An Understated Dominance Chapter 2237 [4473–4474]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2237 [4473–4474]-Dustin’s words quickly made Kassidy fall into a dilemma.

Although Kassidy believed in Dustin’s medical skills, she was a little worried about Noemi’s physical safety.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand; just be afraid of what happens.

If Noemi remains unconscious, what should she do?

“Sister Kassidy, I invited Dr. Rhys. I can vouch for him. Now you should let your sister have a good rest.”Forcibly awakening her will not do any good.” Grace advised honestly.

“Hmph! You two are in the same group; of course you would say that.” Conor continued to fan the flames: “Kassidy, don’t listen to their clever words. Only when your sister wakes up can she be truly saved. The rest is all empty talk.” 

“That’s right. The patient’s condition fluctuates. Although it is stable now, it may take a turn for the worse after a while. Life is at stake. I feel that this matter needs to be cautious.” Zizi agreed.

Zizi, a world-renowned miracle doctor, was naturally upset that Dustin, a young boy, had overshadowed him. If he had the opportunity to step on someone else, he would certainly not be polite.

“Doctor Rhys, can you…can you revive my sister as soon as possible?” After hesitating for a while, Kassidy finally spoke.

Although Conor’s behavior was a bit excessive, his words made some sense.

“Of course, but the ugly words are ahead,” Dustin said calmly. “I am not responsible for any sequelae after your sister wakes up.”

“Hmph! Stop scaring people here! As long as you can revive Noemi, I will bear all the consequences,” Conor shouted with his head held high.

“Doctor Rhys, please. I would like to know whether it is the waves from behind in the Yangtze River that push the waves ahead, or someone is playing tricks on me.” Zizi said it in a strange tone.

Dustin nodded, said no more, and walked to the hospital bed again. He then took out the silver needle and stabbed Noemi’s forehead with a sharp needle.


As the silver needle trembled, her acupoint was filled with mystical, pure energy.

Noemi’s brows suddenly rose, her eyelids began to tremble, and her expression was a bit painful.

Now that she was weak and forced to awaken, she almost instinctively resisted.

The eyes under her eyelids began to roll back and forth, and the frequency became faster and faster.

Three minutes later,.

Dustin pulled out the silver needle, exhaled slightly, and said, “That’s almost it. Your sister will wake up within a stick of incense.”

“Hmph! Pretending! I don’t believe you really have this ability!” Conor sneered.

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. Anyway, I have done everything I have to do. No matter what the consequences are, you will bear them yourself,” Dustin said expressionlessly.

He had solved the voodoo poison in Noemi’s body, which was considered to have fulfilled Grace’s instructions. As for any subsequent mistakes, he didn’t bother to ask.

“Okay, I’m tired. Let’s go back and rest first. You guys can take care of yourself.” Dustin yawned, said no more, turned around, and prepared to leave.

“Stop!” Conor suddenly stood in front of him and said, with a fierce look on his face, “Boy! Who told you to leave? I just made it very clear that unless Noemi wakes up, you won’t be able to walk out of this door today.”

“I told you that she could wake up with just one stick of incense. Can’t you understand people?” Dustin was a little impatient.

“Don’t talk about a stick of incense, not even a second!” Conor shouted.

“Get out of the way; otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!” Dustin’s eyes grew colder.

He had long disliked Conor. If the other party really didn’t know how to praise him, he wouldn’t mind teaching him a lesson.

Conor threatened fiercely, “What? Are you guilty of being a thief? You want to take the opportunity to run away, right? I tell you, it’s impossible! If something happens to Noemi today, I will ensure your burial alongside her.”

“Do you have the ability?” Dustin looked indifferent.

“Hmph! You don’t know how high the world is; today I will show you the world’s methods!” Conor’s eyes turned cold as he was about to take action.

Noemi groaned softly on the hospital bed and suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Conor was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

“Wake up, wake up! Sister is finally awake!” Kassidy cheered, looking particularly excited. She really didn’t expect that Dustin could revive her sister so quickly.

“Awake? How is that possible?!”

Zizi was struck by lightning, his face full of horror. He always thought that Dustin used some dirty tricks to deceive people. But Noemi’s awakening completely broke his illusion.

It turned out that the other party was not a liar but had real materials. He was shocked, frustrated, and ashamed when he realized that he, the renowned miracle doctor, was not as good as a young man.

No matter how dissatisfied he was, he had to admit that the other party was the wave behind the Yangtze River, pushing it ahead.

“Mr. Conor, don’t you want to wake up from your dream? How are you now? Do you still question Dr. Rhys’s medical skills?” Grace said it with bright eyes.

One sentence made Conor’s face turn hot, and he was speechless.

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