An Understated Dominance Chapter 2254 [4507–4508]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2254 [4507–4508]-The audio recording played by Fenley was very clear.

Conor and Tyson Houle, the Chief of Pantheon, had a word-for-word conversation.

After listening, Noemi and Kassidy were stunned; their eyes widened, and they looked unbelievable.

On the other hand, Conor was struck by lightning and stood there. He never imagined that someone would record his conversation with Tyson last night.

Could it be that Tyson betrayed him?

Tyson had no reason to betray him because their interests were so closely aligned. However, how was it possible?

At this moment, Conor’s face was uncertain, and his heart was even more turbulent.

Not only was he filled with doubts, but he was also more terrified.

The evidence was indisputable, exposing his betrayal of the sect. What should he do?

“Conor, what else do you have to say now?” Fenley said it coldly.

In fact, the sect had long noticed Conor’s abnormality and installed a bug on him in advance, just in case.

It turned out that the sect’s suspicion was not wrong. Conor secretly teamed up with the Pantheon Gods and betrayed the sect.

Noemi looked at Conor in astonishment. She said, “Big Brother, I didn’t expect that the person who framed me was you? You and I grew up together and are as close as brothers and sisters. I don’t understand why you did this?”

“I…” Conor was speechless for a moment.

“Big Brother! The sect has treated you well and has always focused on training you. I didn’t expect you to collude with foreign enemies and betray the sect. You are simply ungrateful. I really misjudged you!” Kassidy said. She was furious.

Although Kassidy had previously guessed that there should be a ghost around her, she never doubted Conor.

Because the two sides had been friends for more than ten years, it was not an exaggeration to describe them as relatives. However, the recording has now completely shattered her fantasy.

Conor’s behavior proved that you can recognize a person’s face but not their heart!

“Conor, come back to the sect with me and apologize to the master.” “As long as you honestly admit your mistakes, the master should spare your life for many years of friendship.” Fenley spoke again.

“Go back?” Conor’s eyes twitched, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. “It’s already like this; how can I go back? Betraying the sect is punishable by death, but the living punishment is difficult to avoid. Stopping cultivation is the lightest punishment, while lifelong imprisonment is the harshest! “Returning with you will ruin my life!”

“You have no choice now; don’t force me to do it.” 

Fenley had a blank expression. While speaking, the master’s aura slowly condensed under his palm.

If Conor dared to resist or escape, Fenley would immediately take action to suppress him.

“You want to catch me?” It’s not that easy!”

Conor gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his hand and waved. A black poisonous mist instantly gushed out of his sleeves and enveloped Fenley.

“Brother Fenley, be careful!” Noemi’s face changed.

“Humph! Stubborn!” Fenley snorted coldly, without dodging, and slammed out with a palm.

The terrifying master’s aura immediately evaporated all the poisonous mist, and the remaining force continued to blast towards Conor.

However, at this moment, Conor suddenly flashed behind Noemi, and at the same time, he grabbed her throat with one hand, threatening, “Fenley! If you dare to mess around, I will kill her immediately.”


Seeing this scene, Fenley’s face changed, and he quickly withdrew his hand and shouted in a deep voice, “Conor! Let Noemi go; you’re adding crime to crime!”

“Let her go? Do I still have a life?”

Conor’s face was a bit ferocious, and while holding Noemi hostage, he began to slowly retreat. “Get out of the way! Everyone, get out of the way! Whoever dares to get close, I will die with Noemi!”

The law enforcement team that had just taken action was frightened and stopped immediately.

They couldn’t care about the lives and deaths of others, but they had to consider the safety of Noemi.

“Conor! Are you crazy? You actually held my sister hostage?” Kassidy was furious.

Conor gnashed his teeth and shouted, “Yes! I am crazy! But you are driving me crazy! I have fought for the sect for many years, but what is the result? I didn’t get any benefits. On the contrary, the master deeply loves and values Fenley, who joined the sect a few years after me. Even you, people, are around him every day!


I am the most senior disciple in the Celestial Alliance! I am the future successor to the sect! I am the pride of the sky, and everyone is looking forward to it! Why did Fenley take away all my glory and honor as soon as he appeared?

I don’t accept it! I am not willing! I will not allow others to tread on me for the rest of my life! Since you don’t give me what I want, I will fight for it myself! Go and rob!

What if I joined the Pantheon of Gods and betrayed the sect? The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit! As long as I can achieve my goal, I can do whatever it takes! Whoever dares to stop me must die!”

At the end, Conor’s words were completely roared. The madness on his face became stronger.

Because of his excessive excitement, the fingers that grabbed Noemi’s throat began to exert force continuously.

Noemi’s face turned red; she had difficulty breathing, and she couldn’t even speak.

“Conor! Calm down! Don’t hurt Noemi. Let’s talk slowly about the conditions!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fenley hurriedly spoke to calm Conor’s emotions, fearing that the other party would lose control and directly break Noemi’s neck.

32 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2254 [4507–4508]”

  1. Thanks to Dustin’s hidden identity, no one will expect his strength including Conor/Li Ce. There’s a big chance our hero will be the savior of the day again

      1. Dustin and his ultra fast silver needle technique. But there is also another possibility. Margaret or Grace is with them. She knows how to cast a spell to have Noemi or Xiao Ning Meng to disappear and appear someplace else 😉

  2. With two waves one needle precisely into his wrist releasing Noemis throat and the other hitting him in-between his eyes exploding his head like a watermelon hit with a cannon

  3. By the way who is Tyson?
    Where else have we encountered Tyson?
    Is he a grandmaster martial astist?
    Where is Aebigail? Is the betting still ongoing, what was the motive of the betting scene?
    Where is Dahlia and Natasha?
    Where is the Goddess of war?
    Too many unfinished ends….

  4. The speed with which story is moving, Dustin to use that needle it will take 3 to 4 episodes. 1 episode conor vs Fenly conversation, 1 episode conor vs Noemi & or her sister conversation and 1 episode Grace convincing Dustin to take action.

  5. Mandilakhe Palm

    I looks like this novel will go on for the longest time. Too many storylines. Not that I’m complaining though.

    Reading from South Africa

  6. Looks like the main author has abondoned writing and someone else ( maybe translator or admin ) is trying to keep the story alive . Maybe I am wrong but this is what I feel . I am from Pakistan

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