the horrified eyes of everyone.

“No!” Fenley’s face changed drastically. However, he was too far away, and it was too late to stop it.

16 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2255 [4509–4510]”

    1. Yea
      It is like quartet of the scene. How do we imagine and expect the excitement when the chapter is like this short
      Admin please increase the content that will have full story of the particular scene

  1. It’s definitely Dustin’s turn next. And for the second time Dustin will be the person on his way.

  2. Here is where our hero comes in, tadaaaa!!!!

    On a side note, Han Feiyang should take notes from Dustin when and where to throw a dart. Definitely not when the opponent is concentrated on his every move…

  3. I have lost interest in one of the other novel the christmatic charli Wade for the same reason of very slow updating the story.
    I think same will happen with this also. And this is for the writer if this continues the same way you will loose all your readers and admirers

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