An Understated Dominance Chapter 2240 [4479–4480]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2240 [4479–4480]-“People set standards, which are subject to change at any time. Dr. Rhys’s talent deserves special care from our society.” Noemi said it in a sonorous tone.

“That’s right!” Kassidy echoed, “Dr. Rhys is not only superb in medical skills, but he also saved my sister’s life. What does it mean to be a guest?”

At first, she did have some prejudices against Dustin. She felt that the other party was too young and had no real ability. However, after the other party rescued her sister, she completely changed her view.

A miracle doctor who was young and had higher medical skills than Zizi was highly sought after, no matter where he was.

“Noemi! Kassidy! Without rules, nothing can be achieved. If one person breaks the rules, how will the world convince everyone in the future?” Conor continued to retort, “Besides, we need to grant people the title of guest minister. Only the elders and the sect master have the power. We lack the necessary qualifications to carry out this task.”

“My dad is extremely hungry for talent.” If he knows about Dr. Rhys’s talent, he will definitely agree to our proposal.” Noemi said. She did not give up.

There would be no shortage of martial arts masters in the world, but strange people like Dustin were missing.

A miracle doctor who could bring the dead back to life was definitely worthy of the world’s attention.

“Noemi! You…”

Conor stood up in excitement. Just when he was about to say something, a cry of death suddenly sounded outside.

Several people were slightly startled and couldn’t help but look confused.

“What’s going on outside?!” Conor yelled a little irritably.

Soon, a disciple of the Celestial Alliance ran in hurriedly and reported, “Senior Brother! It’s not good! A group of killers suddenly appeared outside and surrounded us.”

“Killers?” Conor frowned. He frowned and said in a deep voice, “Who are those people? How dare they challenge our celestial alliance? Are they tired of living?!”

“They’re all dressed in black and wearing masks. Although we cannot identify their identities, they all exude power, strength, and obvious preparation.” The man in green replied quickly.

Hearing this, Dustin and Grace couldn’t help but look at each other and have the same idea in their minds.

“A bunch of clowns who don’t know how to live or die! If you dare to run wild on the Celestial Alliance’s territory, let’s see how I destroy them!” Conor was filled with murderous intent.

He had been very unhappy just now, and he had been holding back a lot of anger. Now these people were rushing to die, which was just the right time for him to vent his anger.

“Elder brother! Those killers are numerous and powerful, whereas we are single and weak. I’m afraid it won’t be easy to deal with them. Why don’t we retreat first?” The man in green suggested.

The Celestial Alliance dispatched all its masters to pursue the wizard. Now that the defense power inside and outside the villa was empty, it would not be wise to confront him head-on.

“Withdraw?” Conor’s eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand and slapped the man in green on the face, scolding, “Useless thing! We have dominated the world for many years, and we have never been afraid of anyone. A few killers scared you to death! You loser, you are really embarrassing to the whole world!”

“I was just thinking about the safety of the eldest lady and the second lady.” The man in green lowered his head and tried to explain.

“Hmph! With me here, Noemi and the others’ safety will not be a problem. They are just a few killers. I can easily crush them to death. Lead the way!” Conor shouted.

“Yes!” The man in green didn’t dare say anything, so he quickly took Conor out to fight.

“Sister, do you want to call for support?” Kassidy asked tentatively.

“No, ordinary killers can’t do anything to Senior Brother Conor; let’s just watch the show.” Noemi shook her head.

In so many years, this was the first time she encountered someone who dared to attack the Celestial Alliance’s territory, and she couldn’t help but be a little curious.

“Sister Grace, Dr. Rhys, it’s dangerous outside; why don’t you go hide in the secret room?” Kassidy looked at Grace and Dustin again.

There was a very strong secret room under the villa that even a martial arts master couldn’t break, so it was perfect for hiding.

“That’s not necessary; we also want to see the excitement.” Grace smiled slightly.

Kassidy turned her eyes to Noemi with a hint of questioning.

“Kassidy, don’t worry; Grace is very skilled. If she encounters any danger, she can protect herself enough.” Noemi smiled.

Others didn’t know it, but she knew very well that Grace was a hidden master who was by no means as soft and weak as she appeared on the surface.

“That’s good.” Kassidy nodded and said no more.

Several people walked out of the dining room, followed Conor’s footsteps, and headed straight in the direction of the killing cry.

At this moment, the door of the villa.

A group of Celestial Alliance disciples were battling with a group of black-clad killers.

The killers were more numerous and stronger, and they quickly suppressed the Celestial Alliance disciples.

The Celestial Alliance disciples could only defend passively, fighting and retreating at the same time.

The black killers took advantage of the situation to invade the villa and kill more and more violently.

“Get out of the way! Let me come!”

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly exploded out of thin air, like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, Conor, holding a huge sword, stepped forward menacingly.

12 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2240 [4479–4480]”

    1. Not even Natasha’s was mentioned,
      Getting tired of the story, changes of name and all that, getting tired of the story…

  1. It will be nice if the author listens to comments and suggestions.
    Releasing just one chapter that has only one scene is not exciting.
    I can almost predict how chapter will turn out,
    The men in black will kill everyone in that villla including Conor. Then Dustin will step up and defeat them to the admiration of Neomi and Kassidy.
    No longer a thriller!

  2. You tried, but my own outcome is this….

    The men in black will kill almost every disciple in that villla. Conor will be seriously injured to the extent of vomiting blood. The strongest man in black will try to harm Neomi and Kassidy. Then Dustin will step up and defeat him to the admiration of Neomi and Kassidy. This will increase the hatred of Conor towards Dustin.

    1. Not bad…. The book is really exciting and breath taking but the pace is too slow. It would be more exciting if you could upload at least 10 chapters per day.

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