An Understated Dominance Chapter 2247 [4493–4494]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2247 [4493–4494]-“What happened? “Did Dr. Rhys block that palm strike?”

“Oh my God! That was an attack from a martial arts master, but Dr. Rhys actually resisted it with his body, and he was unscathed. It’s incredible!”

“I didn’t expect that Dr. Rhys was so young, but he had such strong strength. He is really a hidden talent!”

Seeing that Dustin was still calm after being hit by a palm strike, all the disciples of the Celestial Alliance couldn’t help but sigh in amazement, and they were horrified.

After all, the old man in the black robe was a powerful figure that even their senior brother couldn’t deal with.

So at the beginning, when they saw Dustin stepping forward to fight, they were not optimistic and even thought that Dustin was seeking his own death.

However, no one expected that the ordinary Dr. Rhys in front of them would have such profound cultivation.

“Grace, could it be that Dr. Rhys has reached the level of a master?”

Noemi widened her beautiful eyes, looking a little surprised.

Although Grace had said it in advance, she still had some doubts in her heart.

After all, it was not easy to have a set of heaven-defying medical skills.

Many doctors couldn’t reach half of Dustin’s level in their entire lives.

But the key was that Dustin had not only amazing medical skills but also outstanding achievements in martial arts.

Noemi had never seen a genius who was both a doctor and a martial artist.

“Grandmaster?” Grace smiled slightly and did not deny, “I guess so.”

The person in front of her was more than a martial arts grandmaster. He was a unique genius, a rarity in a thousand years, at the pinnacle of the legendary list, and his existence was unparalleled in the world.

His cultivation had long exceeded that of a grandmaster.

It was effortless to deal with such a small character.

“He is both a miracle, Dr., and a grandmaster. What is the origin of this Dr. Rhys?” Kassidy was surprised and puzzled.

She had heard of almost all the young talents in the world, but she had never heard of Dustin.

Normally, a genius like this, who was both a doctor and a martial artist, should have been famous a long time ago. However, the person in front of her seemed to have suddenly appeared in the world and remained unknown, which was really strange.

Either the other party was a reclusive master who was indifferent to fame and fortune, or he deliberately hid his identity.

“Boy! Who are you? Tell me your name!” The black-robed old man looked solemn at this moment, as if he were facing a great enemy.

He had looked down on Dustin before, but now, after seeing Dustin’s strength with his own eyes, he realized that this unremarkable young man in front of him was more powerful than Conor, the chief disciple of the Celestial Alliance.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. What’s important is who is instructing you?” Dustin asked indifferently.

“Humph! You want to trick me? It’s just a dream!” The black-robed old man shouted with a gloomy face, “Boy! I don’t care who you are or where you come from. If you know what’s good for you, get out of here immediately; otherwise, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

“Why, at this point, do you still want to continue pretending?” Dustin sneered.

“Boy! Don’t be too arrogant! I only used less than 10% of my power just now, so I let you take advantage of me. Once I use my full strength, you will definitely die.” The black-robed old man shouted fiercely.

As he spoke, his aura surged, and a strong wind whistled around him.

In an instant, a powerful pressure burst out, directly covering everyone’s hearts.

Everyone felt their bodies sink, as if an invisible force was pressing on their shoulders.

“Boy! Do you feel it? This is the pressure a martial arts master faces! As long as I’m serious, I’ll kill you like killing chickens and dogs!” The wind blew the robes of the black-robed old man, spreading out his hair and beard.

It looked particularly bluff.

“I didn’t expect that the old man still hid his strength. It seems that Dr. Rhys is in trouble now!” Seeing the black-robed old man’s aura change, Noemi couldn’t help but frown, looking a little worried.

Despite being a martial arts master, Dustin was too young and lacked foundation.

When confronted by powerful masters, he would appear helpless.

The black-robed old man in front of him has such a terrifying aura; obviously, he is not an ordinary master.

“I will immediately notify the masters of the Celestial Alliance to come to support us. We can’t let Dr. Rhys take risks for us.” Kassidy took out her mobile phone and prepared to call someone.

“No need.” Grace smiled faintly. “That old man looks powerful, but he doesn’t have any real skills. Once a fight starts, Dr. Rhys can easily solve it.”

“No way?” Kassidy frowned slightly and looked at the old man in the black robe. “That man’s aura is unfathomable, comparable to that of our Celestial Alliance elders. How can he be called incompetent?”

“Aura can be changed.” Grace explained with a smile, “There is a secret method in the world. After practicing, you can not only hide your aura, but also change it at any time. “Although it doesn’t improve your own strength, it can achieve the effect of bluffing people.”

“You mean… that old man is scaring people?” Kassidy reacted quickly.

“That’s right.” Grace nodded. “If that old man is really a top master, why would he say so much nonsense? Just do it directly. You have to know that he is a killer. If he is sure to easily solve the target, why would he hesitate so much?”

“That makes sense!” Kassidy nodded in agreement.

Killers are immoral and don’t follow rules. In order to kill the target, they can do whatever it takes.

But the old man in the black robe was very abnormal. He had been talking nonsense since he appeared and never really took action. Dustin repelled him for more than ten steps after his final palm strike.

It was indeed strange.

“Wait! If the old man is not strong, how can you explain his unpredictable body movements just now?” Noemi abruptly inquired. “Dr. Rhys has just explained that although the old man’s cultivation is ordinary, he has practiced body movements for decades and specialized in a unique skill. His attainments in body movements have surpassed those of many martial arts masters. This is the root of his deception.”

Grace smiled and explained, “Of course, good body movements can greatly improve in combat, so when dealing with some innate masters, the old man can easily capture them. However, facing a master-level strongman, the old man’s strength can’t break the defense at all!”

10 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2247 [4493–4494]”

  1. In the end, the old man will challenge Dustin in speed contest, but once again Dustin will beat him.

  2. This book is great but the idea of updating only one chapter per day is killing our interest. We are forced to try reading other books which we don’t even like. I wonder if this is the author’s idea or that of the Admin but whichever way, it’s not for the interest of the readers. It’s really boring waking up to a single chapter and wait for tomorrow to read yet another single chapter. Please do something about it.

    1. Most of these books are being written as we read, since it’s now possible to write and publish at the same time. I’m also an author and I once did that, but at times it takes time for ideas of the next chapter to come because you’ll also be under pressure to deliver. So the admin really can’t do anything but to wait for the author to finish writing the next chapter, then translate it to suit the English readers. I hope this makes sense.

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