An Understated Dominance Chapter 2235 [4469–4470]

An Understated Dominance Chapter 2235 [4469–4470]-As the fight between the two poisons became more intense, Noemi’s nosebleeds increased more and more, and her body began to convulse slightly.

Dustin sat motionless, pressing his palms on Noemi’s back, constantly instilling mystical pure energy into it.

The meridians in Noemi’s body were broken again and again and repaired by Dustin again and again.

The cycle repeated like this and lasted for about one stick of incense.

After one stick of incense, the two poisons in Noemi’s body had been exhausted, and he became calmer. His expression was no longer painful, and his nostrils no longer bled.

Although his face was still pale, his pulse was steady, and his breath was long, indicating that he had obviously passed the critical period.

Only then did Dustin slowly let go and stop the treatment.

“The voodoo poison in Noemi’s body has been cleared, and there is nothing serious for the time being. However, he still needs to take good care of himself in the future, and he must not use force.” Dustin stood up and warned.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely, and his face was pale. It was obvious that he had consumed a lot of energy.

“My sister, is she really okay?” Kassidy’s beautiful eyes widened, with a bit of nervousness and apprehension.

“If there’s anything wrong, you can go over and see for yourself.” Dustin didn’t explain too much. He slumped down on the chair and started drinking tea.

Continuously using a large amount of energy was a bit overwhelming, no matter how good his foundation was.

Fortunately, Noemi was successfully rescued in the end, and Dustin’s hard work was not in vain.

Kassidy took a deep breath, walked carefully to the hospital bed, and began to check Noemi’s physical condition. It was not until she found that Noemi’s breath was even and strong and her pulse was beating normally that she finally smiled.

“Great, great! My sister is finally safe and sound!” Kassidy burst into tears of joy.

She had cleaned up Dustin before, just to treat a dead horse as a live doctor, and did not have high expectations. She did not expect that the other party would actually cure her sister.

It’s true that people can’t be judged by their appearance!

“Dustin, thank you for your hard work.” Grace breathed a long sigh of relief and finally showed a smile on her face.

Others might not know it, but she knew very well how much the people in front of her had paid to save Noemi.

It was no exaggeration to say that Dustin was risking his own life.

The reason why the other party put so much effort into it was largely because of her face.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

“Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. It’s not a big deal.” Dustin smiled faintly.

“Is it really cured?”

Conor’s face was full of shock, and he couldn’t believe it.

He immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand to explore Noemi’s wrist, and soon showed a strange expression.

Because he was surprised to find that Noemi’s weak pulse had become strong and powerful, no different from that of a normal person.

how so?

Could it be that that boy, Dustin, is really some kind of miraculous doctor?

“Doctor Rhys, oh no! Divine Doctor Rhys!” After Kassidy confirmed that her sister was out of danger, she quickly walked to Dustin and bowed, “Thank you for saving my sister. Your great kindness will be remembered by our world. In my heart, no matter what your needs are, we will try our best to meet them.”

“I was invited by Miss Linsor to come here for treatment. If you want to thank her, just thank her.” Dustin took the opportunity to pass the credit to Grace.

“Sister Linsor, thank you very much!” Kassidy clasped her fists at Grace.

If before she was still a little prejudiced against the person in front of her, now she is deeply grateful.

“You’re welcome; Noemi and I are close friends. How could I stand by and watch something happen to her?” Grace smiled slightly.

“No matter what, you two are great benefactors of our Celestial Alliance. If you two need help in the future, our Celestial Alliance will definitely help you.” Kassidy assured with a serious look.

“Wait…” At this time, Conor suddenly asked, “Although Noemi’s vital signs have returned to normal, why has she not woken up? What is the reason?”

Although, on the surface, Noemi was saved, Conor still had doubts in his heart.

Maybe the other party used some strange means to give Noemi a brief flashback, thereby achieving the effect of deceiving the superiors and concealing the inferiors.

“The patient’s body is too weak. Although she has been cured of the voodoo, she still needs a good rest.” Dustin explained calmly.

“Hmph! These are all your one-sided words. How do I know you are not lying? What if Noemi never wakes up?” Conor squinted his eyes with a suspicious look.

“What do you mean? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?” Dustin frowned slightly.

Conor was really an annoying green-headed fly.

Since the beginning of her treatment, Conor has been chattering beside Dustin and has never stopped.

Now that Noemi was out of danger, he was still messing around here. He deserved a beating.

“I did it just in case, to prevent some liars from fishing in troubled waters.”

Conor said with a righteous look, “You said you cured Noemi; yes, as long as you let her wake up today, I will admit your medical skills and generous rewards!”

At this point, Conor suddenly changed the topic: “Of course! If Noemi can’t wake up, it will only prove that you are a liar. Then, don’t blame me for being rude!”

7 thoughts on “An Understated Dominance Chapter 2235 [4469–4470]”

  1. Even there is a same scenario as previous, it will give me more existing
    But is it for me or is it really , I think the content of one day chapter is too short now
    Doesn’t it😅

  2. The content is too short and very predictable. Move from one scene to another. Three to 4 days in one scene is not exciting

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