An Understated Dominance Chapter 2243 [4485–4486]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2243 [4485–4486]-“What happened? Wasn’t he hit just now? Why is he still alive?”

“That man was too fast. Senior Brother’s sword seemed to have hit him, but in fact it hit the opponent’s afterimage.”

“D*mn it! Who is that guy? He has such a ghostly body.”

Seeing that the old man in the black robe was unscathed, all the disciples were horrified.

Their eldest brother, Conor, was a master of martial arts, and the sword he just struck was as fast as lightning. In the end, he didn’t even touch the other person’s hair, which was really incredible.

They had never seen such a superb movement technique before; it was like changing places, and they couldn’t even see clearly.

“Sister, can you give any clues about the old man’s movement?”

Kassidy frowned slightly in the crowd. Her face was solemn.

She thought she had excellent eyesight, but she didn’t notice the movement of the old man in the black robe just now.

“It’s too fast; I can’t see clearly.”

Noemi shook her head, and her tone became serious. “It seems that senior brother has encountered a strong opponent today.”

Martial arts masters also have strong and weak points.

The black-robed old man’s evasive movement just now was enough to prove that his strength was superior to Conor’s. 

Unless Conor has some backup plans, it will be difficult to get an advantage from the other party.

“Dustin, do you think that the old man is a little weird?” At this time, Grace suddenly spoke in a low voice.

“You mean his movement skills?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly.

“This human body method is indeed wonderful, but the breath varies erratically. Sometimes it is as calm as a mountain, and sometimes it floats like floating clouds. It seems very contradictory.” Grace showed a thoughtful expression.

Normally, a person’s appearance can change, but the aura on his body is difficult to change. For warriors with keen senses, their breath can quickly judge a person’s strength.

However, the old man in the black robe was completely different. His aura fluctuated, appearing strong at times and weak at others, making it difficult to discern the truth.

“I noticed it too.” Dustin nodded and said, “There are only two possibilities for this situation. Either this person has unfathomable strength and can change his breath at will, or he is good at disguise and is flashy.”

In martial world, there is a kind of person who specializes in practicing a certain skill for decades. While their achievements in one area reach the pinnacle, they lag behind in other areas.

For example, someone may practice their strength to the extreme, but their body, speed, and skills will be far behind.

A strong key force does not necessarily equate to great strength. Even if he is full of divine power, it will undoubtedly be useless if he cannot hit anyone. This type of person who goes to extremes and practices a unique skill has obvious advantages, but his shortcomings are also obvious.

It would be fine if the old man in the black robe was a real strong man, but if the opponent was the kind of extreme warrior who only practiced body skills, then today’s duel would be interesting.

At this time, the old man in the black robe spoke again: “Young man, your strength is good, but compared with me, you are still far behind. I cherish your talent and don’t want to ruin you. If you allow me now, once you open it, I can allow you to live.”

“Humph! If you want to fight, why are you talking so much? Look at the sword!” Conor, who slashed twice in succession, became angry. In order to save his face, he drew the sword again.

The old man in black was standing, calm, and at ease. When Conor’s sword slashed at him with a tap of his toes, his whole body instantly rose into the air, like a wild goose.

“Looking for death!”

Conor’s eyes turned cold. He turned his sword and switched from slashing to picking, slashing from bottom to top towards the crotch of the black-robed old man.

The old man in the black robe was now in mid-air, with nowhere to rely on, making it very difficult to dodge.

Conor just seized the opportunity and planned to give a fatal blow. He admitted that the other party was indeed very strong, but he was too arrogant and actually took the initiative to expose his flaws.

It was simply asking for death!


The old man in the black robe was about to split in half when his body exploded, dissipating into a black mist.

As for Conor’s sword, it hit the air again, as expected.

“Slow! It’s too slow! At your speed? How can you hurt me?” A voice sounded from above.

Everyone looked up and saw the old man in black robes, who had just turned into a black mist, standing on top of the tree. His white hair was fluttering, and his figure was swaying in the wind, erratic. He looked like an expert from another world.

Conor was deeply irritated by the contemptuous and disdainful look.

“Yeah~!!” Conor was furious, his eyes red. He saw him sprint forward quickly and slash the big tree through the air with the sword in his hand.


A huge sword light burst out, instantly penetrated the big tree, and then struck the courtyard wall with endless force.


There was a loud noise.

The courtyard wall, standing several meters tall, suffered complete destruction.

This caused gravel to fly and smoke to spread.

The sword light also made a “click” sound as it penetrated the large tree, causing it to split into two and suddenly collapse.

Everyone around him was scattered in shock.

At this moment, the old man in the black robe on top of the tree had disappeared without a trace.

Conor’s sword struck the air again.

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