An Understated Dominance Chapter 2253 [4505–4506]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2253 [4505–4506]-Fenley’s words made Conor’s face darken.

Conor didn’t expect the man in front of him to be so ruthless and wouldn’t take him, the senior brother, seriously at all.

Conor said with a gloomy face, “Fenley, don’t go too far! I am the senior brother of the Celestial Alliance; watch your attitude when you speak!”

“Senior brother, I have been polite to you; you’d better not make it difficult for me.” Fenley said it coldly.

“Difficult? Humph! I think you are clearly seeking revenge!” Conor’s tone was unkind.

“Senior brother, don’t delay any more; there is no point; you must make a choice today.” Fenley was unmoved.

“What will happen if I don’t go with the law enforcement team?” Conor asked with narrowed eyes.

“Then don’t blame me for taking action against you!” Fenley said it coldly.

“You are so presumptuous!” Conor was instantly furious. “Fenley, don’t think that you can show off your strength here just because you have some strength. If we really fight, I may not lose to you!”

“You can try.” Fenley had no expression on his face.

“You are really going too far!” Conor gritted his teeth.

“Okay, okay, both of you say less!”

Noemi immediately stood between the two and began to talk about the situation, seeing that it was getting more and more tense. “We are all from the same sect; why do we have to fight each other? Brother Fenley, give me some face; let’s forget about this matter today. I will call my father later and ask him to take back his order.”

“Noemi, I value friendship, but I cannot forgive the crime Senior Brother committed. The master has issued a strict order mandating his detention and subsequent trial. The sect rules threaten immediate execution if he disobeys.” Fenley’s words were sonorous.


As soon as these words came out, Noemi and Kassidy changed their faces instantly.

Kill on the spot to enforce the sect rules!

Once these words came out, the meaning was completely different.

Only disciples who committed heinous crimes would typically face such severe punishment.

The issue stemmed from Conor’s failure to adequately protect Noemi. Even if he really wanted to investigate, given his status, it would only be a verbal warning or a few slaps.

Why would their father, Alloy, issue such a strict order as if he were treating a serious criminal?

At this moment, not only were Noemi and Kassidy shocked, but Conor, as the person involved, was also in turmoil.

If he had done nothing, he would not have panicked. But he had something to hide, and he was not confident enough. Now, when he heard Fenley’s words, his first reaction was, Could it be that Alloy had already noticed something?

His collusion with the Temple of the Gods and his betrayal of the sect were completely exposed?

However, upon careful consideration, it seemed unlikely.

He had always been cautious, and he had only met Tyson Houle once, from beginning to end. Most of the time, they communicated through encrypted calls.

Normally, he would not be exposed.

What was going on?

“Brother Fenley, are you kidding? Why would my father issue such a strict order?” Noemi frowned, finding it somewhat unbelievable.

“Yes, Brother Fenley, despite the senior brother Conor’s duty failure, his punishment was minimal.” Why is it so?” Kassidy was also very puzzled.

Initially, they believed that Fenley had brought in the law enforcement team to ensure their safety. Later, they understood that the law enforcement team came specially to arrest Conor.

But they didn’t understand why Conor received such a severe punishment when he did nothing?

“The master has his reasons for giving such an order. As for why, you can ask Conor what good things he has done.” Fenley stared at Conor, his eyes full of coldness.

“Senior Brother…” 

Noemi and Kassidy looked at Conor at the same time, their faces full of confusion and puzzlement.

“No, I didn’t do anything!”

Conor shook his head repeatedly, then pointed at Fenley and said sternly, “It must be you. “You are the one who instigated discord and deliberately slandered me in front of the master. You despicable hypocrite!”

Fenley said coldly, “Senior brother, at this point, do you still want to quibble? If you accept your guilt now and make a fresh start, I can respectfully ask the master to lessen your offense for the benefit of our fellow disciples. If you are still stubborn, don’t blame me for being rude!”

“Bullsh*t! What crime can I commit? I am an open and honest person, and you should stop talking nonsense here.” Conor shouted with his eyes wide open.

But at this moment, he was obviously not so confident.

“Senior brother, I wanted to save some face for you in front of Noemi and Kassidy. “Since you are so stubborn, I will personally reveal your ugly face today.”

Fenley spoke, then abruptly pulled out his mobile phone and played an audio clip.

Soon, Conor’s voice rang in his hand.

🔉”Hey! What did you do? I provided you with the address, sent out all the masters, and even pretended to be crazy to give you the opportunity, but what was the result? You couldn’t even kidnap a single person. You, Pantheon, are really too bad!”

🔉”Mr Conor, what happened today was purely an accident.” We didn’t know how to use the right people, which led to the plan’s failure. We are indeed to blame, but please rest assured that we will try our best to make up for it and will never make mistakes again.”

🔉”Make up for it? How do you make up for it? After experiencing this incident, Noemi and Kassidy will only be more cautious, and they have already asked the sect for help. Tomorrow, more powerful masters will come to protect them. It will be extremely difficult to kidnap them again by then!”

🔉”Mr. Conor, please be patient. We have already made arrangements. You just need to participate in the competition as usual. On the day of the finals, we will create a big event to plunge the entire Sacred Wyrm Summit into chaos. By then, it will not be too late for us to implement the kidnapping plan.”

🔉”Big event? What big event?”

🔉”Sorry, this is confidential. I can’t tell you for the time being. Please forgive me.”

🔉”Forget it; I’m not interested in your secrets, but don’t forget our cooperation.”

🔉”Don’t worry, Mr. Conor. Once this plan succeeds, we will definitely support you with all our strength and help you ascend to the position of leader of the Celestial Alliance!”

16 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2253 [4505–4506]”

    1. Give us at least 5 chapters a day. The other books do. With as much fluff the chapters have, I think 5 chapters daily is reasonable

  1. Pamela Anderson

    Can the people demanding 5+ chapters a day shut up. You’re flooding the messages with it over and over.

    It’s getting old, they write it as they go and you get 2 a day.

  2. Conor you are in trouble. Even we from the C.R.A (Comment Reading Association cannot help you). Justice must be served.

  3. Conor may try to use Noemi as a shield for escape plan, since he knows he can’t go head to head with Fenley..

  4. Can anyone tell me if Dustin is stronger or fenley? I forgot since I came back after a long time again ..and the change in names also got me confused

    1. Dustin is stronger he defected him the second time at the mountain when sword ba yei died when they fought and he flew away saying he will come back to fight him when he stronger

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