An Understated Dominance Chapter 2239 [4477–4478]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2239 [4477–4478]-“Noemi, you want to arrest a high-level wizard.” He is powerful and has treacherous methods. You must be careful.” Grace reminded her.

“Don’t worry; we have many eyes and ears in the world, as well as many experts.” Once we find the whereabouts of that person, we will attack him in groups and never let him escape.” Kassidy vowed.

“Grace, you have saved my life. You don’t have to worry about catching the murderer anymore.” Noemi smiled.

“It seems I’m worrying too much.” Grace nodded and said no more.

The Celestial Alliance was not vegetarian. Once the major experts have gathered together, arresting a wizard shouldn’t be difficult.

Within the Dragonmarsh, not even the pantheon of gods dared to confront the Celestial Alliance head-on.

“Dr. Rhys, you saved my life. I should thank you properly, but I just don’t know what you need.” Noemi spoke again.

She never liked to owe favors, so when Dustin saved her life, she would naturally reward him generously.

“No, if you want to thank me, just thank Grace. I don’t need any reward.” Dustin still said the same thing.

“Okay, okay, we are all friends. There is no need to be so polite. If you really want to thank us, just treat us to a meal. We happen to be hungry.” Grace smiled.

“Okay, let’s eat first, and let’s chat while we eat.” Noemi nodded and looked at Kassidy. “Kassidy, ask Mikayla to prepare a sumptuous meal and also bring the wine that we will treasure in the world. Take it out; I’m going to entertain distinguished guests tonight!”

“No problem.” Kassidy responded and quickly started to work.

At this moment, the sun had set and night was gradually falling.

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, sprinkling a layer of silver gray on the lake.

Bright lights illuminated the villa, while the servants bustled around.

All types of wine and delicacies appeared on the table in less than an hour.

They invited Dustin and Grace to take their seats. As for Zizi, he had already left the villa in shame.

“Come on, Grace, Dr. Rhys, let me toast you two.”

Noemi was very generous. After pouring a glass of wine for several people, she stood up and raised the glass with both hands in salute.

“You have just recovered from your illness, so you can’t drink.” Dustin said it suddenly.

“Ah?” Noemi’s face froze, and then she asked tentatively, “Isn’t it okay to just drink a little bit?”

“No.” Dustin shook his head.

“This…” Noemi was speechless for a moment.

She was a very good drinker, especially when she reunited with old friends. She was really itching not to have a few drinks.

“Sister, Dr. Rhys is right. Your current body is not suitable for drinking, so you should drink tea.”

Kassidy ordered someone to bring a pot of tea and then reached out to receive Noemi’s wine glass.

She pulled it twice, but it didn’t come off.

Noemi held the wine glass with a look of reluctance. “I won’t drink it. “Is it okay to set it aside and smell the wine’s aroma?”

“Sister, why are you doing this?” Kassidy rolled her eyes and said, “With your alcoholic personality, the more you hear about it, the more you will become addicted to alcohol.” I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop it for a while.”

“Noemi, your health is important. There will be many opportunities to drink in the future, so don’t miss this one.” Grace next to her also laughed.

“Okay then…”

After hearing this, Noemi finally let go of the wine glass and picked up the tea cup.

The tea was good, with a refreshing fragrance and a sweet aftertaste. It was the kind of top-quality tea worth thousands of dollars.

However, no matter how good the tea was, Noemi felt it was tasteless when she drank it.

She couldn’t drink the wine in front of them; it was too much torture.

Fortunately, Kassidy was considerate and took the opportunity to change the topic.

“By the way, Dr. Rhys, you are young and have great medical skills. Are you interested in joining our celestial  alliance?” Kassidy took the initiative to send out the invitation.

“I’m just a lazy man. I’m used to being lazy. I don’t plan to join any force.” Dustin shook his head and declined.

“Dr. Rhys, our world will be filled with abundant welfare.” As long as you join us, you will definitely get preferential treatment. You will get whatever you want when the time comes. Why not?” Kassidy spoke again.

“Yes, Dr. Rhys; our Celestial Alliance needs talents like yours.” “As long as you nod, I can treat you as a guest minister of the Celestial Alliance.” Noemi directly made the conditions.

“What? Guest minister?” Upon hearing this, Conor couldn’t sit still for a moment. “Noemi, are you too impulsive? The guest minister of the Celestial Alliance has power second only to that of the elders. You let this kid take on the role of guest minister. Is he qualified?”

He knew he had only received the title of chief disciple so far.

If Dustin is allowed to become a guest minister, wouldn’t he be sitting on his head and shitting in the future?

“What’s not qualified?” Noemi said seriously, “You have all seen Dr. Rhys’s medical skills. Even Divine Doctor Wang is ashamed of himself. Furthermore, Dr. Rhys is still very young, and his future prospects are limitless. In this sense, the medical genius is what our society regards as a treasure. I think it is more than enough for Dr. Rhys to be a guest minister.”

Conor said, “This guy just has some medical skills, and he is far from meeting the standards of being a guest minister. If this matter spreads, he will never convince the public!”

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