An Understated Dominance Chapter 2242 [4483–4484]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2242 [4483–4484]-Conor’s fierce sword strike immediately shocked the assassins.

There were more than thirty or forty people in total, and they were all carefully selected masters. Unexpectedly, Conor killed nearly half of them in just one meeting.

This terrifying strength was really frightening.

They had made inquiries before they arrived, and they dispatched all the experts from the nearby Celestial Alliance.

The defense force around Noemi and Kassidy was empty, so they took the opportunity to assassinate them. But they didn’t expect that there would be such a strong young man hiding in the villa.


Following a single strike, Conor hammered the sword’s handle into the ground, creating a direct hole, and uttered a chilling cry, “Who else?” Who dares to step forward and die?!”

His voice was like thunder, lasting for a long time. The killers were so shocked that they subconsciously took two steps back.

“Hmph! A group of guys who don’t know the heights of heaven and earth dare to come and run wild on our Celestial Alliance’s territory. Who gave you the courage?” Conor continued to shout aggressively.

There was a kind of posture where one man was in charge and no one could stop him.

“Give you another chance, kneel down immediately, surrender, and tell the truth about the person behind the scenes.” This way I can let you live; otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!” Conor shouted again.

“You have such a strong voice at such a young age!” At this point, an old and majestic voice suddenly sounded like it was out of thin air.

The sound was not loud, but it firmly suppressed Conor’s sound waves and passed clearly into everyone’s ears at the same time.

“Who? What kind of hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail? Come out and talk!” Conor glanced around with sharp eyes.

“I’m right above you; didn’t you notice?” As the voice sounded again, a figure wearing a black robe, white hair, and a ghost-faced mask floated down from the top of the tree.

It was silent, like a ghost, without causing any ripples.

If the old man in the black robe had not taken the initiative to show up, Conor would not have known that there was someone hiding above.

The method of dealing with hidden auras was extremely clever.

And this was often a condition that only top killers possessed.

“Who are you? Tell me your name!” Conor narrowed his eyes and subconsciously aimed his sword at the old man in the black robe.

The other party, able to hide from his sight and perception, was clearly a master.

“You don’t have the right to know who I am. If you don’t want to die, get out of the way immediately. Otherwise, I don’t mind having one more soul in my hands.” The old man in a black robe spoke calmly.

Although his tone was calm, his words were extremely arrogant.

“Hmph! Who do you think you are? How dare you say such arrogant words? I want to see today how capable you are!”

After saying this, Conor raised his foot and kicked the sword’s handle, instantly bouncing back up.

Conor grabbed the sword’s handle with one hand and then stabbed directly at the black-robed old man.

Although the sword was heavy, it was very light in Conor’s hands. Even when stabbing, it was extremely fast.

Most experts couldn’t react at all.

“It’s a small skill.” 

The old man in the black robe put his hands behind his back, showing disdain.

As the sword stabbed him, he tapped lightly with his toes, and his whole body suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he was five meters away.

“Your sword is too slow and can’t hurt me at all.” The old man in a black robe shook his head with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

That proud posture seemed to ignore Conor at all.


Conor’s eyes twitched; murderous intent surged in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, “You’ll know what it means to be fast soon!”

As he spoke, Conor grasped the knife’s handle with both hands, and the master’s energy surged through his body.

His muscles instantly bulged, and veins popped out in his arms.


Conor kicked the ground with both feet, and his whole body jumped out like lightning.

He raised the sword high above his head and slashed hard at the old man in the black robe.

This sword was fast, fierce, and extremely powerful.

Everyone could barely see an afterimage flash past.

The next second, Conor’s sword slashed the black-robed old man in half from head to toe.

Such a scene left everyone stunned.

“D*mn it! It’s seconds?!”

“As expected of the senior brother!”

He’s really awesome!” 

“I thought he was a very powerful master, but in the end, he couldn’t even block my senior brother’s sword. What a piece of rubbish!”

All of the  disciples were shocked. They were impressed by Conor’s strength again.

However, compared to everyone’s joy, Conor was not at all happy after winning, but instead looked solemn.

He felt no resistance when the sword hit him just now, as if it had struck the air.

“The sword just now was good, but unfortunately, it was still too slow.” The ghostly voice sounded again.

Everyone took a closer look and couldn’t help but look horrified.

At this moment, the figure Conor had just struck was slowly dissipating and finally turning into a wisp of smoke.

The air in front distorted at the same moment, and the old man in the black robe who had vanished suddenly reappeared.

The weird scene made everyone’s eyelids jump in shock, and their backs felt cold.

They couldn’t tell for a moment whether the old man in the black robe was a human or a ghost.

6 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2242 [4483–4484]”

  1. It would be an understatement to describe the book as one of a kind and the author as one in a class of his own…. But the challenge here is the pace of the update. Kindly step up to the expectations of the readers. Uploading at least 10 chapters would do. You should be informed that when we were introduced to this book, some of us could read up to 50 chapters per day. As for me, I could hardly do any other thing apart from reading the book.

    1. Piyush Audichya

      I also agree with it. Without pace of uploads being improved, people will lose interest as nobody can wait forever:
      It’s a beautifully written novel but this 1 page per day is killing the enthusiasm.

  2. Haritha Randunu

    Please can you update with more than 5 characters
    Because It is so exited to read but I only end up reading this with a very very little time
    So I m in a little disappointment
    Please make it happen

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