An Understated Dominance Chapter 2251 [4501–4502]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2251 [4501–4502]

The night passed quickly.

The following day, early in the morning,.

Dustin left the room, went to the villa’s garden, and began to appreciate all kinds of flowers and plants.

At Noemi’s invitation, he and Grace stayed in the villa last night.

Grace wanted to reminisce with Noemi, but it was also for safety reasons to prevent the killer from attacking again.

Fortunately, the second half of the night was very quiet, and nothing happened.

Noemi’s condition had gradually stabilized, and at present, there were no sequelae.

Of course, this was all thanks to the other party’s good physical foundation.

Just as Dustin was strolling through the garden, the villa’s door suddenly opened slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a row of luxury cars drove in an orderly manner.

When the car stopped, a team of Celestial Alliance members in uniform got out of it in a hurry.

They were different from ordinary Celestial Alliance disciples, but they were more elite and well-trained law enforcement team members.

Masters carefully selected from various departments made up the Celestial Alliance’s law enforcement team.

Not only must they be absolutely loyal to the Celestial Alliance, but each of them has the ability to fight one hundred.

The most important thing was that the law enforcement team never went out easily. Only the clan leader and the elders could dispatch them.

Generally, if the situation is not serious, dispatching the law enforcement team is not necessary. Once the law enforcement team appears, it means that the problem is serious.

Dustin silently stepped aside and looked at the members of the law enforcement team, who were full of murderous auras.

Alloy Marshall was alarmed by the estimated assassination of Noemi and Kassidy last night, prompting the special dispatch of the law enforcement team to protect them.

Dustin just didn’t know who was leading the team. As he was thinking about it, the front car’s door opened.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes, with a dignified appearance, slowly got out of the car. When the man got out of the car, all the members of the law enforcement team bowed their heads to show respect.

“Huh? It’s him?”

After seeing the man’s appearance, Dustin couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, quite surprised.

The person who came was none other than Fenley Hudson, the leader of the younger generation of the Celestial Alliance, who ranked fifth on the legendary list! 

Fenley’s status in the Celestial Alliance was second only to that of the clan leader and the elders. Despite his status as a disciple, the clan leader recognized him as his successor.

Fenley, a top talent who had already attained the rank of a half-step grandmaster before turning thirty, was vastly superior to the younger generation.

No matter what he did, he would be well-received in the Celestial Alliance.

Of course, Fenley’s extraordinary talent was not the only reason he was so respected; he was also extremely loyal to the Celestial Alliance, and Alloy Marshall and he were like father and son.

Dustin had fought with Fenley before, and he had to admit that the other party was indeed very capable. 

“Brother Fenley!”

At this time, Noemi and Kassidy, who heard the noise, ran out of the room with joy on their faces.

As soon as they saw Fenley, they immediately rushed over affectionately. The two sisters embraced Fenley from both sides.

They appeared slightly flirtatious, as though a sister had caught sight of her brother. It was completely different from the attitude toward Conor yesterday.

“Brother Fenley, why are you here? Aren’t you in retreat?” Noemi was a little curious.

“The retreat is over. I came to Sacred Wyrm Summit this time, on the one hand, to participate in the martial arts competition, and on the other hand, because of you two.” Fenley said it with a smile.


Noemi and Kassidy looked at each other and had a plan in their hearts.

Obviously, their father was afraid that the two of them would be in danger again, so he not only sent the law enforcement team but also sent Fenley here in advance.

“I already know what happened last night. I will not allow any threats to exist around you. “I will solve all the hidden dangers and let those with bad intentions know the consequences of offending our Celestial Alliance.” Fenley said it lightly. Although his tone was calm, his words were full of murderous intent.

Daring to assassinate and kidnap the daughter of the leader of the Celestial Alliance was completely trampling on the dignity of the Celestial Alliance.

If this matter remains unresolved, what dignity will the Celestial Alliance have in the future?

“Brother Fenley, don’t stand here; let’s go in and talk slowly.” Noemi and Kassidy took Fenley’s hand and walked towards the living room of the villa.

However, when approaching Dustin, the two sisters suddenly stopped. Noemi introduced herself enthusiastically: “By the way, Brother Fenley, let me introduce you to a great person. This is Dr. Rhys, who saved me yesterday. He is a genius in both medicine and martial arts. He has now become a guest of our Celestial Alliance.” 

After introducing Dustin, Kassidy next to him immediately added, “Dr. Rhys, this is the most outstanding disciple of our Celestial Alliance, Senior Brother Fenley Hudson. I believe you must have heard of his name.”

Fenley, the future successor of the Celestial Alliance, has long been famous around the world. Anyone with a little knowledge of him would have heard of him.

“I have heard of your name for a long time.” Dustin nodded slightly, his expression neither humble nor arrogant.

“Dr. Rhys?” Fenley looked Dustin up and down, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and asked tentatively, “You look familiar; have we met somewhere before?”

4 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2251 [4501–4502]”

  1. I can’t wait to see this competition that is taking so much of our time. Thank you for the update, Admin.

    POV: Fenley should easily recognize Dustin, if really he’s a grandmaster.

  2. @Ruki it’s not that easy. i think Dustin had to learn some mystical art to be able to do it. Montgomery (or someone i forgot the name) also couldn’t identify Dustin when he was in disguise, right?

    1. @Xekaiforcd, thanks for the eye-opening. I got it now and I guessed because Dustin is a genius among geniuses.

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