An Understated Dominance Chapter 2241 [4481–4482]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2241 [4481–4482]-Seeing Conor appear, the Celestial Alliance disciples immediately distanced themselves and gave way to a path.

As their senior brother, there was no doubt about Conor’s strength. In his early thirties, he was a martial arts master who was highly regarded and had high prestige in the world.

“Elder brother, these killers are here, well prepared, so be careful.” Someone warned in a low voice.

“Humph! They’re just a bunch of clowns, not worth mentioning at all.” Conor crossed the crowd and stood in front, holding a sword. His face was cold, and his tone was arrogant. “You all listen to me! I don’t care what your status is. No matter what your purpose is, if you dare to trespass on our Celestial Alliance’s territory, it is a heinous crime! If you fail to survive now, I will arrest you immediately; if not, don’t blame me for your death.”

When he heard this, the killer leader didn’t say much and made a direct gesture.

Soon, a group of killers surrounded Conor, all with sharp eyes and murderous intent.

“Protect Senior Brother!”

The disciples of the Celestial Alliance were about to step forward when they saw this, but Conor raised his hand to stop them: “No one is allowed to move!” “I am enough to deal with this garbage!”

The disciples of the Celestial Alliance looked at each other and finally chose to retreat.

Conor, their senior brother, had an order; they couldn’t disobey it and could only stand back and hold the battle.

Once they find that something is wrong, they can provide timely support.

“I’ve given you a way to live, but you don’t know how to cherish it. You still want to fight stubbornly. It seems that you won’t cry until you see the coffin!”

Conor spoke with a gloomy expression, slowly removing the cloth cover from the switch sword and revealing the sharp blade.

The sword measured over three meters in length, adorned with an engraved golden dragon.

Under the moonlight illumination, the golden dragon appeared to be half alive, showing its teeth and claws and exuding bursts of cold light.


The killer leader pointed his sword forward without any nonsense and gave the order directly.


A group of killers in black rushed forward with weapons in hand.

In an instant, swords flashed and energy raged.

“Moths fly to the flame!”

Conor snorted coldly; instead of retreating, he stepped forward suddenly. He lifted the sword that was sliding on the ground with one hand, then made a horizontal slash in front of him.


A huge, half-moon-shaped sword burst out instantly, carrying terrifying lethality and crashing directly into the black-clothed killers.

Not to be outdone, the killers raised their weapons and slashed at the sword light.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang…”

The killers’ weapons exploded immediately when they came into contact with the sword light, as well as a burst of explosions. The massive recoil force caused the killers to retreat continuously.

However, before the killers could react, Conor’s sword had already penetrated their chests with great force.


They saw the sword’s light flash past.

The dozen killers who rushed to the front were cut into pieces on the spot.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere, scattering broken limbs and arms across the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

“Holy sh!t! Is this the senior brother’s strength? It’s so terrifying!”

“Reportedly, Senior Brother has attained the level of a martial arts master, and now it appears to be accurate!”

“No wonder Senior Brother doesn’t let us intervene; with his strength, dealing with these killers is like chopping up melons and vegetables!”

After a brief moment of confusion, all the disciples in the Celestial Alliance were overjoyed. They knew Conor was very powerful, but they didn’t expect him to be so powerful.

With just one slash of his sword, he killed more than a dozen powerful killers, which was indeed an eye-opener.

“I haven’t seen my senior brother’s strength for a while. It seems that my senior brother’s strength has improved again.”

Noemi, who had just arrived at the scene, couldn’t help but admire Conor’s great power.

“With the current strength of Senior Brother, he should be ranked among the top three among the younger generation in the Celestial Alliance, right?” Kassidy narrowed her eyes.

“Yes! As long as the senior brother is willing, it is not a problem at all to be a deacon and protector in the sect. It’s a pity that he doesn’t seem to have this ambition.” Noemi shook her head.

“Sister, a big part of the reason why Senior Brother refuses to move up is because of you!” Kassidy teased with a faint smile, “If he continues to be the Chief Disciple, he may propose to marry you. If he becomes a master, deacon, and protector, the situation will change dramatically.”

The rules in the Celestial Alliance would be strict and the hierarchy clear, but the status of disciples would be more free.

Before his promotion, Conor was the chief disciple and called their father master.

However, once promoted, it became a superior-subordinate relationship.

At that time, Conor would have to refer to their father as the sect leader.

Although there was only a two-character difference between master and sect leader, there was a huge difference in how close they were to each other.

This was also the reason why Conor had always been the leader.

“Stinky girl! What are you talking about?” Noemi rolled her eyes at Kassidy, then looked at Conor’s back in front of her and said meaningfully, “Elder brother is not a person obsessed with beauty. A fierce tiger lurks in his heart.”

Noemi saw all of Conor’s kindness toward her. She knew in her heart that Conor didn’t really like her, but she liked her identity.

Conor, who appeared to be indifferent to fame and fortune, was actually more ambitious than anyone else in front of her.

No one looked down upon deacons or protectors. What Conor wanted was a position that stood above thousands of people.

6 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2241 [4481–4482]”

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