An Understated Dominance Chapter 2252 [4503–4504]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2252 [4503–4504]-“Brother Fenley, have you seen Dr. Rhys?”

Noemi and Kassidy looked at Fenley, then fixed their gazes on Dustin at the same time, with a bit of curiosity and confusion on their faces.

Could it be that the two sides were acquaintances?

Dustin said, “Mr. Hudson is famous all over the world, and how can an unknown junior like me have the opportunity to meet him? Mr. Hudson looks familiar; maybe I have a common face.” 

Dustin’s expression was still calm, but his heart was a little more turbulent.

His current face was the result of a disguise that was very different from his previous appearance.

Moreover, after seeing Fenley, Dustin deliberately restrained his breath and did not reveal any flaws.

Unexpectedly, Fenley’s perception was so sharp that he only glanced at him and noticed something was wrong.

“It seems that I recognized the wrong person.” Fenley stared at Dustin carefully for two seconds before finally smiling slightly. “But Dr. Rhys is not an unknown junior.” There were not many people in the Celestial Alliance who could bear such high praise from Noemi and Kassidy. I believe that with Dr. Rhys’s talent, he will be famous all over the world sooner or later.”

Although Dustin looked ordinary, he gave Fenley a mysterious feeling.

Fenley had a hunch that Dr. Dustin Rhys was not simple.

“Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your kindness. I hope that day will come.” Dustin responded politely.

As the two were talking, Conor suddenly walked out of the villa.

When Conor first saw the scene opposite, he was stunned and then frowned slightly, particularly after seeing Fenley. A hint of hatred flashed in his eyes.

However, when Fenley’s eyes swept over, Conor immediately smiled and greeted him warmly.

“Fenley, when did you arrive? Why didn’t you notify me in advance? “I can send someone to greet you.” Conor smiled and walked forward, looking very familiar.

“I came here on Master’s orders to deal with some scoundrels who tried to persecute the Celestial Alliance.” Fenley responded directly.

“Regarding the assassin last night, I have ordered people to investigate. I believe there will be results soon, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Conor said it with a smile.

Fenley said indifferently, “Big Brother, it’s not that you want me to worry, but it’s hard to disobey Master’s orders. Furthermore, it appears that you are not carrying out your duties correctly. Noemi was poisoned and assassinated while under your protection. Without the heroic rescue, I fear Noemi would have met her demise. Master is very dissatisfied with these circumstances, so he specifically sent me to ensure Noemi and Kassidy’s safety.”

These words already carried a bit of blame.

Conor’s poor protection was a dereliction of duty. The sect’s rules dictate that he must face punishment.

“What happened recently was indeed my oversight, but I promise that there will never be a next time.” Conor forced a smile.

As the eldest senior brother, Conor would undoubtedly feel embarrassed to hear Fenley lecture him in public.

Conor could only swallow his anger because of the other party’s identity.

“Big brother, your mission is over. “Follow the law enforcement team back to the sect and report to the master.” Fenley said it expressionlessly.

“Hmm?” Conor frowned. “Fenley, it’s not appropriate for me to leave now? I still have a lot of things to do. In addition, I have to participate in the martial arts competition on behalf of the sect.”

Fenley said, “Whatever it is, put it aside for the time being. As for the martial arts competition, I’ll be there. You don’t need to worry about it, big brother. Please.”

With one hand, Fenley made his way to the car and tried to invite Conor.

Looking at the law enforcement team in front of him, Conor narrowed his eyes slightly and felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

All his previous plans and designs would be in vain if he could leave by car now. It had come to this point, so he was naturally unwilling to give up.

Conor said in a somewhat unhappy tone, “Fenley, from what you said, you are not trying to compete for credit, right? You and I have always kept our distance. Now I just made a small mistake, and you are going to ignore the friendship of fellow disciples and add insult to injury. Isn’t it a bit too much?”

“Brother Fenley, regarding what happened last night, brother Conor has done his best. He can’t be blamed. If you wish to assign blame, you can only attribute it to the enemy’s insidiousness and cunning, which are difficult to defend against.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Noemi hurriedly began to smooth things over.

After all, they were fellow disciples. In the future, they would see each other every day. There was no need to make the relationship too stiff.

“Yes, brother Fenley, brother Conor has been doing his job conscientiously these days and has never slacked off. How about forgetting it?” Kassidy followed and pleaded.

The crime of dereliction of duty was not a big deal, but it was not a small one. Conor must face punishment if he truly followed the law enforcement team back to the sect.

Of course, if Fenley were lenient, the situation would be completely different.

“Noemi, Kassidy, this is Master’s order; I can’t do anything about it.” Fenley shook his head.

“I’ll talk to my father; I promise I won’t make things difficult for you.” Noemi said it quickly.

“Noemi, things are not as simple as you think. Rules are rules. If you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment; no one is an exception.” Fenley shook his head again.

“Brother Fenley…”

Noemi was about to say something, but Fenley raised his hand to stop her. He then looked at Conor and said coldly, “Big Brother, my patience is limited. Let me ask you one last time. Do you want to get in the car by yourself? Or do you want me to take you up?”

The last sentence was already full of threats.

18 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2252 [4503–4504]”

  1. Wow! I think the masters and Fenley have already realized Conor’s plans.

    To the readers: Do you think Fenley has understood that Dustin is hiding his identity?

    1. About that
      May be it is true that the punishment is indeed because it is not a small mistake and it is about Noemi life
      On the other hand, it can be true that the alliance have found Conor’s plan because of Conor’s poor understanding of the situation. But this can be hardly true because pantheon s don’t want to expose themselves.
      But let see what happens in next chapters.🤩

  2. I can’t remember Finley and Dustin’s prior fight.
    Fun is Top-5 in World strong and half step grand master so may be he was able to pickup from Dustin’s aura.

    1. The fight between Dustin and fenley take place after Dustin uptain his first sword when he travel to get leaves to save Natasha

    2. Yes they did have a fight during the time dusting is unraveling the secret behind his mothers killer the person that fought him with the four elements and revealed the symbol of Logan king Kirin on his body after destroying Logan’s Clothes

    3. Fenly is a cousin to Dustin who assisted him to behead the palace guard dog (Nestor) during the fight on top of the mountain. He was sent to kill Dustin but ended up rescuing him.

      1. No, that’s Tayler Juding from the Sword Sect.

        Fenley is Han Feiyang. The guy with the Four Symbols of the Gods technique.

  3. @Rocky
    Fenley or Han Feiyang’s previous fights with Dustin was when Han Feiyang’s sister was killed in the restaurant and second is at the foot of the mountain where Bai Ye died

    1. Yes you were right the open network The fight was tough on Logan that was when the no 2 on the most powerful legendary list of the dragonmash kingdom also died

    2. Thanks bro, I was trying to pin out were they fought, cause these seems to be names changes and it sucks really…

    3. @TON

      Thanks for reminding, I have changed many websites reading through, some sites stopped updating and recently ended up in this site.
      All the character names changing is causing the confusion. Now I got the connection of Dustin and Fenley.

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