An Understated Dominance Chapter 2245 [4489–4490]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2245 [4489–4490]-Was it fast? It was indeed fast enough, but this method was a bit unexpected.

Noemi asked Conor to calm down quickly, and her original intention was to prevent Conor from losing his mind and falling to the ground. In this way, no one could fight against the old man in a black robe.

However, she did not expect that Dustin would knock Conor out directly.

Despite solving the issue of Conor’s insanity, the question remained: who would address this crisis?

“Big Brother!”

After a short daze, everyone in the Celestial Alliance immediately ran forward and carried the unconscious Conor back.

There was a lot of shaking and shouting.

However, Conor slept soundly and refused to wake up, even when shaken.

“Dr. Rhys, you knocked my senior brother out; who will deal with those killers?” Kassidy had a bitter face and a headache.

“You only asked me to calm him down quickly, but you didn’t say that he had to stay awake.” Dustin shrugged, as if it had nothing to do with him.

“Uh… can you make Senior Brother wake up quickly?” Noemi asked again.

“Of course.” Dustin nodded.

“Then I’ll trouble you to work hard again and wake up the senior brother.” Noemi breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he could wake up, there was still room for rescue.

“Okay!” Dustin didn’t waste any words, took out the silver needle, and prepared to start.

“Wait!” Kassidy suddenly stopped him and asked tentatively, “Dr. Rhys, there won’t be any moles this time?”

“No, don’t worry, I have experience with this kind of thing.” Dustin said it seriously.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Kassidy smiled.

“Then I’ll start.” Dustin held the silver needle with two fingers and then stabbed it hard at Conor’s neck.


Conor opened his eyes instantly, and he jumped up from the ground and began to shout wildly: “Kill, kill, kill! I’m going to kill you!”

As he said that, he raised his sword, preparing to chop people without distinguishing between enemies and friends, as if he were about to flee.

Upon seeing this scene, Kassidy’s face changed with fear. She quickly learned from Dustin’s previous method and used a hand knife to cut Conor’s neck.

Conor groaned and fainted on the ground again.

“It was a close call; something almost happened.”

As she watched Conor regain his composure, Kassidy couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief.

With Conor’s strength, once he went crazy, no one around him could stop him.

“Kassidy, you…”

Noemi’s face froze.

Conor just woke up and then fainted again; wasn’t this a joke?

“Sister, there’s nothing I can do. You can tell from Senior Brother’s current state that he hasn’t woken up yet.” Kassidy was a little helpless.

Who knows how many people might suffer unintentional injuries if Conor really took action?

“It’s strange. Although Senior Brother is usually a bit impulsive, he is not so irritable. Why did a few words today provoke him to such an extreme degree?” Noemi frowned and was a little confused.

“The problem lies with the old man in the black robe.”

Grace abruptly said, “That person must have drugged Conor, so he became irritated and manipulated by others.”

“That’s it. No wonder Senior Brother looks so wrong.” Noemi nodded thoughtfully.

“What a despicable guy; he actually uses this method to harm people.” Kassidy’s pretty face turned cold.

Conor was the strongest among them. Once, he lost his mind and became indistinguishable between friend and foe. Then it must be a tragedy.

“Grace, what should we do now? That old man seems to be very powerful.” 

Looking at the old man in black robes who appeared out of thin air, Noemi couldn’t help but frown.

“Don’t worry, as long as Dr. Rhys is here, that person can’t make any big waves.” Grace smiled slightly, not caring at all.

“Dr. Rhys?”

As soon as these words came out, Noemi and Kassidy looked at Dustin at the same time with a bit of curiosity and a bit of doubt.

Despite Dustin’s exceptional medical skills, he was only a doctor, while the other individual was a powerful martial arts master.

The two were not on the same level at all.

“Why is it me again?” Dustin looked a little strange.

Ever since he met Noemi and Kassidy, he has never been idle.

He had to make elixirs, cure diseases, and clean up Conor’s mess.

It was okay. He had to fight with them.

“He who can do it should work harder. You can’t let girls like us who have no strength fight against others, right?” Grace winked playfully.

“Grace, Dr. Rhys looks thin and weak; can he deal with that old man?” Noemi looked Dustin up and down.

Fair and clean, elegant and gentle, Dustin didn’t look like a martial artist at all, more like a pretty boy.

“Yes, Sister Linsor, that old man is a martial arts master. He is not even a match for our senior brother. Is Dr. Rhys really good?” Kassidy also looked suspicious.

“Don’t worry, as long as Dr. Rhys is willing to take action, he can easily defeat the old man.” Grace said it with a smile.

“Really? Or not?” Does Dr. Rhys have any tricks up his sleeve?” Noemi was a little more surprised.

Grace would not make something out of nothing. Since the other party dared to say that, Noemi must be sure of it. So she was very curious: what methods did Dustin use to deal with a martial arts master?

“If you have any special tricks, you’ll know in a minute.” Grace smiled slightly, then raised her eyebrows at Dustin: “Dr. Rhys, please, I’ll see your performance next.”

15 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2245 [4489–4490]”

  1. The update is too slow please!! At least you could take into account the views of the readers. We can’t be talking about the same thing every time and yet no action is being taken. Please do something about it.

  2. Basically, the novel is a Chinese novel. They’re getting one chapter per day from a Chinese author and translate it to English for us.

    1. Haritha Randunu

      If that is the case, it will be unreasonable to increase the number of chapter.
      Because it is very hard to translate to keep the excitement, yet alone the language.
      But if most of the readers complaining and requesting the same thing, then they should act to solve it asap.
      But also I think they are still working on it due to many complaints
      I hope it will be soon resolved

      And also Dustin came to his show off the power at last
      Still I m existing for the next chapters🤩

  3. Frankly, the Chinese version has already completed. A total nearly 4000 chapters. There is an English version as well made by the original author. However, the original character, sact, country, district, etc. was named something else and nothing what shows in this version. Reading the Chinese English version will make you even confused who is who.

  4. We have been with this story for more than a year but we are still complaining about updates. Its sometimes kills the excitement that comes with the story. Yes, we have to be kept in suspense but not to this extent that we even crave to get the story from all sources

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